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'Bholi' Short Story 2 Class 10th English






Short Story 2


Q1:- For what unusual reasons is Bholi sent to school?

Ans. Bholi is sent to school because a primary school has been opened in Ramlal's village Ramlal being Numberdar has to set an example by sending his daughter to school. Moreover there is no chance of attoli getting married. She is not good looking. And she lacks sense . So to get rid of her, she is send to school

Q2:- How does Bholi find her teacher different from other people at home?

Ans. The people at Bholi's house were quite different to her. They called her dumb and brainless . New clothes were never made for her. She wore her sisters' worn out clothes Sha was not bathed. Her hair remained dry and matted. They always discouraged her. But her teacher showed great love and sympathy for her. She spoke to her sofily. She filled her heart with a new hope and a new life. She always inspired her to speak clearly.

Q4:- Why do Bholi's parents accept Bishamber's marriage proposal?

Ans. Bholi's parents accept Bishamber's marriage proposal for the following reasons.

1. He is quite rich and has a big shop, a house of his own and a fat bank balance

2. He is not asking for dowry.

3. He is from another village and does not know about Bholi's pock marks and lack of sense.

05:- The ending of the story is very dramatic. Do you think her decision not marry Bishamber makes her an outcast rebellious or is it an assertion of her being an indidual and a woman of substance ?

Ans. Bholi did not want to bring disgrace to her family. Therefore, she agreed to marry Bishamber who was of her father's age. But at the time of marriage, Bishamber demanded a dowry of five thousand rupees. Bholi's father placed his Turban at Bishanber's feet. But Bishamber was adamant At this, Ramlal brought a bundle of five thousand rupees and placed at his feet. But Bholi refused to marry a man who was so mean and greedy. This shows that Bholi was a girl of great courage and confidence. She was not  ready to suffer any disgrace or injustice. She decide to serve her parents in their old age, and thus proved that girls are in no way less helpful than boys to their parents.

05:- Bholi's real name is sulekha. We are told this right at the beginning. But only in the last but one paragra of the story is Bholi called sulekha again. Why do you think she is called sulekha at that point in the story?

Ans. Bholi's real name is sulekha  when she was ten months old. she fell off the cot. The cot fell on her head Some part of her brain was damaged. It made her mentally backward. That was why she was called Bholi , the simpleton. She was sent to school. Her teacher showed great love and sympathy for her. She filed her with great courage and confidence. Bholi gave Brishamber a beffitting treatment Now she was no longer a girl who lacked sense She was not the same dumb cow but grown to be confident girl. She was wise, confident, courageous and self respecting. That is why in the end of the story. She is referred to by her real name, sulekha -not Bholi, the  simpleton. 

Bholi story is different in the sense that pock marks have made her ugly, but there are numerous instances when a beautiful girl's marriage proposal has been broken because of the dowry demand.

Q1. If you were at that place, how would you react to the situation?

Ans. If I were faced with a situation of this kind, I would have reacted more violently I would have asked Bishamer why he was so greedy for money
would have seized him by neck and hit him very hard for others to draw a lesson. I would have called the police and handed over Bishamber to them for demanding dowry and insulting me and my parents. I would  have contacted a branch of human rights commission and inform them about  the whole situation I would not have rested till some suitable action was taken against Bishamber.

Q2;- What role can you play in minimizing / eliminating the menace of diowry?

Ans. I would take a pledge never give or accept any dowry and would encourage all young boys and girs to do the same in their life.

03. Draw character sketches of the following:

i) Bholi

ii) Bholi Parents

iii) Bishamber

(Character sketch of Bholi)

Bholi's real name was Sulekha Her parents called her Bholi because she was mentally backward. She stammered badly. And she had black pockmarks on her hody. Her parents had linle hope that anyone would marry her. They neglected her completely. They called her dumb and brainless. New clothes were never made for her. She wore her sisters worn-out clothes. She was not bathed. Her hair remained dry and matted. They always discouraged her. The poor girl felt depressed and she was weak by heart. But Bholi's teacher gave her all love and affection. She filled her heart with a new hope. She changed Bholi into a masterpiece of courage and confidence. We see this when Bholi refuses to marry a mean and greedy person like Bishamber. She revolted and proved to be very brave and a woman of substance. She told her parents that she would remain unmarried and serve them in their old age.

(Character sketch of Bholi's parents) 

Bholi's parents had three sons and four daughter Bholi was the youngest. Bholi parents paid little attention to her. They did not care for her. They never spoke kindly to her. This ill-treatment mode her life more miserable. They never gave her good clothes to wear. Her hair looked matted. They never thought of her and gave her old clothes used by other children. It was only on
the day when Bholi was sent to school that she was given new clothes to wear It was on this day that she was given a good bath and her hair was oiled. If  the parents would have loved and encouraged Bholi, the condition could be different. Bholi stopped to stammer when the teacher in the school treated her very kindly. The aim of the parents was not to actually make her educated but be away during the day time as was said by Bholi's mother and the father did not object.

( Character sketch of Bishamber)

Ans:- Bishamber was a middle-aged grocer. He was almost as old as Bholi's father. He limped while walking. He had grown-up children from his first wife. Even then Bholi's parents accepted his marriage proposal. They had their own 
reasons for it. Bishamber was quite rich. He had a big shop and a house. He had a lot of money in the bank. And he was demanding no dowry. But at the time of marriage when he came to know that Bholi had pock-marks on her face, an evil idea entered his mind. He demanded five thousand rupees in dowry. Bholi's father entreated him not to be so harsh and unkind, but he did not listen. Greed entered his mind, He wanted to make the best of the situation
for money. And then Bholi shows her true mettle. She refused to marry him.  She threw_garland into sacred fire. Bishamber got a lesson. Bishamber was a crooked fellow; he was greedy and cunning.... 

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