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A tale of two birds Class 6th English Short stories 1


The Tale Of Two Birds


1.How did the two baby birds get separated?

Ans:- During a terrible thunderstorm, two baby birds flew to the other side of the forest with strong winds.  Both fell in different places.  As a result, they get separated.

2.Where did each of them find a home?

Ans:-A bird found its home near a cave where a group of robbers lived.  The other found his home in Rishi's Ashram.

3.What did the first bird say to the stranger?

Ans:-The first bird called out, "Hurry up! Hurry up! There's someone under the tree. Come and get his jewels and his horse. Hurry up or he'll slip."

4.What did the second bird say to him?

Ans:-The other bird said to the king, "Welcome to the ashram, sir. Please go in and rest. Rishi will be back soon. There is some cold water in the pot. Please relax."

5.How did the rishi explain the different ways in which the birds behaved?

Ans:-Rishi said that the first bird always listened to the robbers.  So he copied them .  The other bird repeated what he had always heard in the ashram.  So he welcomed the people in the ashram.

6.Which one of the following statements sums up the story best?

(i) A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

(ii) One is known by the company one keeps. 
(iii) A  friend in need is a friend indeed.

Ans:-One is known by the company one keeps. 

LANGUAGE WORK Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

landed , amazed , hit ,  flew, surprises , 

The strong wind ____________ the birds away deep into the forest.  One of the birds ___________ outside a rishi’s ashram. The king seemed __________ to hear a similar voice again. The heavy branch __________ the nest and killed the bird. Life is full of __________. 


Write down the meaning of the following phrases: 

1 blew away                        To separate

2 rode after                         To Chase

3 rode away                       To run at once

4 got off                              To get down

5 look up                            To Search For

6 make friends                 To be Polite


1. Sum up the moral of the story in your own words

The moral of the story is that a person is known by his company, if he has a good company he too would be good and noble, and if a person has got a bad company he too might not be spear from the bad qualities so we should be selective in choosing our friends as our company.

2. Write 100 to 200 words on ‘A  man is known by the company he keeps’.

According to the famous kashmiri proverb " an apple colors on looking at another apple." So to chose our company we should be very selective we should avoid bad character friends  because if we will remain with bad character person we too would not be the good ones  as quoted in above proverb, good friends are greatest treasure of like because they motivate and inspire us in achieving the goals of like set by us, a person having good company is respected by every one in the society as well as by his family, so we should always prefer a good friend over a bad one. 


Direct and Indirect Speech

Change the narration of the following: 

(1)The teacher says, “Rahul will pass.” 

The teacher says that Rahul will pass

(2) The servant will say, “Dinner is not ready.

The servant will say that dinner is not ready

(3) Mona says, “Sana will do her work on Tuesday.”

Mona says that sana will do her work tuesday

 (4) Saba said, “I will join the college.” 

Saba said that he would join the college

(5) Rama says, “I will study at the University.” 

Rama says that he will study at the university

(6) Bashir said, “I will take up science subjects.”

Bashir said that he would take up science subjects

(7) Kiran says, “I will take up arts subjects.” 

Kiran says that she will take arts subject

(8) Raja will say, “I cannot study mathematics.”

Raju would say that he can not study mathematics

 (9) Suhana will say, “My favourite actor is Shahrukh Khan.” 

Suhana will say that her favourite actor is Shahrukh Khan

(10). Ragini will say, “I want to become a painter.” 

Ragini will say that she wants to become a painter


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