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work energy and power class 9





In our day-to-day life, we talk about the term work, energy and power. Out of them, energy is most important concept, since all living things need energy to maintain life. The concept of work is closely associated with the concept of energy. When we walk or run, we use the energy that we get from the food we eat. The concept of power is also closely associated with that of work. In our daily life, any physical activity In this blog, we shall discuss in detail about these terms..


Work is said to done by a force on a body if the force applied causes a displacement in the body or object. In other words, the conditions which must be satisfied for the work to be done are

• a force must act on the body and

• the body must be displaced from one position to another position.

Examples: (i) Work is done, when we hit a football. In this case, when we hit the football, force is applied on the football and there is displacement for a fraction of second by the force applied on football.

(ii) Work is done when we lift a box through a height. In this case, the applied force does work in lifting the box.

Factors on which work done depends

·       Work done by a force depends upon the following factors The magnitude of the applied force: If a small force is applied on a body, less amount of work is done and vice-versa. Thus Wα F, where F is the magnitude of force applied.

·       The displacement of the body along the applied force: If a body travels large distance on the application of force, large amount of work is done and vice- versa. Thus W α s, where s is the magnitude of displacement.

Unit of Work

The S.I. unit of work is joule. One joule of work is said to be done on an object when a force of one newton displaces it by one metre along the line of action of the force.

1 joule = 1 newton x 1 metre or 1 J = 1 Nm

Bigger units of work are kilojoule (kJ), megajoule (MJ) and gigajoule (GJ), i...

1 kilojoule - 10 J

1 megajoule - 10 J

1 gigajoule - 10 J

Work is a scalar quantity, and it has only magnitude but no direction.

Work done by a Constant Force

When a constant force is applied in the horizontal direction: Let a constant E force F be applied on a wooden block placed at position A on the smooth surface as shown in figure. Suppose the block moves in the direction of applied force to the new position 8 so that its displacement is s. Then, work done by the force is given by

W=f x s

Thus, work done on the block (or any other object) by a constant force is equal to the product of the magnitude of the applied force and the distance travelled by the body.

When force is applied at an angle with the horizontal direction :

Let a force F be applied on a wooden block at an angle with the horizontal direction as shown in figure.

The component of force Ƒ in the horizontal direction - FcosƟ.

The component of F in the vertical direction - FsinƟ.

Let the block moves horizontally and occupies a new position B so that it travels a distances horizontally. Since, FsinƟ does not produce displacement in the block in the upward direction, so the only force which displaces the block is FcosƟ. According to the definition of work done,

W=force applied x displacement of the body.

W=FcosƟ x s= FscosƟ

W = Fxs

F-s is read as dot product of F and s.

Thus, work done on a body by a force is defined as the product of magnitude of displacement and the force in the direction of displacement

Positive work done: If force is acting in the direction, of displacement, then displacement is positive so the work done is positive. In this case 0 = 0° i.e., the force F acts in the direction of displacement of the body.

Then W = Fs cosƟ

W=f s          ............   (cosƟ=1)

Example: In a tug of war, the work done by a winning team is positive. The winning team applies a force on the rope in the backward direction and the rope is also displaced in the direction of applied force.


In this case 0 = 90°

Zero work done: If the force is acting perpendicular to the displacement then work done is zero. In this case 0 = 90°

i.e., force Facts at right angles to the displacement of the body.

Then W = Fs cos90°

      W = 0  (: cos 90º = 0)

i.e., no work is done by the force.

Example: Work done by the force of gravity on a box lying on the roof of a bus moving with a constant velocity on a straight road is zero. In this case, force of gravity acts vertically downward and the displacement of the box takes place horizontally.

Negative work done : If the force is acting in the direction opposite to the displacement then work done is negative. If 0 = 180°

i.e., force F acts just opposite to the displacements of the body, then

W = Fs cos180

W = - Fs     ( cos180=  -1)

Thus work done by force is negative.

Example: In a tug of war, the work done by the losing team is negative. The losing team  applies a rope in the backward direction but the rope is displaced in the forward direction.


