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Employment generation class 10 th jkbose



UNIT - 2

Short Answers:

Q1.Identify places of religious pilgrimage in Jammu and Kashmir.

Ans. Amarnath CaveKashmir

Hazratbal ShrineKashmir

MataVaishno Devi ShrineJammu

Hemis GuppaLadakh

Shankarachariya templeKashmir

Shahadara Shrief-Baderwah

Q2. Write down the main principles of PPP.

Ans: PPP is Public Private Partnership in which private enterprise help the  government to undertake development project by sharing profits. The main principles of PPP are - It is executed with 50:50 cost sharing between the government and the private sector. The profit is shared on 50:50 basis.

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Q3. What is the role of  Handicraft sector in employment generation in Jammu and Kashmir?

Ans. The Handicraft sector in Jammu and Kashmir occupies an important   position in economic activity. It employs nearly 4-5 lakh artisans with about 179major craft clusters. It generates a revenue of nearly  Rs. 1000 crore. The handicraft sector is major employment generator. The sector is facing problem due to lack of poor quality control, obsolete designs,  exploitative middlemen  and competition from machine made fabrics.

Q4.Write a short not on Micro small and Macro scale industries in employment generation.

Ans: The role of micro small and medium enterprises in socio economic development is well established. The sector has not done well in the state due to inadequate local demand, poor credit flow and interest from markets. Govt. will have to pump in money in the sector through state financial corporation and PMEGP. It would have to find markets for the finished goods.

Q5. How employment potential in Jammu and Kashmir can be increased?

Ans: The economy of Jammu and Kashmir has suffered hugely due to uncertain conditions prevalent in the state from the last two decades. It is not possible for the govt. to provide jobs to all. New opportunities have to be created in private sector. 

New gainful employment opportunities can be identified in the field of agriculture, handlooms and handicrafts, tourism and travel, education and health, IT sector, construction sector etc. The government needs to provide financial assistance to youth to start their own entrepreneurs. Loans can be provided to youth to encourage them to start their own businesses.

Q6. Name the programmers conducted by Infosys Development Centres.

Ans: faculty Enhancement programmer (FEEP) was conducted by Infosys to train nearly 4900 faculty members from engineering institutions.

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Q7.Discuss the role of tourism in generating  employment in Jammu and Kashmir.

Ans: Tourism has been one of the main stay of J&K state's economy. The state presents diverse ethnic and religious, culture and linguistic strands  which have their own peculiar tourism resources. The valley of Kashmir is famous for its scenic beauty while as Jammu is famous for  Vaishno Devi temples  and Ladakh area is famous for Gompas. Thousands of domestic and foreign  tourists visit J&K to visit these places. Thus, tourism has a high potential to generate  huge employment in the state. It is a labour intensive industry which has different  types of employment for skilled, semi skilled and unskilled person. It generates large scale direct and indirect employment. Jobs are created in various sectors  of state economy, viz. Hotels, restaurants, House boasts, transport service, 

travel agents, guides etc. The tourist during the visit to the state purchase local  products like shawl, carpet, wooden carving, Jewellery, paper machine etc.  Increase in the demand for such products provides employment to local artisans, carpenters, wood carvers, etc.

Q8. Write down sectoral initiative by the government to generate employment in  Jammu and Kashmir.

Ans: The sectoral initiatives initiated by the government are; 

It has increased public investment in the poultry sector. Emphasis has been laid  on tackling disease  and infertility in dairy.  The state must initiate a PPP policy  that will enhance sectors like handicrafts, handloom and  transport .  Regular  flights  connection  different  regions  in  the  state,   developing  tourist  circuits, training youth in hospitality and adventure tourism  can be done in PPP mode. 
 A carpet cluster and a skill development scheme for craftsmen has been  started by the government. Programmes like MSME has been initiated by  the   state in collaboration with JKSFC and PMEGP for bringing Sustainable growth  and jobs. Much has to be done in IT/BPO sector. The sector has attracted   a   number  of young entrepreneurs. Govt. needs to encourage private investments and create infrastructure in terms of IT/BPO park

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Short Answers Type Questions:-

Q1. Identify places of religious pilgrimage in Jammu and Kashmir.

Ans. The places of religious pilgrimage in J&K are- 

Hazratbal-- shrine,--Dargah srinagar

Amarnath-- Pahalgam Anantnag

Cave, Mata vaishno Devi,--Katra jammu

 Gompas and Monestaries,--Leh Ladakh 

 Khir Bhawani Temple,--Tulmula Ganderbal

Gurdawara chatty Patshahi etc.-- srinigar 

Q2. Write down the main principles of PPP.

Ans. PPP is Public Private Partnership in which private enterprise 
help the govt to undertake development project by sharing profits. 
The main principles of the PPP are as.

(i) Efficiency/ Quality:- It can be obtained through inclusion of the 
private sector in the provision of public goods.

(ii) Volume:- Given the public financial constraints, PPP projects increase  the volume of investments that can be delivered during a given time period

(iii) Competition:- An opportunity for private players to enter in a long term  investments in the public domain builds a sense of competitiveness among them  as each player tries to capture a greater share of the pie.

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Q3. What is the role of Handicraft sector in employment generation in J&K?

