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Essay Writing



1. My Best Friend

A friend in need is a friend indeed. I have many friends, but Mr. P.K. Dhar is my best friend. He is just of my age and size. His father is a shopkeeper. He comes of a respectable family. He is very intelligent and hard working. He lives close to our house. He is the best boy in the school. The teachers like him. He is a sportsman and takes exercise every morning. He is strong, well built and has a sound body. He takes interest in social work as a true boy scout and is the captain of the school hockey eleven. He has pleasing manners and is popular in his school. He is a good speaker and is the secretary of our school Debating Club. He does not mix with bad boys. He is punctual in the discharge of his duties. He is outspoken obedient, honest, polite, courteous and respectful. He is helpful to his class fellows and takes pleasure in helping them. I have never heard a harsh word coming from his mouth. He never hurts the feelings of others.
He has never been late for the school and has never been heard using bad language or quarrelling with his fellow students. His father is very keen about his studies and wishes him to be a great man. I often live in his company and have immensely been benefitted by his way and manners. I love him and am proud of him company

2. My Neighbour

Man is a social being and people have been living together in cities, towns or villages since the beginning of civilisation. Our great saints and teachers have laid special stress on their followers to love their neighbours as theyloved
happy and cheerful. themselves. It is a great blessing to have a good neighbour. It makes our life I am fortunate to have a good neighbour. His name is Farooq. He is highly educated and belongs to a cultured family. He is an efficient doctor and enjoys treatment of patients that seek his medical advice. a great reputation in the locality by his obliging manners and sympathetic
He lives in a well-ventilated and commodious house provided with grassy lawns and other amenities that go to make life casy and comfortable. He is an extremely busy man and yet he finds time to join his circle of friends.
At times he takes his children and other members of his family to a picture or a circus show. He is very cheerful, healthy and has cordial and friendly relations with his neighbours and relatives. portantThe members of his family are very friendly and take special pleasure in spending much of their time in our company. We sit together on social functions and in view of our long association of living together we are bound by tics of common weal and woe. My brothers and sisters have formed friendship with his children. They live and play together.
Whenever there is any danger to us-his neighbours-he brings us together and organises us to avoid the calamity. Last year cholera broke out in the town and it was through his constant care and sympathy that not a single death
occurred in our street. We take mutual interest in each other and thank Allah that we are happy for
this nice company

3. My Hobby

A hobby is an interesting entertainment or an amusement taken up in leisure time. It is good thing to have some hobby. A man who has no hobby feels dull in vacant hours or in leisurc. A man who has some hobby is blessed. There are a number of hobbies as gardening, stamp collecting, photography and coin collecting etc., depending upon the taste and means of a man.
I have two hobbies-gardening and photography. Gardening is an interesting and healthy hobby. It gives us open air exercise and refreshes our mind. I have a small compound in front of my house. I have changed it into a beautiful garden.

I sow different seeds at different times. I know what to sow in Summer and what to plant in Autumn. I feel great pleasure when I see my garden dressed in multi-coloured flowers. The garden adds to the beauty of the house. It gives
us fresh and free air. My garden invites not only men but also bees and butterflies. I remember
the names of different flowers and plants growing in the valley. I visit different gardens to consult gardeners. They help me to plant new flowers and they teach me different methods of growing flowers in different ways. My parents compel me to sow vegetables and other catables which I always avoid, keeping in view the smallness of the garden. I have prepared a beautiful album of dry flowers. Photography is my second hobby. My father has a camera. I make use of it in my spare time. Generally I go out on holidays and take snapshots of flying
birds, animals, beasts, sunrise and sunset. Besides I go to nearly forests and take snapshots of beautiful and peculiar trees and such other things as may appeal to me to be informative and useful. I have pasted them in my album. I have duly preserved this album. It gives much pleasure to me and to my friends who happen to see it. Pursuit of hobby is not waste of time but pleasant use of leisure.

