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Understanding Jammu and kashmir Economy class 10






Lesson No:1

Understanding J K Economy


Agrarian Economy :-

It is type of Economy which is based on producing and maintaining crops and farm land product. Moreover the Economy of our state JK is almost agrarian because the major share of state domestic production is coming from Agriculture sector.

GDP :-

Stands for Gross Domestic Product. It is the monetary value of all the finished goods and service produced within a country in a specific time period. It usually calculated on an annual basis.


Floriculture or flower farming is a discipline of horticulture concerned with the cultivation of flowering and ornamental plants for garden ad for florist, comprising the floral Industry.


It is discipline of agriculture which is purely concerned with the cultivation of fruits, vegetables, for commercial purposes.

Olieri culture:-

Branch of Horticulture dealing with the cultivation of non woody plants for food i.e. vegetable growing. It is cultivation or  production of plants for using their edible parts.


It is an agro based Industry. It involve rearing of Silk worms for the production of raw silk which is the yarn obtained out of the cocoons & pun by certain species of Insects.


It is the process in which mainly the involvement of the craftsman is necessary who work and decorate domestic or other objects by hand.


It refers to breeding of fishes in specially constructed tanks  and ponds.

Viticulture :-  

 Cultivation of grapes is also going to be a great venture keeping in view its ever increasing areas which now moves out of the Ganderbal and Zaberwan foot hills.

Apiculture :- 

 Rearing of honey bees for the production of honey. The farmers now move to Punjab during winters in an attempt to make it round the year business activity. 


It is the integrated programme along with farming where domesticated animals are raised in order to  produce commodities such as food, fibre and labour. Animals are domestic when the breeding and living conditions are controlled by human.

1. Name the major forest based raw material supplied from the state of J&K?

The major forest based raw material supplied from the state of Jammu & Kashmir includes Timber, Herbs, Gum, Resins, wood etc.

2. Write about the qualities of major Fruits Produced in Jammu & Kashmir.

The state of J & K is well known for its horticulture produce both in India and abroad. The state offers good scope for the cultivation of horticulture crops. This Includes Apple, Apricot, Almond, cherry, Pear, Peach, Plum, Mango, Guava, Citrus, litchi etc, The Important qualities of major fruits of our valley are as follows:-

i)Nutritional value: The valley of Kashmir produces the fruits of high Nutritional valve like apples, pears, peaches, Apricots etc.

ii)Rich in Bioactive compounds: The fruits including Mango, Apple, peach, Plums ete are rich in bioactive compounds.

iii) Tasty and Juicy: The fleshy fruits of our valley are famous for their taste and are full of juice.

3.Write a short note on Handicraft and Handloom Industry in the state?

The handicraft and handloom Industry, the state's oldest traditional, Industry has special socio-economic significance due to its vast potential for economic activities like generation of employment, Revenue and standard of living. All the three region of the state have unique specialties in this sector. The Jammu holds the domain in Basholi, Painting, Calico painting, phool kari. The Kashmir specializes in carpet, Shawl, woodcarving, paper mashie, crewel; and the Ladakh' area has expertise in wood carving, painting, clay moulding, pashmina weaving, carpet and Thanka painting. The handicrafts and handloom sector provides employment to more than 4-Lakh people. Realizing the vast potential for employment, the Jammu & Kashmir govt. has under- taken various programs to boost the handicraft and handlooms industry.

4. Identify five each metallic and non-metallic mineral resources found in Jammu and Kashmir.

The Jammu & Kashmir state is rich in its deposits in mineral wealth which contribute materially for the building of economy. The metallic and non metallic minerals found in the state are as follows:

Metallic Minerals: - These Include Bauxite, Iron ore, Copper ore, Lead, Silver ore, Zinc, Nickel, Gold, Chromium, etc.

Non Metallic Minerals: These include Gypsum, Gem, stone, Sulphur and Manganese and coal

5.Discuss tourism,as a service sector in the UT of  Jammu and Kashmir 

Tourism plays a significant role as a service sector in the Union Territory (UT) of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K). J&K, known for its breathtaking natural landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and spiritual sites, has immense potential for tourism development.

Firstly, J&K is renowned for its mesmerizing natural beauty, including the snow-clad mountains of the Himalayas, serene lakes such as Dal Lake and Pangong Tso, and picturesque valleys like Gulmarg and Sonamarg. These natural attractions attract a large number of tourists from across the globe, contributing to the economic growth of the region.

Secondly, the region is also home to several important religious and spiritual sites. The holy shrine of Vaishno Devi in Katra, the Amarnath Cave pilgrimage, and various ancient temples and mosques are significant religious destinations. Pilgrims and tourists visit these sacred places, boosting the tourism industry within the UT.

Furthermore, the culture and heritage of J&K are major attractions for tourists. The region is known for its diverse traditions, folk music, dance forms (such as Rouff and Bhand Jashan), and handicrafts like Pashmina shawls and Kashmiri carpets. The ancient monuments and historical sites, including the Mughal Gardens in Srinagar, Leh Palace in Ladakh, and Martand Sun Temple in Anantnag, offer a glimpse into the glorious past of the region.

