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Personal And Private Letters



A personal letter deals with something that we want to share with our friend. The best thing to do in this case is to imagine that we are talking to our friend or relative and then to put down in black and white what we want to say to him or to her. These should be written in a free, simple, natural and conversational manner.

1. Write a letter to your father telling him about the life in the hostel.

Biscoe School Hostel,
8th March, 1993

My dear Father,

You will be glad to know that I have been able to get admission in the hostel. It is a very good hostel. The warden is a very kind man. He treats us as his younger brothers. It has a new building. The rooms are airy and well-venulated. My room is on the second floor. It is a big room. It is well-furnished. Each of us has a table, two chairs, and an almirah. There is a common room. We can play many indoor games there. Besides this there is a library and a reading room. We can read magazines and newspapers there.
We have to get up early in the morning. We have our breakfast at seven and lunch at 1 p.m. We get tea and light refresament for breakfast. They serve rice, meat and vegetables at lunch and dinner. The preparations are quite satisfactory.

We are required to keep our rooms neat and clean. I wash my clothes myself, but I get thein ironed at a laur-dry. There are servants to sweep our rooms.
The atmosphere here is very congenial and I feel very happy in this institution.
With love for dear mother and little Raju.

                                                Yours affectionately,

2. Write a letter to your father requesting him to permit you to go on an historical tour to Agra and also send you Rs. 250/- for this purpose.

Govt. Higher Secondary
Kokamag, Islamabad
20th September, 1993
My dear Father,
Received your kind letter today. Please accept my respectful thanks for the same.

Our history teacher and some students of our school are going to Agra on
an historical tour. They will leave on the moming of 10th October. They will
visit Delhi. There are many historical places at Agra. This tour will add to my
knowledge of history. We will be back by 29th October. The total expenses
will come to about Rs. 200/-.

Kindly allow me to go on the tour and send me Rs. 250 to enable me to meet my expenses.

                                            Your Loving Son,

                                            Umar Ahmad

3.Write a letter to your father seeking his permission to join school hostel.

Higher Secondary School,
Shopian, Kashmir.
16th December, 1993.

My dear Father,

You will be glad to know that I have passed 9th class in first division. I have secured second position in my class. The results were declared yesterday afternoon. My teachers advise me to
live in the government hostel. They say that it will help me in pursuing my studies with a single track mind. My class teacher is also of the same opinion. Hope you will kindly let me know your opinion at your earliest.

                                             Yours affectionately,


4. Write a letter to your father informing him about your progress in studies and requesting him to send you some money.

Sopore, Kashmir.
4th september, 1993

My dear Father,

I was very glad to get your letter this morning. I read it over several times and resolved to act upon your advice. Our six monthly examination was held in the second week of August and
the result has been announced. I am glad to inform you that I obtained over 69% marks in all the subjects. This has encouraged me to work harder still. I have resolved to obtain a position in the annual examination. My class teacher is very kind to me. He strongly advised me to read ..................books on English, Science, Social Science. I want money to purchase these books.

I would, therefore, request you to send me Rs. 100/- as soon as possible. With love and best wishes,

                                            Your loving Son,

                                           Ghulam Hussain

5. Write a letter to your father requesting him to engage tutor for you.

Tral, Kashmir.
August 17th, 1993

My dear Father,

The result of our Test Examination was declared yesterday. I got mere pass marks in Mathematics and Science. My result in other subjects is not quite subjects to make up my deficiency.
satisfactory. To tell you the truth, I am really weak in English and Social Studies. As I desire to pass the examination with credit, I require a good coach in these and has kindly agreed to take up my tuition.
I, threfore, request you kindly to engage a tutor for me. In this connection I would suggest the name of Mrs. Shabnam, M.A., B.Ed. She is a good coach to secure a good division. I know that it will mean an extra expenditure for you, but I shall be able I hope that you will accede to my request.

