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Lesson no 10



Points to Remember

  1. Breathing is a part of respiration.
  2. Energy is stored in food and gets released during respiration.
  3. The air which is breathed in is rich in oxygen and air breathed out is rich in carbon dioxide.
  4. Aerobic respiration and Anaerobic respiration are two types of respiration. In the former free oxygen is needed while the latter occurs in the absence of free oxygen.
  5. Yeast is an anaerobe organism.
  6. Cramp in legs are due to formation of lactic acid.
  7. Hot water bath or massage gives relief from CRAMPS
  8. Breathing involves inhalation and exhalation.
  9. Breathing rate is the number of times a person breathes in a minute.
  10. Average breathing rate of an adult being at rest is 15-18 times a minute.
  11. Lung is main respiratory organ of mammals. i.e. man, dog, elephant etc.
  12. Smoking damages lungs.
  13. Tracheal System is found in insects.
  14. Gills are respiratory organs of fishes.
  15. Plants also respire. Exchange of gases in plants takes place through small openings in leaves, called stomata.
  16. Roots absorb oxygen from air spaces between the soil particles .
  17. All living organisms respire to get the energy needed for their survival.
  18. Respiration is a vital biological process.
  19. Respiration. It is the process of breakdown of food material by oxygen in the presence of respiratory enzymes, to release energy.
  20. Anaerobic Respiration. Respiration in the absence of air or oxygen.
  21. Aerobic respiration. It is a process of oxidation of food in presence of free atmospheric oxygen. It is mostly carried out by plants and animals.
  22. Anaerobes. The organisms that can survive in absence of air.
  23. Breathing. Process of intake of oxygen and exhalation of Carbon Dioxide.
  24. Breathing rate. Number of times a person breathes in a minute is called breathing rate.
  25. Tracheal respiration. When the trachea or air tubes take part in breathing then the process is called tracheal respiration.


Q. 1. Define cellular respiration.

Ans. Cellular Respiration. During breathing, we breathe in air which contains oxygen. The air we breathe in is transported to all parts of the body and ultimately to each cell. This inhaled oxygen helps in the breakdown of food. The process of breakdown of food in the cell with the release of energy is called cellular respiration. This process occurs in all cells of the organism.

Q. 2. Why does an athlete breathe faster and deeper than usual after finishing the race ?

Ans. Running increases the breathing rate. So, to overcome it an athlete breathes faster and deeper so that he can inhale more oxygen into the lungs.

Q. 3. List the similarities and differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.

Ans. Similarities between aerobic and anaerobic

(1) Both processes include exchange of gases.

(ii) Both processes liberate energy.

(iii) Both processes take place inside the cell.

Q.4 . Differences between aerobic respiration. and Aerobic respiration

Aerobic respiration 

(1) It takes place in the presence of oxygen.

(2) It is completed in cytoplasm and mitochondria of cells.

(3) It involves the complete: oxidation of glucose into CO₂ and H₂O.

(4) The process is harmless.

Anaerobic respiration

(1) It takes place in the absence of oxygen.

(2) It is completed in the cytoplasm only.

(3) It involves the incomplete oxidation of glucose into CO₂ and alcohol.

(4) The process is toxic to plants.

Q. 4. Why do we often sneeze when we inhale a lot of dust laden air ?

Ans. Usually hair in nasal cavity trap the dust particles but sometimes these particles get pass the hair in nasal cavity and irritate the lining of the cavity, which is cause of sneeze.Sneezing helps in expelling foreign particles.

Q. 5. Take three test tubes. Fill 3/4th of each with water. Label them A, B and C. Keep a snail in test tube A, a water plant in test tube B and in C keep snail and plant both. Which test tube would have the highest concentration of CO₂ ?

Ans. In the test tube A, snail is there. It is breathing out CO2

 In test tube B, a plant is there. It is using CO₂  for photosynthesis.

In test tube C, both plant and snail are present. The CO₂ exhaled by snail is being used by the plant.

So, concentration of CO₂ will be more in test tube A.

Q. 6. Tick the correct answer.

(A) In cockroaches air enters the body through (i) Lungs (ii) Gills (iii) Spiracles (iv) Skin.

(B) During heavy exercise, we get cramps in legs due to accumulation of 

(i) Carbon dioxide (ii) lactic acid (iii) alcohol (iv) water.

(C) Normal range of breathing rate per minute in an average adult person at rest is :

(i) 9-12 (ii) 15-18 (iii) 21-24, (iv) 30-33.

(D) During exhalation, the ribs

(i) move outwards (ii) move downwards (iii) move upwards (iv) do not move at all.

Ans. (A) (iii), (B) (ii), (C) (ii), (D) (ii).

Q. 7. Match the items in column I with those in column II


Column A.         Column B

(a) Yeast.           Alcohol 

(b) Diaphragm. Chest cavity 

(c) Skin.              Earthworm 

(d) Leaves.         Stomata 

(e) Fish.             Gills

(f) Frog.            Lungs and Skin

(g) Cockroach.   Trachea

Q. 8. Mark 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if it is false :

(i) During heavy exercise the breathing rate of a person. slows down. (T/F)

(ii) Plants carry out photosynthesis only during the day and respiration only at night,(T/F)

(iii) Frogs breathe through their skins as well as lungs.(T/F)

(iv) The fishes have lungs for respiration.bod (T/F)

(v) The size of the chest cavity increases during inhalation.(T/F)

Ans. (i) During heavy exercise the breathing rate of a person slows down. (F)

(ii) Plants carry out photosynthesis only during the day and respiration only at night. (F)

(iii) Frogs breathe through their skins as well as lungs. (F)

(iv) The fish have lungs for respiration. (F)

(v) The size of the chest cavity increases during inhalation. (F)

Q. 9. Given below is a square of letters in which are hidden different words related to respiration in organisms. These words may be present in anydirection- upwards, downwards or along the diagonals.Find the words for your respiratory system. Clues about those words are given below the square.