Work done in lifting a body against gravity

The earth attracts every object (or body) towards it. The force with which the earth attracts a body towards its centre is called its weight. The weight of a body is thus a force acting on it due to the gravitational attraction of the earth. So, if a body is to be lifted up from the surface of the earth, a force equal to the force of gravity (weight) must be applied to the body. Then, the work done in lifting a body through a certain height (h) from the surface of the earth is given by,

Work done in lifting a body = Force of gravity x Height

= Weight of the body x Vertical displacement

W= m x g x h

where, m is the mass of the body, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the vertical distance through which the body is lifted.

Thus, when a body of mass m is lifted to a height h above the ground, work equal to mgh is done on the body. Since the body is moved against the force of gravity, hence the work W = mgh, is commonly called the work done against the gravity. It is always positive.



Energy is defined as the capacity to do work and it is measured by the total quantity of work it can do. When a car runs, the engine of the car generates a force which displaces the car. In other words, work is done by the car. This work is done at the expense of fuel. Fuel provides the energy needed to run the car.The conclusion is that, if there is no source of energy, no work will be done.

Unit of Energy: The S.I. unit of energy is joule (J). The C.G.S. unit of energy is erg. Other unit of energy are electron volt (eV), calorie (cal), kilowatt hour (kWh).

1eV 1.6 × 10-19 J, 1 cal = 4.186 J.

Kilowatt hour is the commercial unit of energy.

1 kW h = 1000 W x 1h

We know,  1W=1JS-¹

1 h = 60 x 60 s = 3600 s

So, one can write

1 kilowatt hour = 1000 W x 1 h=1000 × 1 ] s¹ × 3600 s

So, 1 kWh=3,600,000 J=3.6 × 106 J

Therefore, 1 kilowatt hour (1 kW h) is equal to 3.6 × 10° joules.


(1) A man or a horse does work when they pull a load.

(ii) A moving body can set other bodies into motion when it collides with them.

(iii) Compressed air in a cylinder causes the motion of the piston in it and thus performs work. artificially are as follows:

Our lifestyle demands energy in various forms. Some forms of energy available naturally or created artificially are as follows;

·       Heat or Thermal Energy: The energy possessed by a body due to its temperature is known as heat or thermal energy.

·       Chemical Energy: The energy released in chemical reactions is known as chemical energy.

·       Sound Energy: The energy of a vibrating body producing sound is known as sound energy.

·       Electrical Energy: The energy of moving electrons in a conductor connected with a battery is known  as electrical energy.

·       Nuclear Energy: The energy released when two nuclei of light elements combine with each other to form a heavy nucleus or when a heavy nucleus breaks into two light nuclei is known as nuclear energy.

·       Solar Energy: The energy radiated by the sun is known as solar energy.

·       Mechanical Energy: The energy possessed by a body because of its speed or position or change in shape is called the mechanical energy. It is the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy of a body. In this chapter our focus will be on mechanical energy.


Kinetic Energy

The energy possessed by a body by virtue of its motion is called kinetic energy. So a moving body can do some work due to its kinetic energy. The faster a body is moving, the greater is the its kinetic energy. If a body is at rest, its kinetic energy is zero. Kinetic energy is a scalar quantity.

Examples: A high speed bullet, a fast moving cricket ball, a stone thrown with a high speed, flowing wind, and flowing water.

Expression for Kinetic Energy

Consider a body of mass m lying at rest on a smooth floor. Let a force F be the force applied on the body so that the body attains a velocity v after travelling a distance s.

Work done by the force on the body, W = Fs……………….....(i)

Since the velocity of the body changes from zero to v, so the body is accelerated. Let a be the acceleration of the body. Then according to Newton's second law of motion, F =  ma Substituting the value of F=ma in equation (i), we get

W = m a s

Now, using v ²-u²=2as, we get

v²-0=2as or s=v2/2a……………………(iii)

Substituting the value of s from equation (iii) in equation (ii), we get

W=max v2/2a =½mv2

This work done is equal to the kinetic energy of the body.