The tourism sector contributes significantly to the UT's economy by generating employment opportunities for the local population and promoting local businesses. It also encourages the preservation of cultural heritage and sustainability through responsible tourism practices.

To enhance tourism in J&K, the government has initiated various developmental projects, including the improvement of infrastructure, connectivity, and accommodation facilities. Efforts are being made to promote adventure tourism, winter sports, wildlife tourism, and the wellness sector, tapping into the immense potential of the region.

However, it is important to strike a balance between tourism development and environmental preservation. Sustainable practices, such as promoting eco-tourism and responsible tourism, should be encouraged to protect the pristine beauty of the region and mitigate any negative impacts on the fragile ecosystem.

In conclusion, tourism has emerged as a crucial service sector in the UT of Jammu and Kashmir. The rich natural landscapes, cultural heritage, and religious sites attract a substantial number of tourists, contributing to the economic growth of the region. By focusing on sustainable tourism practices and infrastructure development, J&K can continue to flourish as a top-tier tourist destination, providing memorable experiences to visitors from around the world.

6. What is role of Service Sector in Economic Development of state?

The Service Sector in J&K is presently dominated by traditional services. The tourism and allied activities likes hotels, on spot service, trekking, skiing and other adventure tourism activities are involved in it. The service sector once treated as third grade sector as per its role in the economic
development in the state but with the past  reforms it has shown tremendous growth and is getting leading role in the economic development. The service sector is going much ahead of agriculture and industrial sector in terms of contribution to NSDP. This sector has shown an Increase from 13.86% to 54.23% from 1960-61 to 2011-12 and is likely to grow by 10.10% more in the coming few years. There is no doubt saying that service sector has now become the key sector of J&K state.

7. Identity major agriculture crops grown in Jammu and Kashmir. Distribute these crops according to Kharif and Rabi season?

The main crops of agriculture sector of J&K, which are grown here on the varied Physiography, are rice, maize wheat, barley, Bajra, and Jawar. About84%of the total cropped Area is under the said crops. Our state is known to be a leading producer of fruits. The best quality of apple is produced here. Our other sub sectors of the agriculture are forestry, fisheries, horticulture and Livestock. The state has 1223 thousand hectares of gross sown area (2011-12) of which only 43.09% is irrigated. Out of total cropped area under Kharif crops 41.74% is under Maize, 37.12% under paddy and remaining  21.14% under pulses, oil seeds vegetables, fodder, millets etc while out of total area under Rabi crops 51.84% is under wheat, 24.41% under oil seeds, 9.07% under Fodder and of the remaining area 14.68% under barley, 
pulses etc.

8. Write down the basic objectives of Forest policy in Jammu & Kashmir?

Forests are vital for existence of mankind on earth. The state of J&K is richly endowed with diverse forest resource which play an important role in preserving the fragile ecosystem. The recorded information about the state forest department which was formed in 1881 when J.C Mc. Donald was appointed the first ever Conservator of Forests of the state. He started the process of consolidation and demarcation of forests in 1923. Moreover H.L. Wright was appointed as the chief conservator of forests. The basic objectives of state forest policy 2010 are as follows:-

(i)Conservation of biodiversity and natural habitat through preservation of natural forests with the vast variety of flora and fauna.

(ii)Rehabilitation of degraded forests so as to optimize their productivity and restore their potential to provide ecosystem goods and services on sustainable basis.

(iii)Poverty alleviation by meeting livelihood needs of forest dependant communities with suitable supply of Forest produce by Improving productivity of existing forest.

(iv) Afforestation Extension: Extending tree cover outside forests to reduce the pressure on natural forests for supply of forest produce.

(v)Checking Soil Erosion: Checking denudation and soil erosion in catchment through integrated watershed management techniques and practices.

(vi)Proper Maintenance: Maintenance of the health of forest vegetarian and forest soil for augmenting water supplies through recharge of underground water aquifers and regulation of surface water flow, sediments and water quality.

(vii)Community Mobilization: Creating a sustained people's movement for achieving the aforementioned objectives so that environmental security is ensured.

(viii)Management Practices: Utilization of natural resources using best management practices including depletion of non-timber forest produce and institutionalization and operationalization of concepts of eco- tourism and nature tourism.

9. What is copper Ore. Write down the names of places where copper one is found?

Copper ore is an important mineral resource, which spawns on the surface as well as in the underground. It is named after Cyprus the principal mining place is Rome. It was discovered in middle east some 9000 BCE. It is a ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductively. Pure copper is soft and malleable. The main places in J&K where its mining and manufactures goes hand in hand are Lashttialin in Baramulla, Shinbul in Anantnag. Kishtwar, Kargil and Zanaskar have sufficient deposits of copper. It is also found in Dhar and Tommachil areas in Ladakh.