4. My Aim in Life

My aim in life is to become a doctor. After passing my Matric examination, I will join M.P. Higher Secondary School and I shall take up the Medical subjects. After passing the Pre-Medical or T.D.C. Part I (12th),constructed in the Government Medical College, Srinagar and qualify myself as a doctor. But the question is why not a clerk, a teacher or an engineer. A clerk has to sit at his table from morning till evening. His work is hard. But his pay is so low that he hardly makes both ends meet.d A teacher is the builder of the nation. His profession is noble but it had been degraded by some evil, selfish and miser teachers. He is ill-paid and over worked. People do not respect as school teacher. An engincer is respected everywhere. He is well paid. Engincers can make a nation great. His standard is very high. He carns a lot through unfair means.
Most of the roads, bridges, buildings, constructed by our own engineers collapsed before they were used. Most of the projects were unfit for the purposes, they were constructed.. Medical line is certainly a good line. Doctors render a great service to humanity. They are very much respected. They enjoy a good social status. They
carn their living. They serve the nation in a truc sense. They lead a healthy and normal life. They cure patients and diseased persons. Their services would be of immense value if they go out to serve people in rural areas. Taking all these things into consideration, I have decided to become a doctor,

5. My House

I live in a double storeyed house at Kani Hema, B.K. Pora. It was constructed by my father five years ago. It is opened on all sides. There is a small garden in front of it where flowers of varied hues grow. Behind the house we grow
vegetables on a patch of land. It suffices our needs so far as vegetables are concerned. There is a verandah in the second storey. We often sit there during the day, take tea and talk about our own affairs. There are twelve rooms in my house, two of which are very spacious. On
the ground floor there is one big room which we call the drawing room. Here we receive our guests. In the centre there is another big room which is called the hall. It serves the purpose of our dining room as well. Every one of us
has a separate room which we have decorated according to our taste with pictures, photographs and curios. There are five water taps in our house. Both the storeys have well planned
bath rooms. Besides there are two lavatories.
All the rooms are fitted with electric lights and fans. There is also a room heater which we use in winter. four u In front of our gate there runs a pucca road wide enough to allow tongas,
cars, buses and taxis to ply through freely.
It is blessing to have one's own house. Here a person has all the conveniences and advantages which one cannot have in another man's house.

6. My Favourite Teacher

Mr. S.M. Iqbal is my favourite teacher. He teaches us English. He is very popular among the students of the school. He is like a friend and guide to the students. He usually takes great pains in the work and he does his duty honestly.
His teachings always impress every student.
He keeps discipline in the class. He is very polite. But those who break discipline, he is hard to them. Everyone in the school loves and respects him. He has a golden heart. He is very strict usually. He is a good fellow. He keeps the class in a state of humour. He never loses his temper with us. He joins us in games and guides us in every possible way. He gives us moral lessons.
He leads a simple life. He teaches us to do so. He is a man of great ideals. He is a good speaker. His teachings have impressed us a lot. He advises us
in very moment of difficulty. He advises us to keep good health and morals. He advises us to follow the principles of truth, and courtesy. He has got mastery over his subject. Therefore,
every one in the school shows respect to him,
He has been working in this school for the last ten years. He is  very popular amongst the students. His life is ideal in many ways. He has got impressive ways of living and teaching Very few teachers can be said to be of his standard of teaching. We have learnt much the way of moral education from him. His English pronunciation and grammatical lessons are really very good and impressive.

7. Your Favourite Hero

I love the hero whom the whole country loves. He is the king of people's hearts. His sweetness sweetens every heart. His appearance appeases every man, young and old. Mine is the ever-green hero. I love Dalip Kumar, the eternal,
the perennial hero. He has grown with the film industry. He has matured with the growth of the cine world. Dalip Kumar maintains his grace, artistic temperament and ability. He was the hot favourite thirty years ago. So he is today. He has preserved his freshness, alertness, joviality, openness and good humoured nature till this day. He has in him something which other guy-heroes lack. He has in him youthful energy and theatric creativeness which we find wanting in modern tailored heroes. His movies have vision and message. He has a purpose. He thrills and inspires his views even today. Age has not withered him. Gray hair has not staled him. He is fresh as ever.

8. Our School Library.

A library is a place where there is a large collection of books. It is a useful institution where one picks up knowledge and form acquaintance with various subjects and topics which otherwise he would not be able to get by himself due to his limited means. It meets his intellectual needs. Our school is a premier institution. It has a better and a bigger library when compared to other schools. It is housed in a separate block. It consists of a very big room with two smaller adjacent rooms. The walls of the rooms are decorated with portraits of great men, charts, pictures and mottocs. These photos
of poets, great authors and national leaders give it an impressive look. There is a big and long table in the centre and chairs are placed all round it. Our library contains books on English, Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Urdu.
Hindi and Punjabi. It has books on History and Geography, Culture, Civics Arabic. and Novels on travel and adventure. It has also books on Sanskrit, Persian and Students go to the library room. They read books, magazines and journals
and are benefitted by them. The library is manned by the school librarian and an attendant. The librarian is a perfect gentleman and conscious of his duties. He helps students in selecting good and useful books. Besides we have a class library system where our teachers also issue books to us. Fortnightly tests are held with regard to this extra reading. There is perfect silence in the library room and both the students and teachers can read with case and without any disturbance. In schools and colleges people get elementary knowledge and grasp of a subject. The real education begins afterwards from libraries.

