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Value of Sports and Games


'Value of Sports and Games'

As sound body has a sound mind. Lean and lifeless intellectuals cannot makto a nation great Book-worms and skeletons are helpless people. We must note the mental culture and physical culture should go together. If we neglect one for the other, we shall have defective people. 

Games and sports teach us discipline. Good sportsmen and athletes are good citizens. Players obey their captain on the field. They go by the empire's or referee's decision. They develop team spirit. They play as a body. Individuals have no importance in a team. Someone has rightly said that play fields produce soldiers for the battlefields, 

Games and sports teach us the importance of fiar play. We don't play games to win or to lose. We play games to promote human friendship and amnity. people nearer and tell them to forget their differences. Games promote international understanding and goodwill. Sportsmen bring
Games tell us not to play foul in life. Playfield is in a way the field of life. There are crooks and cheats in real life. They adopt fair and unfair means to attain something. Games teach us to adopt only fair means and avoid unfair means Cricketers don't break one another's heads and legs with balls and bats. The importance of games has been recognised by our educational authorities. Seventy or eighty years back, no one in our state knew cricket, football or
hockey. The ideal then was only to train the boy's mind and let him take care of his body himself. The present ideal is to make physical culture proceed hand in hand with intellectual training. This will bring up a race of young people both intelligent and healthy Exercise in the open air clears the blood of its impurities, quickens, circulation, and thus ensures protection against many forms of sickness. It also strengthens
the lungs, and thus, acts as a preventive measure against those diseases of the respiratory organs. Now, impure air can never make pure blood, and impure blood corrupts the whole system.

Games also give a very valuable training in organization and discipline. The members of a cricket or football eleven are taught to pay the same obedience to their captain as the soldiers of a regiment are bound to pay to their officer
commanding, Thus we learn the art of organisation and leadership early in life,
and this capacity prepares him to become an efficient leader of men in later life.

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