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To Sleep Class 7th English poem 6







Poem 6 


Text book questions:

Q. 1. To whom is the poem addressed?

Ans:-It is addressed to sleep

Q. 2. What does the speaker want?

Ans:-He wants sleep to come to him.

Q.3. How many sleepless nights did the speaker have ?

Ans :-.Three nights

Q. 4. What will the speaker hear in the morning

Ans. He will hear the melodies of little birds and the sad cry of the cuckoo.

Q.5. What are the qualities of sleep that the poet appreciates ?

Ans. Sleep is the mother of fresh thoughts and joyous health. It is these qualities that the poet appreciates.

Q.6. Say whether the following statements are True or False, Welte the answer in the boxes provided

(a) A flock of sheep hurriedly passes by

(b) The speaker has sweet dreams.

(c) The speaker will hear the first cuckoo's melancholy ay in the morning

(d) The speaker has three sleepless nights,

(e) The speaker calls sleep dear mother of fresh thoughts and joyous health

(6) The poem is about the necessity of sleep,

Answers :

(a) True (b) False (e) True (d) True (e) True (f) True.


Q. 1. The poem has a fixed rhyme scheme, eg, bees, seas Find the other rhyming words used in the poem.


by-sky; lie-cry; melodies-trees; lay-day; wealth-health.

Q.2. A flock of sheep refers to a large number of sheep taken together. Here the word 'flock' is a Collective Noun. Remember you studied collective nouns in previous classes. A Collective Noun is a noun that is singular in form but that refers to a group of people or things,

Now match the following:

А.                  . B

1. An army of                  (a) bees

2. A band of.                    (b) horses

3. A chain of.                    (c) lions

4. A flight of                     (d) camels

5. A herd of.                     (e) puppies

6. A litter of.                     (f) deer

7. A string of.                    (g) locusts

8. A pride of.                     (h) mountains

9. A team of.                      (i) musicians

10. A hive of.                     (j) soldiers


1. An army of soldiers

2. A band of musicians

3. A chain of mountain 

4. A flight of locusts

5. A herd of deer

6. A litter of puppies

7. A string of camels

8. A pride of lions

9. A team of horses

10. A hive of bees

0.3. The poet says that one after one; the sound of rain, and bees murmuring The underlined word refers to continuous low indistinct sounds, As you know different animals and birds make different sounds / cries,

Given below are the names of some animals / birds. Match them with their cries / sounds

Names of the animals         Cries / Sounds

(a) Asses.           1.Coo

(b) Bees.             2. hiss

(c) Cats.              3. cry

(d) Camels.        4. talk

(c) Crows.          5. bleat

(f) Hens.            6. chatter

(g) Ducks.          7.roar

(h) Eagles.         8. gobble

(1) Flies.             9. howl

(1) Turkeys.       10. buzz

(k) Wolves.         11. quack

(1) Lions.             12. cluck

(m) Monkeys.      13. Caw

(n) Parrots.          14.grunt

(o) Sheep.             15.purr or mew

(p) Snakes.           16. trum

(9) Pigeons           17 bray 


(a)Asses -------bray

(b) Bees........  buzz

(c) Cats. ......... purr or mew

(d) Camels. ..... grunt

(e) Crows. ........  caw


(g) Ducks------.   quack

(h) Eagles...........  cry

(i)Flies. .............   hum

(j) Turkeys. ......   gobble

(k) Wolves.........    howl

(l) Lions...........      roar

(m) Monkeys...    Chatter

(n) Parrots. ........  Talk

(o) Sheep.........    Bleet

(p) Snakes......... hisses

(q) Pigeons.......  Coo

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