9. My Last Day at School

The 14th of November 1990 was my last day at school. The bell rang as usual at 11 a.m. but there was an expression of sadness in its call. It was, perhaps, for the last time that it could command us to run to our class-room for the roll-call.
After the third period, all of us assembled in the hall. The Headmaster stood up and in a beautiful short speech, said that we had been with him for the last five years and by long association, he had begun to regard us as his own sons. It pleased him, he said, to see us fully prepared for the Board Examination and to march into the examination hall to bring honour and glory to our school. But it pained him, he continued, to part with so many of his dearest and most
obedient pupils. He advised us to remember our school and its teachers who had left no stone unturned to prepare us to fight the battle of life with courage. He explained at length the advantages of truth, obedience and punctuality. He wished us all good luck. He, then, shook hands with us all, as we left the hall one by one, to clear our dues and to receive our roll number slips. The ninth class gave us a grand tea-party in the school compound at 3 p.m. It was attended by the headmaster, the staff members and the students welfare committee. Fruit and sweets were there in abundance and we did full justice
to everything. There were a few farewell speeches after which the function came to an end. At 4 p.m. we were photographed and, then, as we left the school, we felt a sense of depression stealing over our spirits.

10. The Saddest Day of My Life

It was the 5th of March 1990. This was the saddest day of my life. A series
of events happened on that day which made me very sad.
I had taken the Matriculation examination. I had worked hard for it. On the
day of Mathematics my head felt giddy. I did not fare better. Consequently
I failed. I was quite sad and dejected. To divert my attention I went into the
bathroom to take a bath. My foot slipped and I fell down on the floor. I received
several injuries but thank God
was saved from a fracture of bones.
While I was brooding over misfortunes I received a telegram from my
brother-in-law that his services had been dispensed with. This was nothing short
of a bolt from the blue for me.
I shudder to think of that day. My stars had conspired against me on that day.

11. The Happiest Day of My Life

The 24th May, 1990 was the happiest day of my life. A chain of events took
place on that day.
During those days inter-school tournaments were going on in Srinagar.
declared to be the best player of the game. I won a gold medal. Everyone present
represented my school in a game of cricket. I played very nicely and was
was all praise for me. The students and teachers flocked round me and
congratulated me. My friends embraced me and expressed their joy.
In the afternoon the result of the Matriculation examination was out. I stood
first in Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education. My joys knew
no bounds. Our school rejoiced at my brilliant success. I was taken out in a
procession in the town. A grand tea party was arranged in my honour in the
school compound.
Just then I received a telegram informing me that I had won a lottery worth
fifty thousand rupees. I did not believe my eyes. My joy knew no bounds. My
parents, relatives and friends were all happy. Some of my nears and dears sent
me telegrams of congratulations.
In the evening I received telegrams from some Principals of colleges offering
me free studentship if I joined their colleges. Indeed this was a day of extreme
joy and happiness for me.

12. How I spent my Last Sunday

Last Sunday was a hectic day. I had to send off my old parents to Jammu. I packed their luggage with care. I had to keep their tickets carefully, I got them up early in the morning to ensure that they are ready well in time. I prepared tea and breakfast. I phoned the taxi-stand and got a taxi at five in the morning. The bus was to leave at 7.15 in the morning. I managed to send them off comfortably. In the evening 1 had to entertain a few of my friends in home. They had come to meet me about the buying of a plot in a nearby
locality. I spent three hours with them. At night my sister came to me and I helped her to solve her mathematics sums. I spent late night hours for preparing my lessons for the next day lessons in the school. Thus, I spent my Sunday in feverish activities.

