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Disaster management and community Participation

Disaster Management and Community Participation






Long Answer type questions:-

1. Write in detail the role of search and rescue team during a disaster?

The first and foremost lifesaving procedure is search as well as rescue of victims from the site of disaster without wasting the time. Search and rescue is a well- planned activity performed by either an individual or a group of specially trained professionals. The role of Search and Rescue team during a disaster is:

a. Search the victims in debris and timely rescue to safety.

b. To provide first aid to victims and transport them to hospitals on priority basis.

c. Help administration in recover, handover and dispose off dead bodies.

d. To take necessary steps in cordoning off the damaged and collapsing buildings.

e. Train local volunteers in assisting search and rescue operation besides creating

awareness on using locally available material for better use in future.

2. What should be the approach to help a fire burnt patient?

For first and second degree burns, the following approach or first aid measures can be taken.

(i) Cooling the burn: - The burnt area must be cooled using running water or cool water for about 20 minutes. If this doesn't faint the pain then immerse the burnt area in water.

(ii) Bandage and Pain Killer: - The burnt area can be next, bandaged loosely and blistered skin must be protected. Pain killers or relievers can be given to the injured if he is not allergic to it.

For third degree burns, the following approach can be adopted.

(i)Burned clothing: -The burnt clothing must not be removed off the skin but heating or smouldering materials must be removed.

(ii)No too much cold water: -Too much cold water must not be used in case of serious burns. This can deteriorate body temperature, blood pressure and circulation.

(iii) CPR: -If there is no breathing or no sign of circulation or movement, then CPR must be initiated.

(iv) Covering the area: -The burnt area must be covered with moist, sterile cloth like towels.

Elevation: -The body must be elevated, if possible above the chest portion.

3. Explain in detail the first, Second and third degree of burns.

The detail of first second and third  degree burn burns injuries are  as under;

(i) First Degree Burn:-These are superficial burns involving top layer of the skin. Skin appears red and very painful.

(iii) Second Degree Burn:-These are partial thickness burn is involving two layers named epidermis and dermis. The skin is red having blisters, very painful and the tissues are swollen and wet.

(iv) Third Degree Burn:-These are called full thickness burns and involve all the layers of skin along with deep structures like muscles, vessels and nerves. The burn areas are charred and look brown and comparatively less painful.

4. What is Safe construction Practice?

The adoption of such ways to construct or build disaster resistant buildings is known as safe construction practice. The history of earthquakes that hit our country in the recent past brought home the harsh reality that earthquakes don't kill people but unsafe buildings do. Jammu and Kashmir falls in seismic zones IV and V that represent high and very high risk for earthquake disasters. Till date we are unable to predict earthquakes and therefore can't avoid future earthquake damages. However preparedness and safe building construction practices can certainly reduce the extent of damage and loss. Buildings should be constructed to with stand natural disasters like earthquakes, landslides, cyclones and floods because building collapse during these disasters cause the maximum damage to people and property.

5. What should be the role of community during a disaster?

The community is an institution in itself, emerging as the most powerful in entire mechanism of disaster management.

a. Community representatives or leaders elected by the people themselves can effectively prepare the community before disasters and manage the grave situation during as well as post disasters.

b. The community leaders serve as the nodal body for effective management of disasters.

c. The community makes people inform, alert, self-reliant and make them capable of participating in all activities and programmes organized by NGO's or Govt. agencies.

d. Awareness and trainings of the community is particularly useful in areas which are prone to frequent disasters.

e. An effective community response can serve to diminish some of the sufferings and loss that occurs during and after disasters.


1. What equipment's should be carried by a rescuer?

The equipment's that should be carried by a rescuer are:

(a) Equipment's for personal safety of Rescues: Helmet, Life Jacket, Gumboots, Torch, Whistle

(b) Equipment's for safety of Victims: Ladders, ropes, pulley, small cutting tools, hammer, stretchers, first aid kit, bamboo sticks, barrels, air filled tubes.

(c) Ultra Modern Search equipment:- Infrared cameras, Acoustic devices, bio radars, life locators.

2. What is ABC formula in disaster management?

ABC is a method to save life by maintaining vital functions.

A-Check Airway.

B- Check for breathing

C- Circulation

3. What should be the constituents of First Aid Kit?

Every school, house hold office workplace should have a First Aid Kit of the following items.

1. Light weight box

2. Sterile cotton

3. Bandages

4. Sterile Dressings

5. Triangular bandages

6. Gloves

7. Antiseptic solution, povidone, spirit

8. Soap

9. AMBU Bag

10.Air way


12.Small towels

13.Oral Rehydration solution

Fill in the blanks:

1. 100 and 101 numbers should be dialed in case of emergency.

2. Sudden temporary loss of conscience because the temperature regulation system of the body is known as Heat Stroke.

3. A kit containing some medicines, bandages, dressings etc for immediate treatment is called as First aid kit.

4. NDMA stands for National Disaster management Authority,

5. Strengthening of old building is called as Retrofitting.

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