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Polo-The King Of Games


Polo-The King of Games

Class 8 Sub: English

Answer The following Questions:

Q1. Why is polo called the King of Games?

Ans:- Polo is called the king of the game because it was played and patronized by ancient kings. Elite class , Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great are some of the famous kings who used to play polo. 

Q2. Where did polo originate?

Ans:- There is no documentation or definite proof of its origin. But it is generally believed that it originated in Central Asia. 

Q3. What was the status of polo during the Mughal reign?

 Ans: During the Mughal era, polo was the national game of India. During this period, it was patronized by kings and nobles, and was widely used in the provinces of the empire and the courts of Rajput kings. 

Q4. In whose reign did polo come to Ladakh and how?

Ans: Polo came to Ladakh in the reign of Jamyang Namgyal in 16" century. He married a princess from Baltistan namely Gyal Khatun, in the territory of Gyal Khatoon polo was very popular. Jamyang Namgyal  watched people playing polo there and later on introduced it in his native territory. However others believe that it was brought by a colony of Baltics.

Q5. How is polo played in Ladakh?

 Ans: In Ladakh, polo is played with  intensity and vigour .the matches are played in the late afternoon each team consists of six players ,and game losts for an hour ,with special break of ten minutes ,  Special  type of music is played at the beginning and end and when goals are scored.

Q6. How is polo in Ladakh different from the international format?

Ans: The polo in Ladakh is different from the current international format in number of players and duration of match . Here, each team consists of 6 players, and games last  for an hour with a 10-minute break.

Language work

Following is a dialogue between Arman and Shaila. Sum up the dialogue in a brief paragraph:

Arman: Polo is called the king of games.

Shaila: Why?

Arman: Because in its early history it was played by kings only. It originated in central Asia.

Shaila: That’s funny.

Arman: Two teams with six players each try to score goals against each other. The players are on horseback and strike the ball with mallet.

Shaila: What are the rules?

Arman: The game is divided into halves and the team scoring nine goals wins.

Shaila: Is it dangerous?

Arman: of course! The pace of the game besides the horses and the mallets make it exciting and dangerous.


Polo is called the king of games because in its early history it was played by kings only. It originated in central Asia. It is like hockey on horseback. The players are on horseback and strike the ball with a mallet. Two teams with six players each try to score goals against each other. The game is divided into halves and the team scoring nine goals wins.

Grammar work

In the following sentences the underlined words are prepositions:

1. The boy is in the car.

2. I joined this office in 2008.

3. Somebody is at the door.

4. Cows feed on the grass.

5. The murderer was brought to the court.

6. He jumped into the river.

Now in the following sentences, use the correct preposition out of the given options:

1. The boy jumped ………..the fence quickly. (over/across)

Ans. across

2. My colleagues stood .......... me in my hour of grief. (with/by)

Ans. by

3. A dog fell………a ditch. (in/into)

Ans. into

4. We go  to the bed ……. 1 pm. (at/in)

Ans. at

5. She is leaving………….Delhi on 6 March. (to/for)

Ans. for

6. The thieves are……………bars now. (behind /before)

Ans. behind

7. Urba and Saba are taking meals ……….. plates.(from/in)

Ans. in

8. I cannot part………this book. (with/from)

Ans. from

9. He ran…… …the field to search for the rabbit. (in/across)

Ans. across

Complete the following paragraph by filling in the correct prepositions:

Sri Lanka won the toss and elected….. bat. They needed 232 runs win and were hopeful of victory because they thought the score would be chased down…… ease. Their top three batsmen fell……. a mere 54 runs which brought the middle order……. pressure. The next two batsmen scored 71 runs 122 balls but they soon lost wickets important moments. They were forced…… lose the match 30 runs……..6 balls remaining. Australia’s McKay finished…… 5 wickets 28 runs. Their victory Sri Lanka has put them the top of the rankings.

Ans. Sri Lanka won the toss and elected to bat. They needed 232 runs to win and were hopeful for victory because they thought the score would be chased down with ease. 
Their top three batsmen fell at a mere 54 runs which brought the middle order in pressure. The next two batsmen scored 71 runs in 122 balls but they soon lost wickets at important moments. They were forced to lose the match by 30 runs with 6 balls remaining. Australia’s McKay finished with 5 wickets for 28 runs. Their victory over Sri Lanka has put them on the top of the rankings.

Let’s Write

Write an essay (200-250 words) on your favourite game.

A huge variety of games are famous in our country. Some of them are of foreign origin. Others are indigenous (desi). The most famous games in the cities are hockey, cricket, foot-ball, volleyball, tennis, badminton. In the villages, the indigenous games are still played. They are kabaddi, gulli-danda and wrestling. The game I like most is cricket.

The most famous sport in the cities now-a-days is cricket. It is a game of western origin. It is played usually from September to March. Cricket is played among two teams each consisting of 11 gamers. Each team has a captain. There are two umpires to supervise the game. The game is played in an open ground. The pitch on which balls are thrown is twenty-two yards lengthy and ten feet wide. At both the ends of the pitch 3 stumps are fixed in the ground.

The different equipment's required for the sport are bats, a ball, hand gloves and pads: The standard dress of cricket gamers is a white shirt and white pant. When the sport starts, two batsmen of the batting teams take their place at each of the stumps. The captain of the fielding side fields and places the gamers at different places. The umpires take their places as the bowling starts. Six balls are thrown in an over. After the over, the ball is thrown from the other side.

The game of cricket is very interesting. It is a pleasure to observe the batsmen driving, cutting and hooking the balls. The bowlers also show great skill. The fielders are also very alert. They might rarely let a ball go to enable the batsmen to make runs. Sometimes fine catches bring pleasure to all the viewers

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