.. Kinetic energy, K.E.= ½mv2

Thus, K.E. =½ mass of body x(speed of body)2


Relationship between kinetic energy and momentum

We have,

KE=½mv2 =½mv2 =m/m=mv2/2m p2/2m             (Ƥ=mv)         KE= p2/2m.


Potential Energy

Energy possessed by a body by virtue of its position, (e.g., height above the ground) or configuration (e.g., shape) is called potential energy. There are two types of potential energies. These are as follows:

Gravitational Potential Energy: The potential energy of a body by virtue of its height above ground level is called gravitational potential energy. Example, the energy stored in a body held at a certain height from the ground is gravitational potential energy.

Elastic Potential Energy: The potential energy of a body by virtue of its configuration (or shape) is called elastic potential energy. Example, the potential energy stored in the coiled spring of a clock is elastic potential energy.

Examples: (i) Water stored in an overhead tank possesses gravitational potential energy by virtue of its position (height above ground level).

(ii) A raised hammer possesses gravitational potential energy by virtue of its height above the ground level.

Expression for gravitational potential energy

Suppose a body of mass m is raised to a height h above the surface of the ground  The force applied just to overcome the gravitational attraction is

F= m x g……………………………(.i)

where g = acceleration due to gravity

As the distance moved is in the direction of the force applied, work is said to be done. The object gains energy equal to the work done on it. Let the work done on the object against gravity be W, so

Work done = Force x Displacement

W=f x h………………………………(.ii)

Substituting the value of F from equation (i) in equation (ii), we get

W= m x g x h

Work done on the object against gravity = Gravitational potential energy

Gravitational potential energy (P.E.) = m  x g  x h

The expression shows that potential energy depends on

(i) mass m

(ii) height h from ground

(iii) acceleration due to gravity


Transformation of Energy

Life on the earth depends on the energy received from the sun. Hydrogen nuclei (protons) fuse together to form helium nuclei in the sun's core. In this process, energy of the nuclei is converted into heat energy. This heat energy is absorbed by the atoms at the surface of the sun, and a part of it is converted into light and other radiations. These radiations travel through millions of kilometres of empty space to reach the earth. On receiving radiation from the sun, the land and air get heated. This, as you know, causes wind. This means that heat energy gets converted into kinetic energy. The energy from the sun also heats up the water of oceans. Water evaporates from ocean and rises up to form clouds. This is a case of conversion of kinetic energy into potential energy.


Efficiency of a device: In a device, we supply a particular form of energy as input and we get a particular energy as output. For example, in an electric heater, we supply electrical energy and get heat The electrical energy form of is not into heat energy. Some energy gets Converted in light energy. The percentage of electrical energy converted into heat energy is called the efficiency of the electric heater.

Efficiency ŋ, = out put energy/input energy = output power/input power


Conservation of Energy

According to law of conservation of energy, energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can be converted from one form to another. The law of conservation of energy holds universally, i.e., it is valid in all situations and for all kinds of transformations.

Verification of Law of Conservation of Energy

Let m be the mass of a body held at a position A and at a height & above the ground.

At position A

Kinetic energy of the body, K.E. =0
(the body is at rest at A)

Potential energy of the body P.E. -mgh
the body is lifted to a height h)
Total mechanical energy at A, M.EA = K.E. + P.E.
.=0 + mgh = mgh

Let the body be allowed to fall freely under the action of gravity. In free fall, let the body reach the point
B with a velocity v1  where AB= x.


At position B

From the equation of motion

v2-u2 = 2as

Kinetic energy of the body, K.E. =1 ⁄2 mv2/1………….ii

Substituting the value of v2/1 from equation (i) in equation (ii), we get


Height of the body at B above the ground  =  CB= (h-x)
Total mechanical energy at B (M.EB) = K.E. + P.E. = mgx + mg(h-x)

At position C

From  V²-U²=
V2-0= 2gh
V2 =2gh……………………..iii

Kinetic energy of the body, K.E. =½ mv2…………………..iv
Substituting the value of v² from equation (iii) in equation (iv), we get

KE ==½ m(2gh) = mgh

Potential energy of the body at C, P.E. = mgh= mg (0) = 0 (the body is on ground h=0