                                           Your loving daughter,

6. Write a letter to your father for permission to change school.

Mahman Mohalla,
December 5, 1993

My dear Father,

Our English and Science teachers have recently been transferred from our school. They have been replaced others who do not seem to have a thorough grasp of the subjects. Moreover, they do not attend our classes regularly. If things continue like this I fear I might fail in these subjects. Besides I am very fond of playing outdoor games, but here nobody takes any interest in sports of any kind. It has, therefore, become necessary that I should change my school. the Govt. High School. In view of these circumstances, I request you kindly to permit me to join

                                                Your loving son,
                                                Gulam Mohd

7. Write a letter to your father for permission to spend a part of the summer vacation with a friend at his village.

23. Bal Garden;
July 18, 1993

My dear Father,

You will be glad to know that our school is going to be closed on 25th July for summer vacation for 15th days. My friends has asked me to spend at least 10 days of the vacation with him at Shopian his home

Shopian is a pleasant place and a health resort in summer. It is 48 km. from
Srinagar. It is surrounded on all sides by hills and mountains covered with dense forests.
His father, is the headmaster of the Local High School. He will be of great help to us in removing our difficulties and guiding us in our studies.
Morning and evening walks along the streams and in the nearby forests will be quite enjoyable and health-giving in summer days. Will you kindly let me know by the return of mail if you permit me to accompany him to his place..
I may assure you again that I shali spend my time in a fruitful way. 

                                       Yours affectionately
                                       Hira Lal

8.Write a letter to your father describing your first day in the New school

17th May, 2021

Dear Father,

You would be interested to know how I fod is my school. The new school presents an imposing structure with a spacious campus facing hale Mar Road Regular classes began today and our teachers brifed us on our books and courses. Everyone of us had to introduce himself to the class while our sacher sat pleasantly smiling. This procedure with slight variation was repeated is almost all periods. The teachers seem fine gentlemen; only one looked stern and forbidding. We had only a glimpse of the Principal going the rounds of the school. I had an exciting time all day.

                                    Yours affectionately


9. Write a letter to your father explaining him the cause of your failure in the examination.

7, Sala Kald,
Stage 1912.
September 25, 1998

My dear Father,

The result of the Test Examination is announced today. You will be very much shocked to know that I have failed. I feel ashamed of it. However, I am to blame for my failure. My failure is due to my own over work and ill-luck. Near the examination days I burnt mid-night oil and overworked myself with the result that I caught
cold on the examination days. This state of affairs persisted for many days As such even if I did the papers. 1 could not do them well,

I hope that you will not feel very much hurt with my failure. I am sure that I shall um this failure to good account next chance.

                                                     Your loving son,

                                                     Iqbal Bakshi

10. Write a letter to your father giving him some home news,



March 14, 1993

My dear Father,

I am glad to inform you that Raju has passed his Matriculation Examination in the first division. He has secured 715 marks and is likely to get as
All our relatives came to congratulate us on the occasion and we served them with tea and sweets.
Dear aunty has not been keeping well. She had high fever a week back. The fever has now subsided. We have put her on diet. Previously it was hot here. We all feel uneasy and could not enjoy a wink of sleep at night. Some two days back it rained and the weather is pleasant now,

                                               Your loving son,


11. Write a letter to your father requesting him to attend the Parent's Day in your school.

Govt. Higher Secondary School,


15th September, 1993

My dear Father,

The Principal and the members of the staff have in consultation with the student leaders of the school decided to hold a Parents' Day on 25th September, 1990 at 2.30 p.m. within the school premises. The Director of School Education
has been requested to preside over the function. The school will be given a festive look. Some students and members of the school will read papers showing many sided activities that are being conducted in the school besides regular
teaching. The parents will be acquainted with the ways and means to be adopted to take care of the students individually with regard to their studies, physical education, moral and character building. Their cooperation will be sought so
that students will be able to progress in different walks of life. It is high time for you to come to our school on this day so that you may personally see how boys are being educated and given regular instructions in extra-curricular activities of the school. on this occasion.

I earnestly hope that you will please make it a point to come to the school

                                        Yours affectionately.

                                        Ram Krishan

12. Write a letter to your mother explaining her why you do not want to marry at this stage

Govt. Higher Secondary School,

Magam, Kashmir.

May 10, 1993

My dear Mother,

I received your affectionate letter yesterday. I read it over and over again
and was upset to learn that you have arranged for my marriage which is to take place after a month Dear mother, you do not realize that I am still very young and am busy with my studies. Any such step taken at this stage of my life would surely ruin my career. I have made up mind to join a college where I shall have to read for
three years to complete my course there. I am not yet standing on my legs. It is after I get some job that I would be in a position to marry. I hope that you will please take all these points into consideration and try to postpone my marriage for another five years to enable me to achieve my ambition. I am sure that father will agree with me in this matter.

