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Essay writing Class 1st- 8th


1. Environmental Pollution

Only a century ago our environment was conducive to life. It was almost clean. But now it is greatly polluted as a result of rapid industrialization across the globe. Air, water and noise pollution has worsened our living conditions. Air pollution is chiefly caused by factories and vehicles on road. Chimneys continue to belch smoke. Vehicles using petrol and diesel give out poisonous gases. Stubbles in the fields are burnt, polluting the air. Forests are cleared by burning bushes and plants. No wonder, one can see smog covering our cities even in the morning. The release of poisonous gases into the air is responsible for global warming Water pollution is a major threat to life. The indiscriminate throwing of dirt, sewage and industrial waste in canals, rivers and other resources of water has made water unfit for drinking. The use of excessive fertilizers and insecticides and oil slicks also pollute water greatly. Noise pollution is caused by loudspeakers, aircrafts, processions and rallies. It is causing many health related problems. Too much noise may cause hypertension, sleep disorders, deafness, ulcers, abortions, etc.

            Unless we take urgent steps to control air, water and noise pollution, we cannot lead a happy life. There should be curbs on the number of vehicles on road. Industries should instal water and air treatment plants. Nobody should be allowed to pollute environment, otherwise human life will be at grave risk.

3. The New Education System 

The traditional education system suffers from many flaws. It focuses only on academic tasks. The terminal examination is at the centre of learning in such a system. There is little scope in the traditional system for encouraging the learner to take part in co-scholastic activities. The new system of education has been introduced by the Central Board of Secondary Education. It is known as Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) programme. It views evaluation and teaching as inter-related activities The new system has many advantages. First of all, it keeps teachers and students busy throughout the academic year. As evaluation is continuous, it is a part of teaching-learning process.
The new system encourages co-scholastic activities. The learner is evaluated on the basis of his performance not only in academics but also in sports, debates, quizzes, project tasks, dramatics, etc. It encourages the learner to make a proper selection of subjects, improve his study habits and cultivate his hidden talent. It discourages rote-learning. There is no doubt that much of the success of the new system depends upon the cooperation of teachers and enthusiasm of learners. Extra efforts are needed to achieve the goals of the new

3. Health Care

It is sad that people have forgotten the age-old dictum: 'Health is wealth'. There is nothing
so precious as one's health. Only a sick person knows the value of health. In the prevailing corporate culture, most of us are negligent of our health. We do not have time even to think how healthy we are. Because of our sedentary lifestyle, we are suffering from many diseases such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart ailments, cancer, etc. In order to be healthy, we need to change our lifestyle. We should take part in some vigorous physical activity. We can go on for a brisk morning or evening walk. We can play a game or do some other physical activity. Then, we need to avoid overwork. We must allow ourselves rest and relaxation, which are important for our mental health. We should eat balanced and hygienic food. We should include in our food green vegetables. salads, fruits and dairy products. Fast food and fizzy drinks should be avoided. Last but not the least, we should develop a positive attitude towards life. Negative feelings make us unhealthy. We should limit our needs. Our aim should be to lead a happy, healthy life.

4. The Cult of Consumerism

By consumerism we mean the belief that it is good for a society or an individual to buy and
use a large number of goods and services. The advocates of consumerism believe that the country's economic growth depends upon the public spendings.
The big companies and corporations spend a lot of money on spreading the cult of consumerism.
The middle-class people are their prime targets. People are asked to give up austerity, forget savings and go on buying sprees. No wonder, there is a craze for big cars, palatial houses and electronic goods. People do not hesitate to borrow loans to buy these things for show-off. They go in for fast food and fast life.  Consumerism has already shown its ugly side in the developed world. Recession, unemployment
and lay-offs are all the direct outcome of it. In the absence of savings, people are unable to cope
with the state of unemployment. Some banks and companies have gone bankrupt. Some people
have no money left to pay their loan instalments on their flats and cars. They have lost their peace
of mind. Many lifestyle diseases are related to spending beyond one's means. The cult of consumerism is, thus, bad in the long run. People should remember the old dictum: Cut your coat according to your cloth'.

