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a strange trail class 8th




Alice enters the courtroom, where she finds the King and Queen of Hearts on their thrones, surrounded by animals and a deck of cards. The Knave lies chained before them. Alice observes the various features of a court of law, such as jurors writing down their names and the White Rabbit reading the accusation that the Knave of Hearts has stolen the Queen's tarts.

The Mad Hatter is the first witness, but the King asks him to remove his hat, which the Hatter refuses. As Alice watches, she notices her growth again. The Dormouse becomes upset by Alice's growth and storms off to avoid being crushed by her. The Hatter delivers a bungled testimony, suggesting that the March Hare said something. The Hare denies it, and the Hatter tries to explain that the Dormouse said something, but the Dormouse falls asleep.

The King insults the Hatter's stupidity, prompting a guinea pig to start cheering. The King commands the Hatter to stand down, and another guinea pig is suppressed. The King permits the Hatter to leave before the Queen has time to order one of the officers to chop off his head.

The King calls the Cook as the next witness, and the courtroom flies into chaos. The Cook disappears, and the King demands the next witness be called. Alice desires meaning and order in the trial, but realizes that in a world without meaning, the search for truth and order can only be a sham. The trial mocks the legal process, with the importance of trivial points supersedes core issues of right and wrong, innocence, and guilt.



1.) What did Alice remember?

Ans. Alice recalled following a white rabbit that took her to an unfamiliar location. She witnessed several strange beings who behaved strangely. She recalled going to the Mad Tea Party and conversing with a king and a queen.

2.) Why, according to the Gryphon . were the jurymen putting down their names? 

Ans. Gryphon said that the jurors were writing down their names out of concern that they might forget them before the trial was over.

3)The first witness was: a) Alice b) White Rabbit c) King d) Mad Hatter

Ans. The first witness was the Mad Hatter. 

4) ‘Give your evidence or I’ll have you executed whether you’re nervous or not.

a) Who says these words and to whom?

b) What do you mean by ‘I’ll have you executed’?

Ans. (a) The king says these words to the Hatter.

(b) It means, “I’ll have you killed.”

5) What, according to Alice, is the first wise thing that the King has said that day?

Ans. according to Alice. The hater's bad speech was the first insightful thing the king said that day.

6) Knave denies having imitated somebody’s handwriting. What evidence does he give?

Ans. He provided proof that the letter was signed without a name at the end.

7) What happens when the whole pack of cards and all the animals fall upon Alice?

Ans. Alice cries, flees in all directions, and vanishes as they fall on her.

8) A strange trial was a dream which Alice dreamt. (True/False)

Ans. True. 

Language work

(   A)   Match the phrasal verbs on the left with their meaning on the 

ri     right:




i) put down

ii) pick up

iii) send for

iv) take off

v) put on

vi) stare at

vii) hurry up

viii) look at

ix) fall in

x) hand over

xi) beat off

xii) hit out

a) defeat

b) to criticize strongly

c) give

d) make a line

e) make haste

f) write down

g) see

h) wear

i) take in hand

j) look at something continuously

k) remove

l) send someone a message asking them to come to see you.

Ans. (i) – (F); (ii) – (i); (iii) – (l); (iv) – (k); (v) – (h); (vi) – (j); (vii) 

– (e); (viii) – (f); (ix) – (d); (x) – (c); (xi) – (a); (xii) – b). 



B.) In spoken English and written informal English, we use short forms contractions of certain words instead of full forms. In the play you have read, there are many short forms. Here are the full forms of these words.

Write the short forms of these words in the space provided. Two have been done for you. You can find all the words in the text.

 Full Form                                   Short Form


I have             =            I’ve

I am               =             I’m

I am not        =             I’m not

That is wrong   =       That’s wrong

Let us try      =            Let’s try

That is all     =            That’s all

The trial is beginning=the trial’s beginning

It is happening    =     It’s happening

You have not met  =   You’ve not met

He is wearing    =        He’s wearing

She does not like =     She doesn’t like

You had better =       You’d better

They are putting =  They're putting

They would get =    They’d get

It is not mine   =     It’s not mine

You would not =     You wouldn’t

I cannot help   =     I can’t help

You have no right = You've not right

Do not talk =         Don’t talk

 I did not =            I didn’t

Shall not =            Shan't/ shan’t

It is the oldest =  It’s the oldest

There is more  = There’s more

Here is a piece = Here’s a piece

You do not know = You don’t know

We have had =    We have’d

You are nothing =You're nothing 


C) Look at the following sentence from the text:

The King and Queen of Hearts sit on their thrones with the whole pack of cards around them. The underlined words show combination or collection. Now fill in the blanks. Choose words from those given in the box. Consult a dictionary if necessary.

bevy ,brood ,throng ,staff ,suite ,chest ,cluster ,litter ,string ,shoal ,chain


1. A _____________ of fish.

2. A _____________ of ladies.

3. A _____________ of rooms.

4. A _____________ of stars.

5. A _____________ of officials.

6. A _____________ of people.

7. A _____________ of chickens.

8. A _____________ of puppies.

9. A _____________ of drawers.

10. A _____________ of camels.

11. A _____________ of mountains.

Ans. (1) Shoal; (2) Bevy; (3) Suite; (4) Cluster; (5) Staff; (6) Throng; (7) Brood; (8) Litter; (9) Chest; (10) Chain; (11) Cluster. 


D.) Look at these sentences:

That’s the most important piece of evidence we’ve had today. Of course, I meant unimportant. The words italicized in the two sentences from the play are antonyms i.e., words meaning the opposite of each other. In the following sentences, choose the antonym of the italicized word from the four options.

1. Honesty is the best policy.

a) sobriety b) deceit c) uprightness d) rectitude

Ans. (b) 


2. The chairman initiated the proceeding with a brief speech. 

a) complicated b) started c) closed d) confused

Ans. (c)

 3. William Wordsworth is celebrated for his lucid style. 

a) notorious b) unpopular c) unknown d) renowned

Ans. (b)

4. A faithful officer is always vigilant towards his duties. 

a) innocent b) ignorant c) irresponsible 

d) careless

Ans. (d) 

Let’s Write

The play is actually a dream which Alice had. Do you remember 

any dream?

Write a brief description of your dream in a paragraph.

Ans. Last night, I had a strange dream. I found myself immersed in the vibrant, lush beauty of the natural world. As I journeyed through the dense jungle, a symphony of wildlife sounds surrounded me, creating a cacophony of chirping birds, buzzing insects, and rustling leaves. The air was thick with humidity, carrying with it the earthy scents of wet soil and tropical foliage. I marvelled at the towering trees stretching towards the sky, their canopy forming a verdant umbrella overhead. I encountered exotic creatures like colourful birds, elusive jaguars, and playful monkeys, each adding to the sense of wonder and adventure that filled their days. At night, the jungle came alive with the haunting calls of nocturnal creatures, and the sky above shimmered with a blanket of stars, casting a magical glow over the dense greenery below. In this dream, I felt a deep connection to the primal rhythms of nature, and a profound sense of peace and harmony settled within my soul as I navigated the beautiful and mysterious world of the Amazon rainforest. In my dream, suddenly I saw a jaguar in front of me, and I woke up with fast breathing.....

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