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No Men are foreign Class 9th English lesson 8


Farid hussain bhat




Lesson-8: No Men Are Foreign:

(James Kirkup)

Thinking about the poem:

Q. 1 What does the poet mean by 'uniforms' in the poem?

Ans: The "Uniforms" in the poem refers to the different dresses of the people weared in different parts of the world.

Q. 2 What according to the poet makes all the people alike on the earth?

Ans: Same kind of body, breathing same air, sleeping and walking in the same way and eating in the same way make all the people alike on the earth.

Q.3 What outrages the innocence and beauty of this earth?

Ans: It is fire of the hatred that outrages the innocence and beauty of this earth.

Q.4 What message do you get from the poem?

Ans: The poem is based up on the theme that all the men are the same and no one is foreign. All the men have same kind of body. They breathe in the same way, drink same water, wear same clothes and eat same food. All the men on the earth are our brothers, so we should never hate others. By hating others we lose their love. So the crux of the poem is love and brotherhood.

Literary Devices:

1: Do you find any rhyme scheme in the poem?

Ans: No, there is  not any particular rhyme scheme in the poem. The poem is written with free verses.

2: What is the style used by the poet in the poem?

Ans: The poet has used the technique of repetition and plain logic in the poem to show his ideas.

Summary of the poem: The poem, "No Men Are Foreign” 

is an antiwar poem. The poet says that no men are strange and no countries are foreign. Under different dresses all the men have the same kind of body. All the men breathe and move in the same way. All people enjoy same sun, air and water. The poet says that peace leads to food and war leads o starvation. Everywhere
men have the same kind of hands, labour, eyes; strength and life which can be understood not heed these who tell us to hate others. By hating others we hate ourselves. By taking arms against others we are destroying our own earth.


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