(i) The air tubes of insects.

(ii) Skeletal structures surrounding chest cavity.

(iii) Muscular floor of chest cavity.

(iv) Tiny pores on the surface of leaf.

(v) Small openings on the sides of the body of an insect.

(vi) The respiratory organs of human beings.in

(vii) The openings through which we inhale.

(viii) An anaerobic organism.

(ix) An organism with Tracheal Systems.

Ans. (i) Trachea

(ii) Ribs

(iii) Diaphragm.

(iv) Stomata

(v) Spiracles

(vi) Lungs

(vii) Nostrils

(viii) Yeast

(ix) Ant.

Q. 10. The mountaineers carry oxygen with them because

(a) At an altitude of more than 5 km there is no air.

(b) The amount of air available to a person is less than that available on the ground.

(c) The termperature of air is higher than that on the ground.

(d) The pressure of air is higher than that of the ground.

Ans. (b) The amount of air available to a person is less than that available on the ground.

Q. 11. Give two examples of each of the following:

(1) Animals that breathe through gills.

(2) Animals that breathe through spiracles.

(3) Animals that breathe through skin.


(1) Animals that breathe through gills: (i) Fish (ii) Frog.

(2) Animals that breathe through spiracles: (i) Cockroach(ii) Ants.

(3) Animals that breathe through skin: (i) Earthworm(ii) Frog.


Q. 1. What is anaerobic respiration ?

Ans. Anaerobic respiration. Some cells like bacteria and yeast can release energy by the breakdown of glucose into is called anaerobic respiration. ethyl alcohol and CO₂ in the absence of oxygen. This process

Q. 2. What are stomata ? Give two functions of stomata.

Ans. Stomata. It is an opening present on the lower surface of leaves. It is guarded by two kidney-shaped guard cells. The light affects its opening.

Functions. (i) Exchange of gases, (ii) Control of transportation.

Q. 3. Explain respiration in plants.

Ans. Respiration in plants. Plants, during the process of photosynthesis, give off oxygen which is utilized during respiration.

Stomata are the openings located on the surface of the leaves which are guarded by two kidney-shaped guard cells. Through stomatal opening, air can pass into or out of leaves.

Q. 4. Discuss respiration in insects.

Ans. Respiration in insects. In insects, the respiratory organs are a network of thin walled respiratory tubes or trachea. The end branches to tracheae are called tracheoles.

The trachea opens to outside through pores, called spiracles, The movement of air from outside to inside and that of carbondioxide from inside to outside is maintained by up and down movements of the body caused by respiratory muscles. 

Q. 5. Is respiration the same as breathing?

Ans. Respiration and breathing are not the same

processes. During respiration oxidation of food occurs along with the release of energy. It is purely an intracellular process which occurs with the help of many biochemical reactions. Breathing is purely a physical process. It mainly occurs by inhalation and exhalation. In breathing simply gaseous exchange occurs, where O₂ is taken in and carbon dioxide is released out

Q. 6. Give chemical equation for Aerobic respiration.

Ans. Glucose + Oxygen → Carbon dioxide + Water + energy,

C6H12O6 +602--------->6CO2 + 6H₂O + Energy

Q. 7. Give an account of movement of ribs during inhalation and exhalation processes.

Ans. Movement of Ribs

(i) During inhalation. Ribs move up and outwards to increase space in chest cavity.

(ii) During exhalation. Ribs move down and  inwards to decrease space in chest cavity.

Q. 8. Describe the importance of respiration in plants.

Ans. Importance of respiration in plants. During respiration the energy rich foodstuffs (glucose and fructose) are changed into water and carbon dioxide accompanied with the release of usable energy which is necessary for the sustenance of plant life. The carbon dioxide so released is made use of in the manufacture of food for the plant during the process of photosynthesis.

Q. 9. Give an account of respiration in fishes.

Ans. Respiration in fishes. The fishes are water breathing animals. The respiratory organs are the gills. Gills bathe in water. Dissolved oxygen is taken from the water and carbon dioxide is given out to the water by simple diffusion method. The gills are rich in blood supply.


Q. 1. Differentiate between Breathing and Respiration 

Ans. Difference between Breathing and Respiration :


(1) It is ventilation or bringing in of oxygenated

air and taking off deoxygenated air.

(2) It is a physical process.

(3) Breathing does not liberate energy.

(4) It 1S restricted to respiratory organs where gaseous exchange occurs between blood and atmospheric air.


(1) Respiration of animals includes breathing,

gaseous exchange and catabolic breakdown of


(2) Respiration is both a physical physiological chemical process.

(3) It liberates energy.

(4)Respiration involves every living cell of the body.

Q. 2.Prove through experiment that CO₂ is present in the exhaled air.

Ans. We can prove by the following experiment that CO₂ is present in the exhaled air :

Experiment. Take two clean test tubes, fill them with freshly prepared lime water upto the half mark. Each cork should have two holes. Insert glass tubes in both Fig. Carbon dioxide is the corks. Exhale air through your produced during respiration mouth in the apparatus. You will notice that the lime water through which exhaled air is passed turns milky. In other tube slight milkiness will appear. It proves that more carbon dioxide is present in exhaled air as compared to atmospheric air which has produced slight milkiness in other tube.

 CO₂+ Ca (OH)2-------->CaCo3 +H₂0

Carbon dioxide +Calcium hydroxide +Calcium carbonate +Water 

Q3:- Draw a labelled diagram showing respiratory organs of a man 

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