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The Road Not Taken Class 9th English Poem11






Lesson- 11: The Road Not take

(Robert Lee  Frost)

Q.1 Where does the traveler find himself? What problem does he face? 

Ans. The traveler finds himself at a place where the road diverged in two directions in a forest. And he could not decide  which road he should choose. 

Q.2 What is the difference between the two roads as described in stanzas two and three? 

Ans. One of the roads was worn out and the other was grassy. 

Q.3 Which road does the poet choose? Does he regret his decision? 

Ans. He selects the road that had not been used much. 

Yes, he regrets his decision of choosing the grassy road. 

Q.4 What is the rhyme scheme of the poem? 

Ans. The rhyme-scheme of the poem is ab aab. 

Q.5 Explain the following phrases: 

(a) a yellow wood. 

Ans. It means a forest where the leaves of trees had turned yellow. 

(b) bent in the undergrowth 

Ans. It means a place where the road turned or bent behind the bushes 

(c) trodden black. 

Ans. It means turned black by stepping over them.

Learning about literary devices:

Metaphor: Metaphor is a figure of speech in which comparison is made between unlike things indirectly, categorizing them as identical. Here words‘like’ or ‘as’ are not used. e.g. A scholar fond of the world is a donkey loaded  with books. Robert Frost use the ‘roads’ as a metaphor for the ‘choices’ we make in life.

Tenses / Verbs used:

(i) Two roads diverged in a yellow word. (Past simple)

(ii) And looked down as far as I could (Past simple)

(iii) They took the other. (Past simple)

(iv) The passing there had worn them really about the same. (Past perfect)

(v) In leaves no step had trodden black. (Past perfect)

(vi) I shall be telling this with a sigh. (Future continuous)


In linguistics, an adjective is a describing word, the main syntactic role of which is to qualify a noun or noun phrase, giving more information about the object signified. Examples are: Big, Red, Sweet, Loud, Two, Most, Numerous, etc.

Example from text are:

👉 Two roads diverged in a yellow wood 

👉 And be one traveller.

👉  Because it was grassy. 

👉  I took the one less travelled.

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