5. Save Water, Save Life

There is no doubt that water is life. Some saints had called the water as  "our father". One cannot imagine any kind of life without water, and yet we are ignorant about its proper utility. We go on wasting water by adding impurities, As a result of deforestation and global warming, there is a shortage of rainfall in many parts of the country. Resources of water go high and dry. In some remote parts of the country, people suffer from acute shortage of water. In some places, people are forced to buy water. It is, however, sad that even then they do not realize the importance of water. Taps are not turned off and water is allowed to drain away. Cars are washed daily and private lawns are watered many times during water shortage of water .
The need of the hour is to save water at any cost. People should do with less quantity of water. They should harvest rain water. Rain water harvesting should be made compulsory for all high-rise buildings. Farmers should give up the practice of unseasonal paddy plantation. Tree plantation should be encouraged. Jak Shakti department should install water meters to check the wastage of water and slogans 

"save water and save life on our planet". 

Should be encouraged 

7. An Accident

The night was calm and quiet. For some hours, the Shalda Express had run smoothly. The
passengers lay asleep, dreaming of their dear ones. The train slowed down. A few passengers
were roused by the thought that they were nearing their destination. They began to pack up their articles and luggage. All of a sudden, the passengers received terrible jerks. They were hurled down from their seats. Then arose most dreadful cries, screams and shouts. Evidently there was something wrong with the train.
The station master had given the line clear' signal. He forgot that a goods train was standing
on the same track. The driver of the Shalda  Express saw the train from a distance. He tried his best to avoid the collision, but in vain. There was a terrible smash. Two or three bogies were
smashed and a few were derailed. A number of passengers were killed on the spot and several
received serious injuries. Dreadful cries and shouts rose from all sides. Mothers cried for children and children for mothers, but all lay helpless. Everybody on the platform ran to the spot. Doctors and rescue parties rushed to the place of accident. First aid was rendered to the injured. Serious cases were removed to the hospitals. Then began the work of extricating the unfortunate passengers from the debris. The police guarded the entire area. I was one of the passengers, but was lucky enough to escape any injury or loss.

8. The Funniest Incident of my Life

It was a very dark night. I was passing along a road leading to my village. I was all alone and
my mind was full of fear. The wind was whistling in the trees overhead. At times I heard the howl
of a night bird.

The road passed by a burial ground. In our village there are old men who tell us that they
have seen ghosts there. Those fearful stories came to my mind as I approached the burial ground.
There was a thorny bush on one side of the road. It was so dark that nothing was visible to the
my wits' end. I knew there was something in the bush. Taking courage, I took a step forward.
As I came near the thorny bush, I heard a rustling sound. All of a sudden, it stopped. I was at Again, I heard the sound. There was something of a greenish colour in that bush. I went nearer
and found that two large eyes were watching me. Those eyes were glowing in the dark. Imagine
the state of my mind! I was rooted to the spot. I was trembling with fear. I was very near to the
burial ground where the ghosts come out of the graves at night and play with human skulls.
and ran away. It was only a donkey. Suddenly there was an ear-splitting cry, and a huge grey creature bounded out of the bush I could breathe again. My fears left me and I came to myself again. Soon I could see the the funniest incident of my life. lights of my village. As soon as I reached home, I related the incident to my family. It is, indeed,

9. A Morning Walk

The morning time is very pleasant. Dew drops glisten on the grass, and trees and flowers
shine bright and warm. The cool, fresh air is extremely delightful. The cheerful notes of birds fill us with infinite gladness. A walk at that time is very refreshing and is a healthy exercise.
I take my morning walk regularly. I usually go to a public park. Day before yesterday, I decided
to go to the river for my morning walk. No sooner did the alarm of my clock ring than I got up from my bed. Looking at the clock, I was pleased to note that it was five. This was just the time to start. I was all alone, for I prefer going alone on a moming walk. As soon as I was out of the town, the cool and fresh air of the early dawn refreshed me. Birds greeted me from every bough. Doves cooed from the branches of the trees. The green fields on either side of the road were covered with pearly dew-drops. The crops waved gently in the morning breeze. On the way, I came across farmers driving their team of oxen to their fields. Many bullock- carts, full of vegetables, fruits and corns, were creaking slowly to the market. Now and then, a
cyclist with a number of cans, full of milk, was seen speeding away to his customers. As the sun
appeared in the east, conches were blown in temples, and bells rang in churches. In an hour, I was on the bank of the river. I sat on the edge of its bank and began to rest for a while. The 
 silence of the early morning had a deep soothing effect on my mind. I seemed to feel as if it were a new life. I felt light and fresh and every limb of my body got new strength. By this time, the sun was up. Everything was bathed in a flood of golden light. The sky was filled with different colours. Having walked to and fro on the bank for sometime, I had a cool bath. On my way home, I came across boys and girls going to school. Smoke rose from a number of
houses. Women were busy in churning milk. In fact, everybody was busy with his or her work.

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