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Life Class 8th english



Q1. What answer did the stars give to the wind?

Ans:-The stars replied that the life of dependence is no life when the moon is not around and they shine with  their own brightness, they feel the power and an existence of their own so having and enjoying their own light is life for them.

Q2.What was the moon's reply to the wind?

The respond of the moon isn't encouraging as it is not glad with its lot at all, It replies that it is unwell and dead because the light it shines with ,is not it's own but borrowed.

Q3. What was the ocean's response?

Ans:- The ocean is pretty humble in its response. It says that knowing ones limits and keeping one's dignity is it's way of life. It in addition says that diluting the bitter experiences and taking them as pearls and rubies can be called life in the real sense of the word. Besides, it produces clouds that in turn give rain which is important for retaining the life.

Q4. What was the earth's reply to the question put forth to her by the wind?

Ans:- The earth replies that whatever water it receives from clouds, rivers and streams, it stores it in pure trust and afterward quenches the thirst of the dry land. So, this taking and giving is the real life.

Q5.What was the little girl doing when the wind saw her?

Ans:-When the wind noticed the little girl, she was lighting a few lamps with the one that was already alight in her hand.

Q6.Why was the wind impressed by the little girl?

Ans. The wind was impressed by the little, innocent girl because she made the wind understand the actual meaning of life. The answer she gave to the wind was pretty logical and appropriate to the wind.

Q7. Why did the wind join the little giri?

A. The wind joined the little girl as it was impressed with the answer she gave. it appreciated the girl's act and most significantly found the answer to it's haunting query So, it joined the girl in her noble act happily. 


I. Choose appropriate filler for the following.. 

1. He tames because of he

Ans: (c), He is fond of them.

2. He is so lazy that he

Ans: (c), He can seldom complete his work.

3. Whichever way you approach the problem

Ans: (d), It will not be solved.

4. The doctor warns him that unless he gives up smoking

Ans: (d), He will not recover.

II. Write two synonyms of each of the following Words:

1. Abhor = Hate, Detest, Dislike, Despise

2. Betray = Expose, Reveal, Deceive, Grass

3. Counsel = Advice, Discuss, Guidance, Direction

4. Delight = Please, Satisfy, Pleasure, Happiness, Joy

5. Educate = Amend, Improve, Teach, Instruct

6. Fate = Destiny, Fortune, Luck

7. Generous = Benevolent, Big-hearted, Lavish, Liberal

8. Hasty = Quick, Speedy, Hurried, Swift, Rapid, Fast

9. Intellectual = Knowledgeable, Intelligent, Logical, Scholarly

10. Justice = Fairness, Impartiality, Rightfulness, Uprightness

11. Languid = Lazy, weak, Unhurried, Unenergetic, Relaxed

12. Mend = Aid, Patch, Repair, Fix, Restore

13. Nonsense = Senseless, Gibberish, Babble, Drivel

14. Obstacle = The difficulty, Problem, Complication, Hindrance, Restraint

15. Palatable = Edible, Pleasant, Tasty, Satisfying

16. Queer = Unusual, Unexpected, Odd, Expose, Endanger

17. Religious = Sacred, Spiritual, Holy, Pious, Puritan

18. Sober = Temperate, Moderate, Intoxicated, Serious

19. Transient = Fleeting, Passing, Brief, Temporary, Short-lived

20. Urge =Need, Wish, Impulse, Itch, Craving


Write the following sentences inserting ‘to’ wherever necessary before the infinitive in brackets:

1. I have no money (lend) you.

Ans. I have no money to lend you.

2. We saw the thief (run).

Ans. We saw the thief running.

3. We heard her (sing).

Ans. We heard her singing.

4. They watched their team (play).

Ans. They watched their team play.

5. He made us (wait) for a long time.

Ans. He made us wait for a long time.

6. Let him (work).

Ans. Let him work.

7. Need I (come) tomorrow?

Ans. Need I to come tomorrow?

8. Do you wish to make (make) a complaint?

Ans. Do you wish to make a complaint?

9. A heard a hen (crow) and got up.

Ans. He heard a hen crowing and got up.

10. How dare you (read my letter? Ans. How dare you to read my letter?

11. It is up to you (increase) your knowledge.

Ans. It is up to you to increase your knowledge.

12. Bid him (go) there.

Ans. Bid him go there.

13. Goodbye! I hope (see) you again. Ans. Goodbye! I hope to see you again.

14. I would like (be) a teacher.

Ans. I would like to be a teacher.

15. He learned (swim) when he was ten years old.

Ans. He learned to swim when he was ten years old.

16. I’m tired. I want (go) to bed.

Ans. I’m tired. I want to go to bed.

17. What have you decided (do)?

Ans. What have you decided to do?

18. We should learn (speak) the truth. Ans. We should learn to speak the truth.

19. Where is Sumaya? I need (ask) her something.

Ans. Where is Sumaya? I need to ask her something.

20. I’m trying (concentrate). Please stop talking.

Ans. I’m trying to concentrate. Please stop talking.

Let’s Write:

 Write a dialogue (100-150 words) on ‘Life is Gift’.

Aatira: Hello Ibrah, how is your life going on?

Ibrah : I’m spending my days pretty well.

Aatira: OK Ibrah. Now tell me, how were your exams?

Ibrah : Oh yes, I’ve done very well. I expect this year I will come out with flying colours

Aatira: Oh that’s great! I wish for your great success. How’s your friend, Bareeka? I’ve not seen her for the last few months.

Ibrah: Aatira, as you know our friend had been suffering from severe cough and cold from the last few weeks …..And now she is feeling better.

Aatira : Thank God! That is Really a good news 

Ibrah: Actually she was living in Gangyal area of jammu city which is the pollution-prone area through out the jammu and she was a little  careless about her health.

Aatira: Oh yes, it is certainly said that health is a gift and we must take great care of our health.. 

Summary of poem

There is a communicate happening among the Wind, The Stars, the Moon, the Ocean, the Cloud, the Earth and the Little Girl. The Wind poses the identical query to each one of these. The query is ‘what is life?’ Each of these gives a unique answer. The Stars answer that to shine with one’s very own brightness is life. In the absence of the moon, they shine brightly and they feel free. Every star feels that it has some power to have hundreds of thousands of companions around. The stars also feel that they are a huge family. The Moon complains that she has black spots on her. She is lifeless. She has borrowed light which seems like a shroud. Being the child of the ocean is her lot. For the Ocean, life is penance or renunciation and it is important to understand one’s limits and keep one’s dignity. His salty waters produce pearls and cause rain.

The Cloud says that to rain at the proper time and at the proper place and to lose itself and give away its being in pleasure and self-abandon is good, however the real-life is to rain on hills that are in dire want of drops of water. The Earth responds saying that life is love. For her taking and giving is real life. She sustains human beings. After getting worn-out in the end the Wind sees a Little Girl who informs her that she is the life of this creation. The Wind sees her lighting a few new lamps with the lamp that is alight. On being requested why she has kept some lamps unlighted; the Little Girl says it is no use to light them as they haven't any oil in them. The Wind likes the game so much that she joins the Little Girl.. 

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