                          Yours affectionately,

                          Abdul Ahmad 

13. Write a letter to your sister congratulating her on her birthday.

New Basati,


June 7, 1993

My dear Sister,

I have just remembered that your birthday falls on June 7. I wish you many happy returns of this day and pray for your long life and successful career. You must have received presents from your relatives. I am sending you "Parker pen set" on this occasion and hope that it will be of great use to you for writing purposes. With much love and regard,

                                            Your loving brother,

                                            Altaf Ahmad

14. Your elder brotherhas invited you to Poonch. Write a letter to him.

Nikas, Pulwama,


27th November, 1993

My dear Brother,

Thank you very much for your kind letter inviting me to visit Poonch. Poonch is in the remote corner of the state. It must be a very beautiful city. I will glad to visit it. My examination will be over on 29th. I have so far fared well in the examination and hope to get at least a good second class. I will reach Poonch
on 30th morning by bus.

My friend Raju will also come with me. As both of us are coming to Poonch for the first time, please send some one to receive us at the bus stand,

Thanking you,

                                          Yours affectionately.

                                          Sana Ullah

15. Write a letter to your younger brother who is book-worm, advising him to take part in games.

New Market,


June 25, 1993

My dear Brother,

I have received a letter from your tutor saying that you always remain busy and attached to your books. You pay very little attention to games. This news has pained me. You know overwork will surely upon your health. You must also be knowing that "All work and no play make a man dull". It is no use securing a good division at the cost of your health. Games are very necessary for a student. They make him healthy and strong. They teach him also to work in a team spirit and have a disciplined life. My advice to you is that you must also take part in games and improve your health.
I hope that you will act upon my advice.

                                         Yours affectionately.

                                         Charan Singh

16. Write a letter to your younger brother advising him not to mix up with bad boys.

Dar Hail,


March 16, 1993

Dear Rasheed,

I have come to know that you have joined Higher Secondary School Islamabad. Plgreatly remember that life in a Higher Secondary School
or Junior College is altogether different from that of a village school. Here the students enjoy much greater freedom and there is none to and devote much greater time to your studies. guide them properly. My piece of advice is that you should work hard. In a Secondary School the temptation to mix up with bad boys always exists. Therefore I advise you to remain away from those students who have got evil Please take care of yourself and always try to work hard.

                                     Yours affectionately,

                                     Mushtaq ah 

17. You have received a bad report about your younger brother from the Headmaster. Write a letter to him a piece of advice.

Maraj Bazar,
27th July, 1993

My dear Baldev,

I just received your progress report from your Headmaster. I was greatly pained to see that you have not fared well in your last examination. You have obtained very low marks in English and Mathematics. The remarks of the Headmaster show that you have not been paying the needful
attention to your studies. You keep often absent from the school. This has really shocked me and I do not wish that father should know anything about it. I warn you to mend your ways, give up bad company and work very hard to win the love and respect of your teachers. I hope that you will give a better account of yourself in future and your next progress report will be quite satisfactory.

                                                   Your dear brother,
                                                   Sarn Pal

18. Write a letter to your friend inviting him to spend his summer vacation with you.

Govt. Secondary School,
15th July, 1993

My dear Sudesh,

Your school will close for summer vacation from 17th this month. It must be very hot at Jammu. I would request you to come and spend your summer vacation with us. The climate of this place is very different from that of Jammu.
There are no hot winds. You can roam about and play in the open even at 'noon. There are many places worth seeing. You will have very busy time here. 
We will have picnics and hikes and visit several places. I am sure the climate will suit you and your health will improve a lot. Akbar and Raju are also coming here. My parents will be very glad to have you among us. You will have to
stay with us at least for one month.

Hope you will not disappoint us.

                                              Yours sincerely,

19. Write a letter to your uncle thanking him for his present on your birthday. (v.v imp)

Chine Chowk,
March 21, 1993

My dear Uncle,

I heartily thank you for the present you have so kindly sent to me on my birthday. It was a folding camera quite after my laste for photography. This
You have been very kind to me, dear uncle. This gift will ever remind me camera will be of immense use to me. of your great love. I always try to come up to your expectations.

With best wishes,

                                             Yours affectionately,

                                              Javed Ahmad

20. Write a letter to your uncle congratulating him on his 50th birthday.



24th March, 1993

My dear Uncle,

I have just remembered that it is your birthday on Fridayand so I must send you a birthday greetings at once. Many happy returns of the day. I hope the day itself will be peaceful and happy for you, and that you will be spared in happiness and health to us all for many many years yet. You have always been a kind and generous uncle to me. I take this opportunity of thanking you from
the core of my heart for all that you have done for me. like very much. I am sending you a book "Struggle for Freedom" which, I hope, you will
I an getting on well in my studies.

