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"The Tale Of Custard The Dragon"

By - (Ogden Nash)

Q1:- Who are the characters in this poem ? List them with their pet names?

Ans. The characters in this poem are - Belinda, Ink , Blink, Mustard and Custard. Belinda is a girl. The other four characters are Belinda 's little pets. Their pet names are as under:

Character              Pet Names

1. A black kitten   -       Ink

2. A grey mouse       -   Blink

3. A yellow dog        -   Mustard

4. A Dragon              -   Custard

Q2:- Why did custard ciftar a nice safe cage?

Ans. Custard cried for a nice safe cage because he was a coward.

Q3:- Why is dragon called cowardly dragon ?

Ans. The dragon is called the cowardly dragon because he lacked courage, behaved in a cowardly and childish manner and always cried for a safe cage.

04:- Belinda tickled him, "she tickled him unmerciful ....' Why?

Ans. Because Belinda thinks dragon to be a coward and wants that he should leave his nature of fear and cowardice.

05:- Do you find the Tale of custard the Dragon, a serious or funny poem?
Give reasons in support of your answer?

Ans. The poem 'The tale of custard the Dragon' is a funny poem. It creates humour and entertains the readers. The behaviour of the pets makes the poem humorous. Mustard called himself twice brave , Ink and Blink called themselves triple brave and custard said that all were braver than him. But when the pirate came to Belinda's house and she cried for help, Mustard fled away. Ink reached the bottom of the house hold and Blink went towards the mouse hole. Only custard faced him. The three pets who considered themselves braver than the fourth one proved to be cowards and the fourth one  who was considered a coward, proved to be brave.

Q6:- What is the rhyme scheme of the poem? 

Ans. This poem is in the form of quatrains(Four lined Stanza) The rhyme scheme of each quatrain is a a b b. 

07:- Pick out the lines from The poem that contain similes?

Ans. i. as brave as a tiger à rage.

ii. as brave as a barrel full of bears.

iii. as long as a chimney.

iv. sharp as Mustard.

v. mouth like a fire place.

vi. snoring like an engine.

vii. Like irons in a dungeon.

viii. Like a robin at a worm

Q8:- What images does the poet use in the poem?

Ans. The images used in the poem are :

i. Big sharp teeth

ii. Mouth like fireplace.

iii. Chimney for a nose.

iv. Tail like irons.

v. He went at the pirate like a robin at a worm.

Q9:- Which line of stanza is used as a refrain in the poem?

Ans. And realio, trulio, little pet dragon. 

"Summary of the poem"

The poem "The tale of custard the Dragon" is written by Ogden Nash. This poem is a doggerel (a ridiculous poem). In it, the poet tries to  ridicule persons who put up faces of being very brave and courageous, but in times of crisis prove big cowards. On the other hand, those who are unassuming and make no proud professions prove their worth when the occasion demands it. A girl named Belinda had four pets-Ink (a black kitten), Blink a(grey mouse), Mustard (a yellow dog) and custard (a little dragon). While Ink , Blink and Mustard make tall claims of their bravery, poor custard is content to remain in his cage. All the three-Ink, Blink and Mustard-make a mockery of custard and call him a coward. Belinda, too, keeps custard in neglect and gives all care to the other three One day a robber breaks into Belinda's house. He has a pistol in his left hand and a pistol in his right hand. Ink , Blink and Mustard run away in fear and hide themselves. But Custard faces the robber bravely and kills him. Belinda embraces custard and the three other pets begin to dance in Joy. But soon Ink, Blink and Mustard , start again their usual boasting. They say that if they were given a chance, they could prove themselves many times as brave as custard. Belinda , too, becomes her usual self and showers all her care for Ink , Blink and Mustard and leaving custard crying for u safe cage.

"Central Idea of the poem"

“The tale of custard the Dragon' is a ridiculous poem. In it the poet tries to ridicule persons who put up faces of being very brave and courageous but in times of crisis prove big cowards. On the other hand, those who are unassuming and make no proud professions prove their worth when the occasion demands it.

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