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Short story 4



Answer the following questions :

Q. 1. Granny would send some fudge to Mohan. Why would not she send meat ?

Ans. She would not send meat because no one in Mohan's house ate meat.

Q. 2. Beside Rusty and Mohan who was fond of Granny's fudge ?

Ans. Squirrels were fond of Granny's fudge.

Q. 3. You can't climb a papaya tree. Why? How can you bring the papayas down ?

Ans. We cannot climb a papaya tree because it is slender and wobbly. We bring the papayas down from a tree with a long pole.

Q. 4. What would Granny do to earn money? Who helped her in her trade?

Ans. Granny sold the mango crop and got a fair amount of money. There was a small pension from the Railways where her husband had served. Mohan helped her in the trade.

Q. 5. What would Granny buy with the money that Rusty and Mohan earned for her ? Who took a good share of the meal in Granny's kitchen ?

Ans. She would buy a turkey for Christmas, Uncle Ken took a good share of the turkey.

Q. 6. What were Major Clarke's views about Granny and her pickles ?

Ans. Major Clarke was of the view that there was no one who could make a pickle like the author's grandmother. Besides, she was God's gift to a world that was terribly short of good cooks.

Q. 7. What advice did Granny give to Uncle Ken ? What did he say in reply?

Ans. She told Ken to go to his sister Emily, the headmistress of a school in Lucknow. He could become the in charge of the dormitory. Ken said that he could not be expected to be in charge of a dormitory having forty or fifty indiscipline boys.

Q. 8. Why did Rusty lie about Miss Leslie? Why did he mention Mr. Houghton ?

Ans. He feared to be punished by Uncle Ken. That is why Rusty told a lie about Miss Leslie and Mr. Houghton.

II. Say whether the statements are true or false. Write T or F in the boxes.

1. Granny was an expert in making English sweets.

2. Mohan worked in Granny's kitchen.

3. Uncle Ken liked Granny's pickles.

4. Mohan and Rusty always sold Granny's pickles in the market.

5. Granny bought her house after the death of her husband.

6. Rusty's grandfather was an employee in the Railways, be

7. Major Clarke bought four bottles of pickle.

8. Dr. Dutt found lime pickle good for liver.

9. Miss Leslie is the wife of Uncle Ken.

10. Miss Leslie had really bought chutney from Rusty: 4.0

Ans. 1. T 2. T 3. F 4.F 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. T 9. F. 10. F.


I. Guess the meaning of the underlined words in the following sentences. This meaning will be different from the one you have learned in the story.

1. There was a knock at the door and we were all frightened.

2. This library houses hundreds of old manuscripts.

3. She's been really down since her husband died.

4. Return the jacket back. It's not made of a good stuff.

5. He was charged with stealing a pair of trousers.

Ans. 1. tap or bang

2. contains, has

3. disappointed, dismayed, miserable.

4. Material

5. Accused of

II. Match words in Column A with their opposites in Column B.


A                           B

hard                      Soft

sell                        Buy

small                     Big

sweet                    Bour

front                     Back

live                       Die

poor                     Rich

III. Many fruits and vegetables are mentioned in the story. Write them in your notebook. With a partner discuss whether any or all of them are found in your place.

Ans. Mangoes, lichees and papayas are the fruits mentioned in the lesson.

Turnips, carrots, cauliflowers and chillies are some of the vegetables mentioned in the lesson.


Bashir : Let me know the names of vegetables that grow in your place, Akram.

Akram : Carrots, peas, cauliflowers, spinach, fenugreek (methi)

radishes, cabbages and brinjals grow in my place, Sopore.

Bashir : What about the fruits that grow in your place ?

Akram : Apples, apricots, plums, peaches and almonds grow in my place.


I. Study the underlined words in the following

-The papayas were in season during winter

-Green mangoes pickled in oil were always popular. So was her hot

lime pickle.

'Were' and 'was' are verbs which have been used with plural and singular subjects, respectively-The papayas' is plural and 'hot lime pickle' is singular.

It is important that subject and verb should agree with each other in a sentence.

Study these examples also:

-Dogs bark - A dog barks.

-Children are playing The child is weeping.

-Teachers have come - The teacher has gone to her class.

Now look at the following pictures and write how many of them there


This is for self-study from the text-book.

II. Use contracted forms for underlined expressions in the following sentences :

1. Rusty was not ashamed of selling Granny's pickles.

2. Uncle Ken did not care for pickles.

3. No, sir, they are my grandmother's.

4. I have said it before and I will say it again.

5.It is high time you found a job.

6. What is demented?

7.We have a crazy dog and now Uncle Ken is crazy too.

8. She has gone to her sister's house for the weekend.

9. I do not know who killed the bird. It is really bad.

10. She will be with us for the whole month.

Ans. 1. wasn't 2. didn't 3. they're 4. I've 5. It's 6. What's 7. We've,

uncle Ken's 8. She's 9. don't, It's 10. she'll.

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