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10th English Poem No 7(AN EVENING WET WITH RAIN)


"An Evening Wet With Rain"

By  (Ved Pal Deep)

Q1:- What are the memories that the poet talks about in the poem?

Ans. The poet talks about the memories of the childhood in the poem. He says that in his childhood he stood alone in the courtyard listening to the sound of cymbals. The waves of air brought the sweet and melodious Sound which was very pleasant to listen to.

Q2:- What kind of atmosphere is created in the poem? 

Ans. The atmosphere created in the poem is that of sadness , hopelessness and depression. The poet is in a desperate mood . He is quite unaware of his destination. He is in no hurry because he is neither impatient nor eager. He is in a depressed state of mind, Wondering in the deserted and empty, lane wet with rain.

03:- What makes the poet tried?

Ans. It is the loss of hope that makes the poet tired. It is only hope that keeps one going in one's life . if there is no hope , the very desire to live ends. Such a person naturally feels tired and exhausted all the time. That is what has happened in case of the poet also . He is in the evening of life and no hope has been left for him. Naturally he feels tired.

Q4:- What has darkened the evening of poet's life?

Ans. Loss of hope has darkened the evening of poet's life. The clouds of despair and hopelessness have gathered in his mind.

05:- Discuss the poet's regret in this poem?

Ans. The poet regrets that the past days of childhood do not return. He feels sad on remembering those days. He feels dejected and is disappointed. The present life of the poet is all despair. There is no joy or hope left for him. The only thing that hunts him is that past cannot be brought back.

Q6:- Comment on the imagery used by the poet in the poem?

Ans. The poet is a great pictorial artist. He has given us a clear picture of rights and sound on an evening wet with rain. The atmosphere created in the poem is that of sadness , hopelessness and depression.  So the similar images have been used by the poet. He has used the word pictures as well as sound pictures

  1. Windows, door of the house are wet (word picture).
  2. The collar of my coat is also wet with drops of rain ( word picture)
  3. The ground is slippery, there is no place to stand (word picture)
  4. There is an activity in the houses lit with electric bulbs . (word picture)
  5. Murmuring of leaves (sound picture).
  6. The sound of cymbals (sound picture).

"Summary of the poem"

The poem, "An Evening Wet With Rain" by Ved Pal Deep is a Dogri poem translated into English By shivnath. The poem expresses the sadness and hopelessness of the poet. The poet here reproduces the atmosphere of an evening that is wet with rain. The poet is walking through a lane. Everything is wet with rain. The poet is in a sad and depressed mood. He has lost all hope in the evening of his life. He does not know whether he should stop walking or keep going in the rain and wafting with the wind , water is seeping through his shoes He is feeling heavy in his eyes It can be due to sleep or fever All around there is perfect silence. Memories of childhood begin to flood the poet's mind He is reminded of the time when he used to stand in the courtyard listening to ihe sound of cymbals. But now those are things of the past. What is past, can never be recalled. Now the only thing the poet can hope for is sleep in the lap of night (i.e. death). The poet sees the light of an earthen lamp in a wayside modest inn. But the poet is in no hurry to reach there and seek shelter. He now knows that his days are numbered. So he has left himself to his fate.

"Central idea of the poem"

In this poem, the poet recalls the days of his  childhood . He feels sad on remembering those days. He feels dejected And is disappointed . The only thing that haunts him is that the past cannot be brought back. The careful and delightful days of childhood do not return the poet has lost all the hope in the evening of his life. The only things the poet can hope for is sleep in the lap of night (i.e. death)

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