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Face Showing Class 7th English Solutions









Q. 1. Who came to the author's village ?

Ans. Rahimbibi came to the author's village. She was the newly wedded bride of the washerwoman's son.

Q. 2. What did the author's mother, aunt and his elder brother's wife give the newly wedded bride?

Ans. The author's mother gave her a pair of bangles. The aunt gave her a pair of anklets. The elder brother's wife gave her a pair of silver toe-rings.

Q. 3. The author's sister-in-law said, "Only her complexion is fair, the face is full of freckles." This shows she is.............

Ans. It shows she is vain and arrogant.

Q. 4. What did the newly wedded bride do after three or four days ?

Ans. She started bringing water from the village well.

Q. 5.Why did the sister-in-law keep quiet?

Ans:-Because she could not find a suitable reply or did not want to argument.

Q. 6. Where did the parents of the daughter-in-law live?

Ans. At Saruinsar.

Q. 7. Why did the mother-in-law stop coming to the well?

Ans. Because she became busy with some other household chores.

Q. 8.How many years did the author spend in ninth class ?

Ans. Three years.

Q. 9. What did Rahimbibi ask the author to give her as his masahni when she was dying?

Ans. A handful of soil.


(A) Find from the lesson words which mean the following:

(a) To want something or to want to do something.....................

(b) Small pale brown spots on the skin, usually on the face........................

(c) Happening or doing at the same time..................

(d) Treated in a special way....................

(e) A piece of thin material worn by women to cover the face or head............................

(f)Helpful or useful in a particular situation..........

(g) Weak or unhealthy....................


(a) tempted

(b) freckles

(c) Simultaneously 

(d) Pamper

(e) veil

(f) expedient

(g) frail.

(B) Look at the following sentence which you read in the text :

The sister-in-law kept quiet - either she could not find a suitable reply or she did not think it expedient to prolong the argument. The underlined words are conjunctions. A conjunction is a word which joins phrases, clauses or sentences. Conjunctions are also called linkers (linking words) or connectives  (connectors). There are two types of conjunctions
subordinate and co-ordinate. The above mentioned conjunctions are co-ordinate conjunctions. Some co-ordinate conjuctions go in pairs. They are called co-relative conjunctions.

either .........or,


both......... and,

not only....... but also,

whether........or (not)

1.Both my mother and my father do yoga.

2. Either he is crazy or he pretends to do so.

3.I don't know whether I will be able to attend the function or (not).

4.Neither my father nor my mother is at home.

5. Not only does Anita study well but she also wins prizes in debates and quizzes.

Now fill in the blanks in the following sentences using co-relative conjunctions :

1............he likes it..............not, he has to move with his parents.

2...............my brother..................my sister is a graduate.

3. She is...............beautiful...............intelligent

4. The fire destroyed...............    the cloth store...................the stationery shop.

5............he likes it...............he has to undergo surgery.

6............he is madly in love.............he is pretending to do so

7. He borrowed a book from the library he .............read it......,.....returned it

8. He speaks...............English..........Hindi

Salma has taken the stationery to the

9...............Hafeez.............Salma has taken the stationery to the class.

10. She is...............a regular student..............she is ready to give up studies.


1. Whether, or 

2. Not only, but also 

3. not only, but also 

4. both, and 

5.Whether, or not 

6. Either, or 

7. neither, nor 

8. both, and 

9. Either, or, 

10.neither, nor.

(C) Look at the following sentence from the story-

That is Greek beauty for you."

The underlined words have nothing to do with something related to Greece. It is an idiomatic expression here. It means beauty which cannot be understood. An idiom is a group of words like a phrase. It may or may not contain a verb.
Its meaning has to be understood as a whole because it gives one meaning. If we take the words separately we get another meaning; we have to take the words as a whole. In nutshell, idioms are 'expressions peculiar to a language'.

Now fill in the blanks with the idioms given in the box:

burst into laughter............to make both ends meet

feel at a loss.........................all and sundry

call a spade a spade........cut a sorry figure

cut to the quick...............a bone of contention

1.He told us an interesting joke. All of us............

2.His father is a poor man. It is difficult for him..............

3.The rich man invited..............to the wedding of his daughter.

4. Gandhiji never told a lie. He always................

5.This piece of land has become................... between the two brothers.

6. When he heard the answer, he was.................

7.When Rahimbibi told the narrator that he has  been in the ninth class, he .............. previous year for words and couldn't bear to

8.If you don't study properly, you will................ in the examination.


1. burst into laughter.       5 a bone of contention

2.to make both ends meet.6. cut to the quick

3.all and sundry.                 7.feel at a loss

4.called a spade a spade.   8.cut a sorry figure.

Grammar Work

Look at the following sentences :

1. He will be marrying the girl of his choice soon.

2. She will be studying in the evening tomorrow.

The underlined words in the above sentences in future continuous or progressive tense.

We use the Future Progressive tense to indicate an action that will be taking place in the future.

We use will/shall be + Present Participle, i.e., - ing' form of verb in this tense.

We use will with all subjects. We can use shall with I/ We, but it is less used these days.

Now fill in the blanks using future continuous or progressive tense of the verbs given in brackets :

English this time tomorrow.

(1) We...............English this time tomorrow.


(2) The sun......... a cricket match at 9 p.m. tonight


(3) I like cricket. I..............a cricket match at 9 pm tonight(watch)

(4) When he reaches home, his son............ for him.(wait)

(5) They..............for us when the train arrives.


(6) They...........a match this time tomorrow.(play)

(7) Don't phone me after ten o'clock, I...................


(8) When you reach there, she..................a book.


(9) I................to the news at 9 a.m. tomorrow.



1. shall be learning

2. will be shining

3.shall be watching

4. will be waiting

5. will be waiting

6. will be playing

7. shall be sleeping

8. will be reading

9. shall be listening.

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