                                        With love and best wishes

                                        Your loving nephew,

21. Write a letter to a friend congratulating him on his brilliant success in the Matriculation Examination.


12th March, 1993

Dear Raju

I am extremely glad to know that you have passed the Matric Examination held in November 1989, in the first division. Please accept my congratulations or undergo some Technical Training?
My parents wish me to convey you their congratulations and blessings. Please let me know about your future  . Do you wish to join a college With best wishes for you and congratulations to your parents.

                                                    Yours sincerely,


22. Write a letter to a friend condoling with him on the death of his father.

Rajpore, Pulwama,

April 9, 1993

My dear Friend,

I was greatly shocked to learn about the death of your dear father. He was it a personal loss to me, but your loss is certainly more than mine. very kind to me. He helped and guided me whenever I was in difficulty. I feel You have indeed suffered a great loss in his death. I heartily sympathise  with you. But Allah's will is done and we are helpless in this matter. Please take heart and console your mother and other members of your family. I pray grant eternal peace to the departed soul. to Allah to grant you strength to bear his eternal shock. I also pray that Allah With deepest sympathy,

                                              Yours sincerely,
                                              Javd Ahmad

23. Write a lettter to your friend requesting him for the loan of a bicycle.

Dal Gate,
27th, May 1993

Dear Karim,

I shall be very much obliged if you lend me your bicycle for a day. Mine
is out of order and I have to see my friend at Chattabal. I shall be back by
tomorrow and shall send it straight away to you.
Thanking you in anticipation,

                                              Yours sincerely,
                                              Nazir Ahmad

24. Write a letter to a friend congratulating him on his recovery from long illness.

:72, Thana Mandi,
Rajori - 185131.
15th June, 1993

Dear Iqbal,..

Yesterday I received a letter from Mr. Shabir. I was very glad to know that you have recovered from a long illness. My parents were overjoyed. I
congratulate you on your recovery. I pray for your long life. Dear Iqbal, take great care of your health. You should act upon the advice of your doctor. You should not bother about your books and studies. Everything will be all right in due course of time. Pay my respects to your parents.

                                            Yours sincerely,
                                            Ram Lal

25. Write a letter to your friend inviting him to attend the marriage of your sister.

Sonawari, Sumbal,


15th July, 1993

My dear Javid,

You will be glad to know that my elder sister's marriage will take place on the 28th of this month. The marriage will come from Sopore. They will reach Sonawari on the evening of 28th and will back on the morning of 29th  July.
I would request you to attend the marriage. It would be better if you reach Sonawari a few days earlier and help me in making arrangements for the marrage party. Abdul Wahid, Mohd. Sidiq have also been invited. celebrations in your school.

Thanking you,

                                             Yours sincerely,


26. Write a letter to your friend telling him about the Annual Day celebrations in your school.

Govt. Secondary School,

Zaina Kote.

2nd January, 1993

My dear Prem,

We celebrated our Annual Day on the 14th of the last month. We had cleaned and decorated the school building. The Deputy Commissioner was the chief guest. He arrived at 3 p.m. He was received by the Headmaster. He then attend a guard of honour after which the Headmaster introduced the members of staff to the chief guest. The secretary of the school union read out the annual report. Then there was a cultural
programme. It lasted for an hour. Soon after it the chief guest gave away the prizes. I bagged two prizes. Then there was light refresh-
returned home. ment served to the guests. The function was over at 6 p.m. and we all When are you going to celebrate your Annual Day?

                                           Yours sincerely,

                                           Ghulam Rasool

27. Write a letter to your friend to arrange for your stay at Jammu. Where you have to go to sit for a written test.

Govt. Secondary School,

Safapora, Kashmir.

24th August, 1993

My dear Ramesh,

I have to take written test at Jammu. I intend to leave for Jammu on the 30th of this month. I will reach Jammu, in the evening. Please meet me at Jammu I will have to stay there for about ten days. My friend Surendra also will come
Bus Stand. My test will begin on 3rd September. It will last for four days. stay in a Dharmshala. If no Dharmshala is available please make arrangement with me. We would prefer to stay near Talab Tiloo. Please arrange for our
stay there for sometime after our test and visit the important places. in a hotel. As we are coming to Jammu for the first time, we would like to Please let me know at your earliest convenience how you have made arrangements.

