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Abhiley short story 3 Class 10th English


Story - 3 Abhiley

Q1.- Do you think that Abhiley represents the simplicity of Ladakhi women? Cite two examples of her innocence and ignorance from the text ?

Ans. People living on hills are usually very simple at heart. It is all the more truth about people who live in villages and know nothing about modern technology and the outside world. Abhiley is also such a woman. She is an old Ladakhi woman and has never gone far from her village To her, Srinagar is as distant a place as turkey, Two examples of her innocence and ignorance from the text book are the following:

i-When Abhiley heard the news of the earthquake In turkey, her face turned yellow and

she prayed to God to have pity on her grand daughter Rukhsana who was living in Srinagar, Turkey and Srinagar were the same for her.

ii-When she came to know that the bus in which Rukhsana was travelling had broken down near Kargil, she argued the Rukhsana must have no survived. She had the concept that breaking down of the bus means that it had an accident

Q2:- Why did not Abhiley reconise Dolma and called her a memsahib?

Ans. Dolma was a young girl. She was the daughter of a distant relative. She lived in Delhi Abhiley had not seen her for years. That was why Abhiley did not recognize her Abhiley called Dolmu a memsahih because she was dressed in way entirely different from the way in which Abhiley found women in their simple dress. She did, not look like a village girl. She looked very modern She had dressed herself in a western manner. Here by memsahih' Abhiley simply means a girl who has dressed herself in the western style

Q3:- How will you estimate Abhiley's response to modern technology?

Ans. It is good to hold on to one's tradition. But the tradition must be a healthy one unhealthy traditions do more harm than good. Traditions that hold up good moral values ought to be respected. But some traditions smack of backwardness , ignorance superstition. They must be given up. There is no doubt that Abhiley is a loving old woma. She is a nice mother-in-law. But her too much ignorance about modern technology, makes her leugherble character. Even the member of her own family giggle at her ignorance. When she hears of a bus breaking down on its way, she feels certain that none of the passengers could be alive

04:- What are the major themes of the short story.
Ans. The major themes are
1.Tradition versus modernity
2.Simplicity of rural life.
3.Confinement to horas
4.Exploitation of simple behaviour by others.

Q5:- Abhiley was always worried about Rukshana but why she did not opt to stay at Srinagar with her?

Ans. It is true that abhiley was always worried about Rakhana. her grand daughter who was studying in Srinagar. Abhilex was taken to Srinagar to see her. But she did not opt to stay at Srinagar with her because she declared that she would return to Leh as she was missing the children her daughter, her grand daughter and grandson So. they purchased the return tickets and returned Leh.

Language Work

Match the following:
i.Abhiley - Grand mother
il.Kaga- .....Elder brother
iii. Agu.......Uncle
iv. Aba...... Father
Achey .......- aunt

1. Give the meaning of the following and use in your own sentences:

a. Sunken Checks :( An expression of old age) The old lady had sunken cheeks.
b. Broken down : (Not working properly) The telephone system has broken down.
c. Pursed her mouth : (Closed the mouth) She used her mouth and could not pursed it.
d. Spewing Venom: (Talk roughly or von poison) The mother-in-law was spewing venom on the poor daughter-in-law.
e. Hale and hearty : (Healthy) My grand mother is quite and hearty.

Writing Work:

Q:- Write a short paragraph on 'generation gap.' How can communication barrier be minimized?

Ans. Generation gap means when older and younger people do not understand each other because of their different experiences, opinions, habits and behaviour. Generation gap is likely a broken bridge on a river. Adolescence is a period of stress. At this stage, adolescents believe that they can act on their own. Times are changing fast, values are changing and moralities are breaking Adolescents refuse to be neared as children. T.V has been playing wrong role to some extent through its Programmes. Even small children are behaving the wrong way and refuse to listen or behave as they are advised by the adults. The adults are on the wrong track.
To remove this communication barrier the parents have to be very careful in listening to the children and helping them in various ways as sound advice; sharing views, accepting their suggestions etc. The parents should not neglect their children but they should spend some extra time with them. They should be given moral education by their parents and elders. They should share their thoughts and listen to their problems and try to solve them.

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