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The Tempest-II Class 9th English Lesson 6 partv1st


Farid hussain bhat







Q.1 What did Mirandra at first think Ferdinand was and why? Was Ferdinand and Mirandra's love at first sight?

Ans: When Mirandra saw Ferdinand, she thought that it was a spirit. It is because she had not seen any human being so far and Ferdinand had a noble and beautiful appearance. The love between Mirandra and Ferdinand was love at first sight.

Q.2 Why did Prospero pretend to think that Ferdinand was a spy?

Ans: Prospero pretended to think that Ferdinand was a spy because he wanted to test Ferdinand's love for Mirandra. 

Q. 3 What was the task that Prospero gave Ferdinand?

Ans: Prospero gave Ferdinand the task of piling up heavy logs.

Q.4 What made Ferdinand's labour scem light?

Ans: The presence of Mirandra made Ferdinand's labour light.

Q.5 What were the King and his party doing in the meantime?

Ans: The king and his party were wondering on the island and were searching for Ferdinand . 

Q. 6 Why were they amazed to see Prospero?

Ans: They were amazed to see Prospero because they had believed , that prospero would be dead due to drowning in the sea . 

Q.7 Prospero told the King that he had lost his daughter in the tempest and in a sense he was right. Can you say in what sense?

Ans: Prospero was right in telling the king that he had lost his daughter in the tempest in the sense of her love for Ferdinand.

Q.8 Why did Prospero give up magic powers?

Ans: Prospero gave up his magic power because he had no use of them further.

Q.9 What was Ariel's last service to his master?

Ans: Ariel's last service to his master was that he helped them with favourable winds for their ship to sail for Naples.


1.Find from the lesson words or phrases which mean the following:

1. (A phrase meaning) to; for the purpose= In order to

2. A person who tries to get secret information about an enemy country= Spy

3. Examine two things side by side; how are different or like each other= compare


1. (A phrase meaning) meanwhile=Meantime

2. Any more; to a greater distance= At a distance

3. A hard test= Trail Trial

4. (An adjective meaning) having done wrong; having done a crime or a sin=Guilty

5. Bad; wicked; sinful= Evil

6. An action (of any kind); a thing that is done= Deed

7. An action such a murder or stealing; a very bad action=Crime

8. Be sorry for something one has done= Repent,

1. Destruction of ship by storm, etc=Shipwreck

2. Visible= That can be seen                                                                                                         (Section-III)

2. Give the antonyms of:

•Good fortune= Misfortune.

• Far= Near

• Innocent= Guilty

• Evil= Noble.

•Loss= Gain.


•Perish=Survive /Live

•Remember= Forget

•Loyal= Disloyal.

3. Give the noun forms of the following and use them in your own sentences:

•  Lose (loss)= Due to a big loss in business, he committed suicide.

• Guilty (Guilt): Guilt is a bad habit of people,

• Reconcile  (Reconciliation) : The reconciliation between them made their families happy

• try (Trial): The criminal has trial in the court,

• Amaze (Amazement): His amazement made to me to sing,

 • Give (Gift): He take a wonderful gift on her birthday party,

• Imagine (Imagination): I am optimist in my imagination,

•Pretend (Pretence): He is making pretence in his behavior,

•Repent (Repentance): Repentance on sins makes one happy.

•Treat (Treatment): Her treatment surprised me.

4. Use the following phrases in your own sentences:

•At the first sight= I recognize her at the first sigh

•In the meantime= I will come back in the meantime,

• In order to= We eat in order to live.

• In possession of= He is in possession of hundreds of buildings.

•In store= What is in store for him?

• To be shipwrecked= It is very

•horrible to be shipwrecked.

•Hang upon= He has hung upon your answer.


Q How did Prospero test Ferdinand's love? How did Ferdinand stand the test?

Ans: When Prospero pretend to think that Ferdinand was spy, he assigned Ferdinand the task of piling up some heavy logs. Being a difficult task, Ferdinand do it for the sake of Miranda. When Miranda offered help to Ferdinand, he did not let her do it . From a distance Prospero was watching all of this and realized that Ferdinand loved Miranda truly and passed the test successfully.


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