Thanking you,

                                                Yours sincerely,

                                                Shujaat Ali

28. Write a letter to your friend sympathising with him on his failure in the Matriculation Examination.



March 15, 1993

My dear Rashid,

I was greatly pained and grieved to know to your failure in the Matriculation Examination. I know that you were regular in your studies and never wasted your time in idle pursuits. In fact I did not believe it and went personally to the Board office to enquire about it. It is a fact that an examination is not a sure test of one's ability. You must not lose heart, take courage to apply yourself to your studies in right earnest..
This failure may prove a blessing in disguise for you and you may pass in a better division next year. You will please communicate my sentiments to your parents and request them not to be upset by it.

                                                Yours sincerely,

                                                Abdul Karim

29. Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on his getting a lottery prize.

Trelgam, Baramulla,


August 16, 1993

My dear Majid,

I was extremely glad to read in the Srinagar Times that you had won a lottery of Rs. 1,00,000. Please accept my heartiest congratulations and communicate the same to your worthy parents on my behalf. I hope that you will make the best use of his money. In the first instance, you should utilise part of this money in making necessary additions and aherations of your hears. Secondly you should start a portion of this money
for charitable purpuse thereby helping the needy and the poor. Once again I congratulate you on this account and with you a happy life 

                                                Yours sincerely,


30. Write a letter to your friend thanking him for the invite tion to attend his heather's marriage and explaining your inability to attend it

Snigofara, Islamabad

5th September 1993

My dear Aziz,

I thank you very much for the kind invitation to attend brother's marriage My sister's son is going to be married on 18th September 1990. All the
members of our family have to go there and help them in making necessary arrangements. So it is not possible for me to with you. I would like mach to be with you, but the circumstances do not allow me to go anywhere else. I hope you will excuse me.

With best wishes,

                                                   Yours sincerely,

                                                   Shamim Ahmad

31. Write a letter to your friend thanking him for the hospitality you enjoyed during your stay with him.

314, Mubarakpore,

New Delhi.

June 15, 1993

My dear Prem,

Soon after my departure from Srinagar I reached Jammu. The Journey was all pleasant. Some of the fellow travellers happened to be very obliging and social. I had a nice time in their company. May I take this opportunity of thanking you for the hospitality shown to me during my stay at your place in Srinagar. Every member of your family took all possible care to make my stay comfortable. They looked in detail to all my needs. Your parents were all cordial manners of your brother and sister. to me. I felt myself at home there. I was much inpressed with the pleasing cherish the memory of these beautiful places. You took me to Mughal Gardens, Pahalgam and Gulmarg. I shall always I shall never forget the hospitality, kindness and attention shown to me by you all. Please pay my respects to your parents.

                                            Yours sincerely.

                                            Sham Lal

32. Imagine that you have a pen-friend in the U.S.A. Write a letter to him telling him something about your family.

Ragi Pora, Kupwara,


13th August, 1993

Dear Mr. John,

Thank you very.  much for your letter dated 7th July 1990. You have asked me to tell you something about my family..

Ours is a joint family. There are eight members in it. My grand father is the head of our family. I have two uncles. Both of them are married We are My father and my elder uncle are teachers. Their younger brother is a doctor. All the cooking is done by mother. Besides this she wash clothes, sew garments and do such other things. She is always busy. All the adult members get up old lady. It is due to her that we live together happily. very early and seldom go to bed before midnight. My grand mother is a wise In my next letter I will tell you something more about our family.

With best wishes,

Yours truly,

Mohd Shafi

33. Write a letter to your friend who lies in the hospital bed and is. Sick .pray for his recovery.



27th July. 1993

Dea Bashir,

I was very much sorry to learn that you have been still lying in the State Hospital, Srinagar. Your friend, Iqbal wrote to me that you were running high are very capable. I hope you will get relieved of fever shortly. 

Dear Friend, you should under go treatment at the hands of the doctors who I pray to Allah that you may soon recover from the ailment. Please do not mind if you lag behind in studies. I hope to visit you during these holidays. I once again pray to Allah that you may recover soon from the illness.

                                                  Yours sincerely,

                                                 Ashif Iqbal

34. Write a letter to your friend asking him to lend you his camera.



14th August, 1993

Dear Hamid,

You will be glad to learn that we have planned to visit Islamabad, Achhabal, Kokenag etc. My brother Rayaz also will accompany to those places. We invite you to visit these places alongwith us. But do bring your cameral
along with you. We shall have photograph of our choice. If it is not possible for you to accompany us to those places. Please do send your camera at carlist. Without a camera the visit will not be so charming for us. Please pay my respects to your dear parents,

                                             Yours sincerely,

                                             Altaf Ahmad

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