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The Tempest -I Class 9th English Lesson no 6


Farid hussain bhat







Q.1 Who was Ariel, and how did he come to be Prospero's servant?

Ans: Ariel was a spirit, imprisoned by Sycorax, a witch, in the heart of a pine tree, Prospero released him by the power of his magic and he became prospero's  faithful servant. 

Q.2 Who was Callban? What did he look like?

Ans; Caliban was the son of Sycorax, a witch He looked more like a fish than a man.

Q.3 What did Miranda ask Prospers to do when she saw the ship caught in the tempest?

Ans: When Miranda saw the ship caught in the tempest she asked Prospero to end the tempest if he had raised this by his power of magic.

Q.4 What did Prospero say he raised the tempest for?

Ans: Prospero said that he had raised the tempest for the  Miranda . But In reality, Prospero had raised the tempest for the unification of Miranda and Ferdinand

Q.5 Why did Prospero leave the management of state affairs to Antonio?

Ans. Prospero left the management of the state affairs to his brother, Antonio, because his chief aim in life was knowledge. The wealth and other worldly things didn't matter for too much 

Q. 6 Who helped Antonio to seize the throne?

Ans: Antonio was helped by the king of Naples and some ministers who were bribed by Antonio to seize the throne,

Q.7 What did Antonio's soldiers do?

Ans: The soldiers of Antonio took Prospero out of his palace on one dark night and put him in an oid and damaged ship to perish. Miranda was mere baby crying in his arms at that time

Q.8 How did old Ganzalo help Prospero?

Ans: Old Gonzalo helped Prospero by storing food, water clothes and some books, which Prospero valued more than his dukedom, in the ship secretly.

Q.9 Who were in the ship that was caught in the tempest?

Ans: Antonio, king of Naples, Ferdinand, old Gonzalo and other enemies of Prospero were in the ship that was caught in the tempest.

Q. 10 What did Ariel remind Prospero of, when Prospero mentioned more work?

Ans: Ariel reminded Prospero of his promise to free him after the task assigned to him had been done, when Prospero mentioned him more work.


1. Complete the following:

1) Using the materials repeatedly in different forms is called Recycling.

2) Trees are saved by recycling Waste paper

3) Recycling also saves Energy.

4) Presence of any undesirable or contaminated substance in the environment is called Waste (Pollution).

5) Half a can of petrol can be saved by reusing An aluminum can.

2. Write the synonyms of the followingand make the sentences on you own:

Scare=Shortage: The shortage of food is a main problem for our country

  •  Expensive= Costly: I have brought a costly gift for her.

  • Save=Secure: Secure yourself from smoking.

  • Pose= Position: He has got a good position in his office.

  • Product= Make: Haste makes waste.

3. Use the following phrases and idioms in sentences of your own.

  • For one's sake: It is for his sake that I became his friend.

  •  In favour of: I wiil support in favour of Faisai.

  •  In the midst of: In the midst of exaininations he fell ill.

  •  Keep one's head: He failed to keep his head in the conflict.

  • On one's hand: The case of theft is still on his hand.

  • Remind of: I will remind of you the promise.

4. Find from the lesson words which mean the following:

  •  Without companions, a long way from men and life: Lonely

  • Nothing more than; only= Mere

  • Cause to rise or appear: bring about Raise

  • Set free= Release

  •  Try hard against difficulties; fight=Struggle

  • (a phrase meaning) in the middle part  In the midst of

  • Be destroyed; lose life= Perish

  • Thing that one owns= Possession

  • During that time= Mean while

  • Be bold or brave enough (to do something)= Dare

  • Spoiled or broke; so made less useful= Damaged

  • Cause to remember; bring to the mind= Remind

  •  That is to say; the same as= Just as

  • Paja (Notes treaptved By: Faried Sir

5. Make nouns of the following adjectives and verbs:

  •  Loyal= Loyalty

  • Favour= Favourable (adjective). Favourite (noun)

  • Perform= Performance

  • Struggle= Struggle

  • Magical= Magician

  • Plot= Plot


Q. Write briefly how Antonio tried to get rid of Prospero and how  Prospero escaped death.

Ans: When Prospero left the management of state affairs to his brother, Antonio, he grew greedy and bribed ministers of Prospero and plotted with the king of Naples, enemy of Prospero. One dark night they took Prospero and his daughter out of his palace. They put them in an old damaged ship to perish. It is due to the efforts of old Ganzalo, a kind old lord, who stored secretly the ship with food, water, clothes and Prospero's book, they survive. The favourable winds drive the ship to a lonely island and they escaped death.. 


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