10. What are the major reason of slow growth of handicrafts and handloom industry in the state?

The world Community has acclaimed and accepted the handicraft articles of Jammu & Kashmir with top priority. As these are mostly designed, decorated by the famous craftsman of Kashmir, They have also earned a good amount of foreign exchange of J&K But still there are some draw backs of this industry which are acting as a major reason for slow growth:

(i) Poor quality control 

(ii) Obsolete designs 

(iii)Explorative middleman

iv) Competition from machine-made goods 

(v) Less government attention

(vi) Poor market facilities 

(vii) High price rise a non-affordable for everyone.


Textbook fill in the banks. 

(1) Hari Parbat is situated in Srinagar.

(ii) Kokernag is famous for trout fish

(iii) Dogra Art Museum is famous for Dogra Cultural Heritage. artifacts.

(iv) The river Jhelum is famous for its Pictorial beauty and nine bridges. tourism.

(v) Full of PPP is Public private partnership.

(vi) Paper machine handicraft is produced in Kashmir.

(vii) Kashmir carpets are exported to foreign countries in Middle-east and Europe.

(viii) Hems Gumpas are situated at Hems, Ladakh.

10. Identify places of religious pilgrimage in Jammu and Kashmir?

The State of Jammu and Kashmir is called the paradise on earth. It is the northern most state of India. For its scenic beauty, diverse ethnic and religious cultural and linguistic standards. It is famous in the whole world. There are more than 500 places of religious pilgrimages in J&K Some Notable ones are as follows:-

(i) Baba-Reshi Shrine 

(ii) Hazratbal Shrine 

(iii) Sahadra-Sherief 

(iv)Amarnath cave

(v) Mata-Vaishno Devi Temple 

(vi) Temple Shiv Khori 

(vii)Hems Gompa

(viii) Shankaracharya Temple 

(ix) Gurdwara Chatti Padshahi 

(x)Khir Bhawani temple 

(xi) Famous shrine of Hazrat Sheikh Noor din- Norani Charia Charief 

(xii) Shrine at Aishmuqam 

(xiii)Makhdoom Sahab shrine Srinagar etc.

2. Write down the main principles of P.P.P?

P.P.P means Public Private Partnership. It is the Govt. scheme for the infra- structure development in J&K. The main principles of it are as under:-

(i) To take full benefits of various scheme and Initiatives of Ministry of Finance.

(ii) To work for the Economic growth of the state.

(iii) To address land related concerns in a practical manner for the development of Tourism in J&K.

(iv) To connect different regions of the state.

(v) Training the youth in the hospitality and adventure tourism sector.

(vi) Creation of an Integrated online tourism portal in PPP mode.

3. What is the role of Handicrafts sector in  employment generation in

Handicrafts are a pivotal source of revenue generation of Jammu And Kashmir State. This Industry is an important sector contributing to overall development of current and other allied sectors in term of wealth and employment creation. Thus, occupying an important place in economy of JK. It is basically a cottage Industry and provides direct and gainful employment to more than 3 lakh people and has the potential to facilitate the path of raising the living standard of the citizens residing within and outside boundary of the state. This Industry is famous for pashmina and Kaani-shawls, woollens and cotton fabrics. Moreover hand woven carpets, Paper maachie, wood work and silver ware.

4. Write a brief note on Micro, Small and Medium scale Industries in employment generation.

Micro, Small and Medium scale Industrial sector has emerged as a highly vibrant and dynamic sector of the Indian Economy over the last five decades. It not only plays a crucial role in providing large employment opportunities at comparatively lower capital cost than huge Industries but also helps in Initialization of rural and backward areas, there by reducing regional balances. This sector has not done well in the state of Jammu and Kashmir due to number of reasons including Inadequate local demand, poor credit flow, distance from market etc. In our state more than 5 lakh people are getting benefit through these small scale units.

4. How employment potential in Jammu and Kashmir can be

The economy of J&K has suffered from disturbed condition prevailing in the state for almost two decades. It would therefore be necessary to put the economy back on the rails to enable the average person to get employment opportunities. Now the state's vast employment potential can be Increased by the below mentioned factor:-

(i) Diversification of the Agriculture, Food processing Handicrafts and Handlooms, Animal Husbandry, poultry.

(ii) Proper attention toward the most important sector i.e. Tourism.

(iii) Proper planning for the fast developing and emerging IT Industry and Biotechnology.

(iv) The establishment of special Industrial package covering all the areas.

(v) Proper attention and careful management in the Border area of the state.

(vi) Establishment of Education and Health Institution in the state.

(vii) Large Infrastructure projects i.e. Roads and Railways.

(viii) Extension of the mineral wealth of the state.

(ix) Construction and Architectural sector.

(x) A highly profitable, eco friendly industrial policy.

(xi) After all corruption free and good governance.

5. Name the programmes conducted by Infosys development centre's ?

The Infosys development centre's have conducted Faculty Enhancement programmes, soft skill development Programmes, Development of various centre's for providing training and out sourcing for different sectors/computer programs, Job fairs, placement drives, career specific counselling and guidance, Human Resource development programs.

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