13. How I Spent my Summer Vacation

Our school broke up for the summer vacation on the 3rd of August, 1990 for 15 days. I felt a great relief. My friend had made a programme to go to Gulmarg. Because his father works there as a Tourist-Officer. I agreed to accompany him in order to spend  hottest days there. On 4th August we made all sorts of preparations and packed
In the morning of 5th August, we left our homes for the Bus-stand. The bus was to leave at 8-30 a.m. My friend bought two tickets and we took our seats in the bus. The beddings and trunks were kept on the roof of the bus. The bus started at exact 8-30 a.m. Gulmarg is at a distance of 40 kilometres from Srinagar. We reached Gulmarg at about 11-30 a.m. We rented a decent hut among the pine trees. After having our meals and taking a short nap, we went out for a walk.
Gulmarg is a lovely valley, surrounded by evergreen forests. So Gulmarg is called the valley of flowers'. The grounds are covered with green grass and multi-coloured wild flowers. The air is cool, fresh and fragrant. The mountains are clad with white snow. A stream flows through Gulmarg. Its water is clear, fresh, sweet and digestive. We returned to the hut late in the evening, and took our meals. We were quite tired. So we went to bed a bit earlier and fell fast
asleep. Everyday we got up early in the morning and went out for a morning walk. The cool breeze was refreshing. The nature was at her best. There was no hustle and bustle like that of the cities or towns. Perfect calm prevailed everywhere. We took our daily bath in the stream. We got enough time to revise our lessons
and do the home task. We visited the neighbouring meadows of Khillanmarg
and Alapathari. We also enjoyed "Chair Lift" a unique ropeway system. We had a jolly good time there. It was all amusing and exciting. At least we had to leave this beautiful health resort in the morning of the 29th August 1990.

14. The Book I Like Best

Reading newspaper and books is a good habit. To spend spare time in reading of good books is my favourite hobby. I am very fond of reading small but good books, especially books containing short stories. Last May, my friend, Mr. Razdan, gave me a book as a gift on my birthday. The book is entitled "The Arabian Nights". I like this book. The book contains many interesting and amusing short stories. These stories are not very long and tiring. Their great merit is that each story can be finished at one sitting. My interest does not fag. The book affords a great recreation. It is good for leisure reading. Its language is simple. It adds a great deal to our vocabulary. It help us to form the habit of extra reading. Reading is far better than anything. The get-up of the book is very good. It is beautifully bounded and illustrated with pictures. Its print is bold and clear. The language is very simple and idiomatic. The style is clear and lucid. I move about with the characters of the stories in jungles and caves,
mountains and hills, gardens and seas and in deserts and palaces. I forget my worries and share a care-free life with them.

15. The Person I Dislike Most

Ram Lal is my next-door neighbour. I dislike him for his bad manners, Ram Lal is a talkative person. He speaks all rot. He does not let others speak. He speaks things which are irrelevant. He talks about persons unknown to you. He admires your enemies to your face. He insults your friends in your presence. Some call him Mr. Nonstop. I don't like him because he is a big bore.
He has failed in 10th class twice. He has no hope of passing this year as well. He will talk about your studies and interests, likes and hobbies. The more you wish to avoid him, the more he sticks to you. He likes what I don't like. He dislikes what I like. He wants coffee in hot summer and lassi in cold winter. He loves those who never laugh. I hate him because I have never seen him laughing. I dislike Ram Lal because he always talks ill of others. I have never heard a kind word from him for anyone. He suspects the whole world. He thinks that we are his number one enemies. He is happy if you weep and unhappy
when you smile. I have not been able to see any saving grace in him. We spend happy moments in the company of good friends. Some people
are stubbornly idiotic in their public condemnation ways. Ram Lal knows that
I love an individual even then he speaks ill of him. This means that he lacks basic courtesy. No one likes to hurt others. I have no right to speak ill of your dear ones. I keep quite at his public tirades in order to maintain peace.

16. If I were a Millionaire

I am a poor boy. I belong to a very poor family. My father is a clerk in a government office. My mother is a housewife. We live in a tenanted house in an ordinary locality. I know my position. I cannot and don't want to be a
rich man. I know that I shall live a life of shortages. But I am contented in
spite of my poverty. But if I were to get million of rupees. I would plan my life differently. I don't want to play false. I would buy me and my parents all the amenities: a frig, a colour television set, a Maruti car, a modest flat, a decent bank balance. This is my plan about me and about my family. I assure you that I shall not
accept any dowry when I am married. I know that will have surplus money even after spending so much. I have a welfare programme for others. I shall institute scholarship for the poor students. I shall give charities to widows, old people, handicapped and sick persons. I shall open a school and a college in the name of Allah. Education. in the school and the college would be free. But these are my wishes. If wishes were horses beggars would ride. But it if I were a millionaire. is better to have good intentions. Believe me, I shall fulfil and these promises
Money turns the head of the possessor. I don't know what will be my fate. At present I have rosy dreams. I hope to translate them into reality if only I were to get money-unlimited money. I love books. I hope to buy the best books for me and my children. All these plans can be implemented if I have ample funds.

