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Gulliver In Lilliput -II Class 9th English


Farid Hussain Bhat





(Jonathan Swift) 


Q.1 Where was Blefuscu situated and what separated it from Lilliput?

Ans: Blefuscu was an island and was situated to the north-east of lilliput. It was separated from Lilliput by a channel which was about 800 meters wide 

Q.2 Why did Gulliver avoid appearing on the north-east coast of Lilliput?

Ans: Gulliver avoided appearing on the north-east coast of Lilliput because on that side was Blefuscu situated and he did not like that his enemy should see him

Q.3 How deep was the channel? What were the devices with which Gulliver armed himself?

Ans: The channel was about five feet deep in most places and nowhere more than six. Gulliver armed himself with fifty strong cords and fifty strong hooks of iron

Q.4 Why did Gulliver seek the advice of the most experienced sailor?

Ans: Gulliver sought the advice of the most experienced sailors because he wanted to know from them the depth of the channel which he had to cross in order to reach Blefuscu.

Q.5 What did the Blefuscan soldiers do while Gulliver was fastening hooks to the warships?

Ans: While fastening hooks to the warships, the soldiers of Blefuscu shot several thousand arrows at Gulliver.

Q. 6 What did Gulliver do to save his eyes?

Ans: In order to save his eyes Gulliver took out his eye-glasses and put on them. 

2.7. Why did the ships not move when Gulliver pulled them?

Ans: The ships did not move when Gulliver pulled them because they had been fastened to anchors.

Q.8 What did Gulliver do to relieve the pain caused by the arrows?

Ans: In order to relieve the pain caused by the arrows Gulliver rubbed on an ointment that the Lilliputians had given him for this purpose.

Q.9 What did the Emperor and his court think on seeing the fleet at a distance?

Ans: Seeing the fleet at a distance, the imperial and his court thought that Gulliver had been drowned and the enemy fleet was advancing for battle.

Q. 10 How did Gulliver show his loyalty to the emperor?

Ans: Gulliver showed his loyalty to the emperor by drawing after him the entire fleet of the enemy. He also saved the emperor from the danger of invasion by Blefuscuans.

Q. 11 How did the emperor reward him for his services?

Ans: Gulliver was rewarded by Emperor very greatly. The Emperor received him with honour and made him a Great Lord on the spot.


(a) Find from the lesson words which mean following:

01. (An adjective meaning) placed in a certain position): Situated

02. Divide, keep apart: Separate

03. Make out; make out from other

things: Frame

04. A thick strong rope: Cable

05. Fix tie: Fasten

06. To the shore: Ashor

07. A substance used on the skin to relieve pain, etc.: Ointment

08. Make (pain etc.) less; free somebody from worry: Relieve.

b) Find the verbs from which the following nouns have been formed:

Intention: Intend

Engagement: Engage

Situation: Situate

Relief: Relieve

Distinction: Distinguish

Advancement: Advance

Beginning: Begin

Knitting: Knit

Transportation: Transport

(c) Use the following phrases in your own sentences:

• Leave alone: Please leave me alone.

•Let go: Do not let him go.

•On the spot: He was present on the spot of an accident.

•In case of: Help me in case of any problem

• Look up: He looks up him after his father's death.

•Give up: Please give up all bad habits.

•Give way: The carriage give way during strikes.

•Give in: I give in the quarrel with him.

•Give away: The principal gave away awards.

• Help out: Help out him in his problem.

•At least: he will get at least 95% marks.

•Be situated in a place: Scholars' Coaching Academy is situated in Qazigund.

• Distinguish from: He distinguishes himself from his friend.

•Lie at anchor: The ships lie at anchor at Cochin.

(d) Punctuate the following:

1) While they stood amazed at the sightyAriel said to Antonio and the king, "You are two men guilty before God and man. Think of your evil deeds."

2) "O! wonder" said Miranda when she saw so many people together. "How many wonderful people are there? How beautiful mankind is!"


Q. Give a brief account of how Gulliver captured the Blefuscan fleet?

Ans: Gulliver armed himself with fifty strong cables and fifty hooks and waded into the cannel that separated Lilliput from the Blefuscu. When the soldiers of Blefuscu saw him, they ran away, leaving behind their warships Gulliver fastened the hooks to the prows of all ships and tied their ends together into a knot/He cut the cables that fastened the anchors and drew after him the entire fleet of the enemy


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