Ans. The Handicraft sector in J&K occupies a pivotal position in employment generation in J&K

(i) A fine tradition of craftsman, employing 4-5 lakh artisans of Jammu and Kashmir 

(ii) Engaged with 179 major craft clusters and revenue generation of Rs 1000 to 2000 crore .

(iii) Highly Labour intensive.

(iv) In 2010-11, the production of the handicraft sector has increased to  Rs 1650.30 crores thereby registering annual average growth of 14%,

Q4. Write a brief note on Micro small and  Medium scale industries in employment generation.

Ans. The role of Micro, small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) in socio- economic development and employment generation is well established. The sector has not done well in the state due to a number of reasons including inadequate local demand, poor credit flows and distance from markets. Sharp focus on improving access to financial by reviving the J&K state Financial corporation (JKSFC), increasing the scope of prime Minister's Employment Guarantee programme (PMEGP) and purchase preferences in govt procurement will help the revival of this sector in J&K.

Q5. How employment potential in J&K can be increased?

Ans. Taken together with the jobs in other formal establishments, the share of regular salaried jobs in the employment generation programme is not  expected to be substantial. Therefore other avenues would have to be explored for providing sustainable employment to the people of the state  particularly through the following two routes.

(i) Accelerating the rate of economic growth of the state.

(ii) More effective implementation of  employment oriented  schemes and programmes.

Q6. Name the programmes conducted by Infosys development Centres.

Ans. Infosys Development centres conducted the programme of Faculty Enhancement Programme (FFP) which have trained 4900 faculty members from engineering institutions.

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Q7. Discuss the role of tourism in generating  employment in J&K?

Ans. Tourism is a growing market and is showing tremendous growth in the current scenario. Tourism makes an enormous contribution to local economies through job creation and sustainable development:

(i) Tourism is considered as bedrock of the economy as it gives boost to other  sectors of the economy, like, handicrafts, handlooms, transport and trade etc.

(ii) It provides direct employment to various service providers directly like guides,  travel agents, poney walas, sledge walas, hotel owners, houseboat and motorboat owners.

(iii) Pilgrimage tourism provides an extra boost to the state's economy as  it attracts large number of pilgrims from various parts of India.

(iv) This sector has great potential for employment generation even for the people without specialized  skill. It also helps in the expansion of employment opportunities as it is Labour intensive industry in which we find different types of employment for skilled, semi skilled and unskilled persons.

(vi) Revenue earnings of the tourism sector are estimated to be Rs 4692.92 lakh during the financial year 2011-12.

(vii) During the year 2011, tourist arrivals to Kashmir valley was recorded at 13.144 lakh recording an impressive growth of 78.5% over previous year.

Q8. Write down Sectoral initiatives by the govt to generate employment in J&K.

Ans. Sectoral initiatives by the govt to generate employment in J&K are:

(i) Livestock Sector:- The highly labour intensive livestock sector with its capacity  to cater to the poor and absorb large number of skilled and unskilled  workers. Increased public investment in the poultry sector, emphasis on tackling diseases and infertility in diary, improvised agronomic practices for quality  fodder production in specific areas which will increase the employment  potential of the sector and attract private investments.

(i) Tourism sector. The state must put in place a PPP policy that will address land related concerns in a practical manner for the tourism sector especially in creating hotels and resorts. The other initiatives are regular flights connecting different regions in the state developing tourist circuits, training youth in the hospitality and adventure tourism and creating an integrated online tourism portal in PPP mode,.

(iii) Handicraft Sector:- Both the central and state governments have taken number of initiatives to address these growth bottlenecks like establishing a carpet cluster in Srinagar area, obtaining a Geographical indication for Sozni embroidery pashmina and Kani Shawls and starting a skill development scheme for craftsmen

(iv) Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Sharp focus on 

Improving access to finance by reviving the Jammu and Kashmir state  Financial corporation (JKSFC), increasing the scope of prime Minister's Employment Guarantee programme (PMEGP) and purchase preferences in govt procurement will help the revival of this  sector in J&K

(V) IT/BPO:- An immediate "Quick Win" starting would be lo connect all the districts on a priority basis, develop an operational SWAN network, simplify procedures to encourage private investments and create infrastructure in terms of UT/BPO parks.

Q9. Write a brief note on Mansar lake.

Ans. Mansar lake is situated at 62 km (39 miles) from Jammu. It is a beautiful lake fringed by half a mile in width. It is also a holy site, sharing the legend and sanctity of Lake Mansarovar.

Q10. Which place in J&K is known as Chotta Kashmir.

Ans. Bhaderwah.

Q11. In 2012, how many tourists visited Amarnath cave in Kashmir.

Ans. 6,21,000

Q12.How many scholarships may be awarded  per anum for next 5 years in j&k under 'Special Scholarship Scheme of J&K (SSSj&k) 

Ans. 5000

Fill in blanks;

(ix) Hari Parbat is situated in Periphery of Srinagar eity.

(x) Kokernag is famous for Largest fresh water spring in Kashmir.

(xi) Dogra Art Musuem is famous for Dogra Cultural Heritage.

(xii) The river Jhelum is famous for its Pictorial beauty and nine bridges.

(xiii) Full of PPP is Public private partiership.

(xiv) Paper machine handicraft is produced in Kashmir.

(xv) Kashmir carpets are exported to foreign countries in Middle-east and Europe.

(xvi) Hemis Gumpas are situated at Hemis,


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