17. The Profession I Should Like to Follow

Different students have different aims in life. There are teachers, assistants, accountants, lawyers, doctors etc. But I do not like any of these professions- My aim is to become an engineer-when I join 11th (P.U.C) class. I shall take up the non-medical group. After passing my 1st TDC, I shall join the NIT Engineering College, Srinagar to become an engineer. I do not want to become a teacher. He has to work hard, but his pay is very small. To meet his expenses he takes up tuition work. The profession is noble, no doubt, but the return is very poor. Medical line is no doubt very good. Doctors render a great service to society. They earn enough to lead a comfortable life. My father is a poor man, he cannot afford to pay fifty thousand for the medical seat. I would like to be an engineer. Engineers render great service to the nation.
They design and construct many projects. They earn enough money by way of commission. So they lead a very comfortable life. Therefore I have decided to become an engineer.

18. A Scene at the Bus Stand

Once it so happened that my friend Mohan and I went to the General Bus Stand at Batmaloo very early in the morning to give a send off to another friend Sohan. As soon as we reached there, we saw the bus stand crowded with people. Men, women and children were very anxious to get into buses meant for different places. We went direct to the booking office. There we saw people standing in queue just as at a railway station. However, we elbowed our way through the crowd and managed to get a ticket for our friend. Passengers were placing their beddings and bags on the roofs of buses and were occupying their seats. Heavy luggage was being booked on an extra charge. The conductors were leuting
in passengers one by one so that there might not be any rush or confusion, Our friend also took his seat in a bus. We saw there hawkers and vandors crowding round buses and cars to
a brisk sale of their commodities. There were also supervisors to look after the well being of passengers. They would see that there was no overcrowding in buses and no passenger travelled without a ticket. share sokkum seen now a days except on the out of the way routes.
ending on the buses and their jerking and joiting on the rough unmetalle The bus service has now made ample progress. 

19. Scene at the Platform

Las Sunday I went to Jammu Railway Station to receive my friend Mr. I G Manan at am I went there in a metador and reached there in about 10 minutes There was a great hustle and bustle outside the station. The coolies in red
sket booth and some at the reservation counter. Some people were keeping uniform were seen everywhere. Some people were standing in a queue at the their huggage at the Cloak Room, Cloak Room is a place where luggage kept safe, Re. I per luggage for 24 hours is charged. After enjoying a few minutes here I purchased a platform ticket for Rs. 2 and went to the platform
There was a great rush at the platform. Some were waiting for the train and some to welcome their relatives and friends. Some were sitting on the benches and some by their luggage. Some were moving to and fro. Cold drinks, fruits.
hot wa and other eatables were in great demand. The railway staff in blue uniforms were moving here and there. At 10 am, there was a sudden noise, "The Jhelum Express" was coming
Everyone was ready. Soon the train steamed in. Passengers got down. Coolies were carrying the luggage on their heads. Two officers stood at the main gate of the platform to check the tickets of outgoing passengers. I saw my friend at a distance and went to him. He embraced me and after coming out of the station, we hired a taxi and reached his house at 11 a.m.

20. A Scene in the Examination Hall

Our Matriculation Examination began on 15th November. It was held in the Govt. High School, Batmaloo, Srinagar. The examination was to begin at 9 a.m. The candidates began to assemble in the school compound from 8 a.m. They were standing there in groups and were discussing important as expected questions. The seating plan, date sheet and other notices connected with the examination were seen pasted on the school notice board. The candidates flocked to the notice board and were busy reading them. I too began to read them. My hear was beating within me and I was feeling confuse. I thought that the questions might be difficult and I might not be able to answer them to my satisfaction.
At last the bell rang, the door was opened and the candidates were let in. They nervous all along, were ordered to take their allotted seats. I also took my seat but I was feeling The  superintendent was standing on the dias. He was robust and well built. He struck awe in all of us.
He shouted, "Search your pockets lest you should have anything connected with the examination. Be silent and stop talking."" Supervisors were running about and seeing that everything was in order. The superintendent then handed over the question papers to the supervisors for distribution which they did quickly. I received my question paper. I read it and found that I could hardly solve any question. Then I composed myself and read it a number of times. Then I began to write and wrote answers to
all the questions correctly and to my satisfaction

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