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OUT OF BUSINESS Class 10th English Short story 4








QNo 1: What was Rama Rao’s business? How did it collapse?

Ans: Rama Rao worked as a Malgudi agent of a gramophone company. He had also invested some amount in the company ,which he had inherited from his ancestors. Unfortunately the company collapsed as a result of a Bombay financers death.

QNo2:What effect did it have on him and his family?

Ans: The collapse of Rama Rao’s business was a catastrophe for him .He suddenly found himself in terrible financial crises .His wife sent away the cook and the servant , withdraw their children from reputed schools to free schools . They let their bungalow out and resided in a small house.

QNo3: What is the “stock” referred to in line 23?

Ans: “Stock” refers to the few gramophones left with Rama Rao to be supplied to Malgudi.

 QNo4:Why did Rama Rao worry less about his family after he came across the Captain?

Ans: After coming across” The Captain” Rama Rao’s whole attention diverted to the cross word puzzle of the magazine to earn more money in less time. Now he thought more about solving the puzzle in the magazine than the problems of his family. He continued asking for money from his wife and became insensitive about the needs of his family and worsened the condition of his family.

He preferred to solve puzzles given in the captain to earn more and more money rather than thinking about any other means of livelihood.

QNo5:Why did Rama Rao decide to send in at least four entries for the “ special offer Cross word Competition”?

Ans: Rama Rao decided to send in at least four entries for the special offer crossword competition, because he had become disappoint to earn a good sum of money in a very easy and short way. He asked his wife for five rupees to send in four entries so that he gets the prize any how. No doubt he troubled and grieved his wife and children but left no stone unturned to gain the effortless sum from the cross word puzzle.

QNo6: Why did Rama Rao planned to go to Madras?

Ans: Rama Rao planned to go to Madras to find some lucrative job for himselfand for his family

QNo7: what made Rama Rao believe that God had shown him mercy ?

Ans: Rama Rao believed that God had shown mercy on him because he was lucky that he got a chance to amend his error .He had got an opportunity to work hard and earn for his family, after being saved from suicide attempt . Rama Rao had repented on his mistake and could start his life afresh with his family only because of Gods mercy.

QNo8: How did Rama Rao alternate between hope and despair?

Ans: Rama Rao’s life had become like a pendulum which oscillated between hope and despair. This alteration had been brought about by Rama Rao’s follies. He was driven by the greed of gaining more and more money easily and by short cut method .He lost his self respect and thinking capacity because of this hope despair transmission. He hoped that by solving those useless puzzles, he could earn money .Every time he failed in solving them, he again overwhelmed himself with despair and disappointment. Then , after recovering from this hopelessness, he would again fix his eyes and hope on the next weeks puzzle. This alteration ruined his life.


Q Keeping in view the theme of the store do you think that short cut methods should be followed in life? Why?

Ans. A short cut method menans a way of  doing 
Some thing done quickly is never done rightly. Haste always makes waste when  we are in haste, we have no time to think. And when we don't think, we are sure to make mistakes. And when we make frequent mistakes, we are sure to
ruin ourselves. Therefore, we must never form the habit of following short cut methods. This is what welearn from Rama Rao's story. He follows short cut methods to overcome his financial problems. These methods ultimately take him
to the railway line. It is only God's mercy that holds up the train . otherwise, Rama Rao's short cut methods would have cut his life short


Q:- As a teenager, how do you cope up with the challenges of everyday life? Exchange your ideas with your group mates?

Ans. I always take every difficult thing as a challenge. I never lose courage. I try and try till at last I succeed. For example, there are times when I fail to solve a sum in math's. Then I don't just give it up. I take it as a challenge. I keep on trying and I always find that nothing is impossible to do if one has the firm determination  to do it. At every step in our life, we have to face challenges and difficulties . If we accept these challenges , we win. And if we turn our face away from them , we get overthrown. This is a fact of life which everyone must keep in mind to succeed in life.

Language Work:

Match the following:

(i) Rent his heart........ Tore of his heart,that is to say, made him extremely sad

(ii) To wear one’s feet out..........to walk a lot

(iii) Hang about   wait,. .......doing nothing

(iv) Come to   rest.............. stop

(v) To show tears and frays...... come out in loose threads

(vi) To have the heart....... be inclined to; wish

(Vii)Bolt from the blue...... thunderbolt from a clear and cloudless sky; a shocking surprise

(ix) File in......... march in one behind the other

(X) With an air of finality...... giving the impression that there is nothing more to be said

(Xi) Build castles in the air....... make plans or build hopes that are likely to prove mere dreams

 (xii) Worn oneself into..... get into someone’s favour slowly by patience

(xiii) Brood over...... think for a long time over

(xv) Buoyed over......... lifted up; cheerful

(xv) Fast melting........ diminishing


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