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The Servant Class 10 th Short Story Lesson 5






The Servant 

By (S.T. Semyonov) 

Thinking About The Text:-

Q1 Why had Gerasim been going about in vain?

Ans. Gerasim had been going about in vain because he was rendered jobless. He was searching for a job at a time when it was difficult to find one. It was Christmas Eve and everyone stuck to the pity job in the expectation of a present.

Q2 Where had he been working? Why did he return to his village?

Ans. He had been working as an employee of a merchant. Before that he had worked in a brewery and as a lower servant. He had been called to his village for his recruitment in military services, (i.e. he was conscripted). Unfortunately, he was not selected and thus he had to go without work for weeks together.

Q3 What did the coachman tell Gerasim when he narrated his story?

Ans. When Gerasim narrated his story, the coachman condemned him for working inefficiently. He told him that the young people like him were unsuccessful to impress their masters and when they were replaced, there was no chance for them to join back because of the bad impression.

Q4 How did the coachman persuade his master to employ Gerasim?

Ans. The coachman persuaded his master to employ Gerasim by suggesting him to expel the janitor who had grown old and was unable to carry out the assigned jobs efficiently. He motivated him to dismiss the old servant who had worked for him for fifteen years. He assured his master that the old janitor and his wife had earned enough money to lead their future life comfortably. His master trusted him more than anyone else and thus agreed with his suggestion of replacing old janitor with Gerasim.

Q5 Why was the master reluctant to disengage the old servant?

Ans. The old servant, Polikarpych had been a loyal and trustworthy servant of his master for fifteen long years. He had served him a lot. The old man had dedicated his prime, energetic and youthful period of his life in the service of his master. So the master was reluctant to disengage him. He felt it unjust to dismiss him in his ripe age when he should be paid for his life long service. But the coachman poisoned his ears and provoked him to disengage the poor, old servant.

Q6 What did Gerasim hear while crossing the yard?

Ans. While crossing the yard, Gerasim heard the old servant, Polikarpych (whom he was supposed to replace) complaining against the coachman. They seemed to be pained at the thanklessness of their master. They also talked about the treacherous and deceptive nature of the coachman. His wife also continued abusing the coachman and the old couple was worried about their survival in future without a job.

Q7 What did the old couple think about the master?

Ans. The old couple was very annoyed and disheartened by their master’s decision. The old servant’s wife considered her master mean and thankless. She believed that their master exploited

them when they were energetic and strong, but when they became weak, he preferred to expel them rather than supporting them in their old age. However, the old servant, Policarpych was of the opinion that his master was not at fault but his ears were being poisoned by the coachman.

Q8 What was the effect of the old couple’s conversation on Gerasim?

Ans. The old couple’s conversation pinched him and he became heart-sore. He was deeply hurt by their talks and decided to look for other job than to deprive the old man from his job which he needed badly.

Q9 How does the story reflect the humility of Gerasim?

Ans. The story is a subtle reflection of humility of Gerasim because he refused to work in place of Polikarpych. He did not tolerate to render an old man jobless in order to employ himself. It indicates that he was a man of heart who preferred to leave his job but did not work in place of an old and faithful servant.


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