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Saints Of The Gutters English 9th Lesson 3


Farid Hussain Bhat







Q.1 What activities made Mother Theresa so exceptional?

Ans: Mother Theresa dedicated herself to a life of poverty and a humble submission to God. She loved to spend time in the church, decorating it with flowers and singing in the Church. All these activities made mother Theresa so exceptional

Q. 2 Why did Mother Theresa leave St. Mary High School?

Ans: Mother Teresa heard a voice telling her that she must leave the convent and help the poor by living with  them so, she left the convent and started a new order of nuns.

Q.3. What did Mother Theresa mean by 'to all fail would be to break faith'?

Ans: When Mother Theresa heard a voice telling her to leave the convent and help the poor, she felt that it was an order which she could not disobey. If she would fail to obey the order, it would mean breaking the faith God had put in her.

Q.4 What kind of life did Mother Theresa lead?

Ans: Mother Theresa lived a life of poverty and purity. She lived among the poorest of the poor.

Q.5 Why do you think Mother Theresa learnt Bengali?

Ans. Mother Theresa learn Bengali so that she could speak to the people whom she had come to serve.

Q. 6 What did Malcolm Muggeridge see on the streets of Calcutta?

Ans: Malcolm Muggeride saw a little figure, cleaning the sores of the body of a half-dead man. There was not the slightest trace of disgust at the stench of the place.

(1) Fill in the blanks:

1) Here wrinkled face in the passage means her old age

2) Him refers to God

3) Mother Theresa was a philanthropist because she loved mankind.

4) Her spirit to serve the poor and the needy was never marred by her old age

5) To live a life of simplicity was the hallmark of Mother Theresa's personality,

(2) Make sentences of the following:

• Flock A flock of cattle passed this way.

• Humble: He is very humble towards me.

• Dignity: I have my own dignity.

• Mystic: He is a mystic person.

• Desperate: Doctors are fighting desperate battle to save the child's 


Malcolm Muggeridge titled biography of Mother Theresa something beautiful for God. What do you understand by beautiful? What were the things that made Mother Theresa beautiful?

‘Something Beautiful for God’ by Malcolm Muggeridge, is written on the great and beautiful work done by Mother Theresa.

Mother Theresa was a legendary person, who devoted her life for helping the poor. Her work in slums made her more famous.

Malcolm gave her the title ‘Something, Beautiful for God’ because, he

happened to see her washing the face of a half dead old man in slums. She lived the life of a poor to help them. Her every effort was for the benifit of the poor people. She was really a beautiful lady by heart, who left no stone unturned to help the poor

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