Total mechanical energy (M.Ec) = K.E. + P.E. = mgh +0= mgh

(M.Ec) =mgh
Thus, we find that

MEA = MEB = MEC = mgh

 Thus, the total mechanical energy (i.e., sum of kinetic energy and potential energy) always remains constant at each point of motion of a body falling freely under gravity and is equal to mgh (initial potential energy at height h). As the body falls, its potential energy decreases and kinetic energy increases. The potential energy changes into kinetic energy. At A, the energy of the body is entirely potential energy and at C, it is entirely kinetic energy. At B, the energy is partly kinetic and partly potential. Total mechanical energy remains constant (i.e., mgh) throughout. This proves the law of conservation of mechanical energy.


Conservation of Energy in case of a Simple Pendulum

A small metallic ball (called bob) suspended by a light string (thread) from a frictionless, rigid support is called a simple pendulum. When the bob of the pendulum is displaced to B, through a height h, it is given P.E. = mgh, where m is mass of the bob. On releasing the bob at B, it moves towards A.P.E. of the bob is being converted into K.E. On reaching A, the entire P.E. has been converted into K.E. The bob, therefore, cannot stop at A. On account of inertia, it overshoots the positions A and reaches C at the same height h above A. The entire K.E. of the bob at A is converted into P.E. at C. The whole process is repeated and the pendulum vibrates about the equilibrium position OA. At extreme positions B and C, the bob is momentarily at rest. Therefore its K.E. = 0. The entire energy at B and C is potential energy. At A, there is no height and hence no potential energy. The entire energy at A is in the form of kinetic energy. The swinging pendulum finally comes to rest due to friction at the support and friction of the air.


The rate at which energy is transferred by an object is called the power delivered by that object, or rate of doing work is power.
If a force does work W in time t, the average power delivered by the force is 

 ρ= W/t

If the force does work at a constant rate, the average power is the same as the power at any instant during the time the work is being done.

By definition, Power =Work done/Time taken

Units of Power

The unit of power depends upon the units of work done, and of the time taken. The 5.1 unit of work done is joule (J), while that of time is second (s).
Unit of power = Unit of work/Unit of time =1 joule (J)/1 second(s) =1js-1

The unit of 1 J s¹ is called watt (W). So, the S.I. unit of power is watt (W). or 1W=1JS-¹

Thus, when a body works at the rate of 1 J per second, then its power is 1 watt (W).
Generally, bigger units called kilowatt (kW), megawatt (MW) and gigawatt (GW) are used.
1 kilowatt, 1 kW = 1000 watt


1 megawatt = 1 MW - 106 W

1 gigawatt = 1 GW -109 W

The unit of power in the British engineering system is horse power, denoted by hp.
1 hp=746 W -0.746 kW 

To express large quantities of energy, joule is found to be very small and as such an inconvenient unit. For this purpose, a bigger unit of energy, called a kilowatt hour (kWh) is used.
One kilowatt hour is the amount of energy consumed (or work done) by an agent in one hour working at a constant rate of one kilowatt. Clearly,

1 kW h=1000 W x h

= 1000 (J s-¹) × 3600 s (1 W = 1Js¹)

3600000 J = 3.6 × 106 J = 3.6 MJ

A  kW h, also called BOTU (Board of Trade Unit) or simply a unit, is used in households, industries and commercial establishments for measuring electric energy consumption. For example, if an electric heater of 1kW power is used for 2 hours, it consumes 2 kWh or 2 units of electric energy

Power in terms of energy

We know that, energy is the ability of a body to do work. Power is the rate of doing work. So, for doing a particular work, an equivalent amount of energy is supplied or transferred, so 

Work done = Energy supplied

So, the rate of energy supplied by a body is called its power,

i.e., Power = Energy supplied/time taken =E/t = fxs/t = fxv

where  v  is the velocity of the body.

Average power

It is defined as the average amount of work done by a body per unit time,

i.e., Average power = Amount of work done/Time taken

In terms of energy, Average power =Amount of energy supplied/Time taken

Since power is the ratio of energy to time, both being scalar quantities, power is also a scalar quantity.

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