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Democracy and Diversity class 10th notes Lesson 3 civics


"Democracy & Diversity"

  • The presence of different socio-economic group, different religious groups, different linguistic groups, different cultural groups and different caste groups can be termed as diversity in society.
  • Political manifestation of social diversity depends on three factors, which are as follows: How people perceive their identities. If people see their identity in singular or exclusive term, it becomes difficult to accommodate social diversity, How political leaders raise the demands of any community. How the government reacts to the demands of a community. If the government accommodates the demand of a particular community in a justified way, it does wonders for the politics
  •  After independence, the constitution makers made two radical provisions, which were to frame India's destiny in the right direction. The first provision was to give the right to vote to every adult citizen of this country. Many experts in those days laughed at the idea. The reason given was a highly illiterate population was not fit to use the right judiciously. The second provision was to give reservation to the Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Triose to include them in the mainstream of the life of the nation.
  • India has seen many examples of people from the oppressed classes rising up to the high posts in country. The President's post had been graced by people from the minority communities: like Muslim and Sikh. Some Dalits had also become the President of India. India has seen a woman Prime Minister and a Woman President. India has also seen a Sikh as the Prime Minister

"Differences, Similarities, Divisions"
Q.1: What is democracy? What are its merits?
The English word Democracy is derived from two Greek words 'Demos' and "Kratia' or 'cratos Demos means crowd and Krata' or 'crutos means power. Democracy is rule by majority of the people according to certain rules and regulations which are accepted by the people of a country.  the beginning there was direct Democracy. For example, in our country the villagers used to elect their representatives for village Panchayat' by raising their in favour of their candidate. But now people cast their votes in favour of their candidates who stand for Parliament or Legislative Assemblies of states. The most famous definition which is generally quoted is of Abraham Lincoln, the great President of America. According to Lincoln, "Democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Merits: The system of Democracy has the following merits:

1. It gives equal opportunities to make progress to all the people.

2.It is above any kind of undue favour to any religion, caste, creed or colour.

3. The people are supreme and cannot be exploited by any dictator or group of persons.

4. It gives freedom of expression to the masses. It develops the intellectual level of the country.

5. In a democratic country a citizen is free to follow any kind of religion, trade etc.
This helps the citizens to develop their inherent capabilities which contribute to
the progress of the country.

Q.2: When does a social difference become a social division? (T.B.Q.2:p.37)

Ans: When different social differences overlap, one particular social difference gains in
prominence. This leads to the creation of social division and tension. For example, in
Northern Ireland, the social differences of class and religion overlap each other. The Catholics are usually ones who are poor, while the Protestants are the ones who are well off. The religious differences are accentuated by this overlap. As a result, there are conflicts between the two religious groups In other words, a social difference becomes a social division when it coincides with other social differences, which in turn serve to heighten the said difference. 

"Politics of Social Division"

Q.3: How do social divisions affect politics? Give two examples.
Ans: A combination of social divisions and politics can be really dangerous. A democracy
involves competition among various political parties. As their competition tends to divide society, if they start competing in terms of some existing social divisions, then it can convert those social divisions into political divisions, which can lead to conflict, violence and even disintegration of the country. An example of this is the disintegration of Yugoslavia in to six independent countries. However, the combination of social divisions and politics is not always negative. The
political expression of social divisions allows marginalised and disadvantaged social groups to express their grievances and ask the government to rectify them. The system of reservation of seats in Indian legislatures for the socially disadvantaged has allowed such social groups in have an adequate representation in the decision-making process.

Q.4: Discuss three factors that determine the outcomes of polities of social divisions.
Ans: Three factors which determine the outcomes of politics of social divisions:
1. The people's perception of their identities: When this is singular. the accommodation of other identities becomes difficult 

2. Representation of a community by political leaders: While representing a community, if politicians raise demands that are constitutional, then it is easier to accommodate those demands.

3. The government's reaction: If the reasonable demands of a community are suppressed by the government, then it leads to social divisions, which in turn threaten the integrity of the country.

Q.5:Read the following passage from a famous speech by Martin Luther King Jr. in 1963. Which social division is he talking about? What are his aspirations and anxieties? Do you see a relationship between this speech and the incident in Mexico Olympics mentioned in this chapter?

"I have a dream thar my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character. Let freedom ring - when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children - back men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics - will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: 'Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!' I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: 'we hold these truths to be self- evident that all men are created equal'." 

Ans: In this extract, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. is talking about racism in USA. He is referring to the segregation policies adopted by the Whites towards the Coloured people. He aspires for a country where there will be security for all; where racial abuse will not occur, and where everyone will be treated as equal irrespective of the colour of their skin. This speech and the incident at the Mexico Olympics are both part of a movement that wanted to highlight the plight of the African-American people.

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