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GULLIVER IN LILLIPUT class 9th question answer

Ashaq hussain bhat




Q.1Why did Reldresal visit Gulliver?

Ans: In order to have a private conversation with Gulliver, Reldresal visit him. He was sent by the Emperor to discuss some important problems of the state with Gulliver.

Q.2 How did Gulliver receive Reldresal?

Ans: Gulliver received Reldresal with great honour and respect. He lay down to Reldresal so that he could speak to him conveniently.

Q. 3 What were the two political parties in Lilliput? What was their difference?

Ans: The two political parties in Lilliput were High Heels and Low Heels. The heels of their shoes were the point of difference between them.

Q4.Why was the Government in the hands of the Low Heels though they were less numerous than the High Heels?

Ans: The Government was in the hands of the Low Heels because the Emperor of the state was in their favour and was wearing Low Heels himself.

Q 5 .What was the external danger that the country had to face?

Ans: The external danger that the country of Lilliputians had to face was the fear of an invasion from the state of Blefuscu.

Q. 6 What was the questions of religious principle that gave rise to the war between Lilliput and Blefuscu?

Ans. The question of religious principle that gave rise to the war between Lilliput and Blefúscu was the principie of breaking an egg at the bigger end or at the smaller end.

Q.7 Why was the ancient way of breaking an egg prohibited in Lilliput?

Ans: The ancient way of breaking an egg was prohibited in Lilliput because the present Emperor's grandfather in his childhood cut one of his finger while trying to break an egg at bigger end) So the father of the present Emperor's grandfather prohibited the practice of breaking an egg at the bigger end

Q.8 How did the people take the new law?

Ans: The people opposed the new law very bitterly and there occurred many revolts throughout the empire.

Q.9 What was the Emperor of Blefescu's part in the internal troubles of Lilliput?

Ans: The emperor of Blufuscuan's part in the internal troubles of Lilliput was very great. He encouraged the rebels of Lilliput and gave his sympathy to them and add fuel to the situation.

Q. 10 What was the teaching of their ancient religion about the right way of breaking eggs?

Ans: The teaching of their ancient religion about the right way of breaking an egg said, "All believers shall break their egg at the convenient end. 

Q. 11 What, in Reldresal's opinion, was the meaning of teaching?

Ans: In Reldresal's opinion, this teaching means that every man could choose the convenient end according to his own conscience.

Q. 12 What did Gulliver promise to do for the emperor?

Ans: Gulliver promised that being Emperor's loyal soldier, he would defend the Emperor's honour and the honour of his country in case of any invasion.


a) Use the following phrases in your own sentences:

••Wait upon (Attend): Ram is waiting upon by Sita.

•• Carry out (Accept): You have to carry out my orders.

••Attendon (Look after): Shahmal is attended on by her mother.

•• Depend on (Believe): I will not depend on them.

•• Discuss with (To discuss): I will discuss with you.

••Engage in (Involve): He is engaged in crime.

••Engage with (Have relation): He is engage with his work.

•• Charge with (Involve in): She is charge with corruption.

••Prefer to (Give importance): will prefer to die than bend.

••On account of (On the basis): He failed on account of his carelessness

(b) Give the adjectives of the following nouns and use them in your own sentences:

  •  Attention- Attentive: - Be attentive in classroom.

  • Base- Basic:- His basic reason for his success is hard work.

  • Convenience-Convenient:- Every one should be convenient in his opinion.

  • Empire-Imperial: - The imperial forces defeated the rebels.

  • Majesty- Majestic:- Kukernag is a majestic place.

  • Honour-Honourable: - Mr. Faried is a Honourable person.

  • Opposition- Opposite: - Soft is opposite word of hard.

  • Religion- Religious: - Shabir sir is a religious person.

  • Sympathy-Sympathetic: - I have a sympathetic heart.

  • Invasion- Invasive: - He has invasive heart attack.

C) Use the following words as nouns and verbs in your own sentences.

•Charge: (As noun): - Ram Lal is in charge principle of our college.
(As verb): - He had charged 100 rupees for his disobedance.

• Converse: (As noun): - The converse of his is correct.
(As verb): - I have conversed with Sita against her marriage.

•Divide(As Noun) :- there is a big division in the river ganga 
(As verb): - Divide the apple among the students.

• Honour: (As noun): - Honour and power goes hand in hand.
(As verb): - To honour your parents is your duty.

• Principle: (As noun): - He is a man of principle.
(As verb): - He Principled by life.

• Rebel: (As noun) - Bhagat Singh was the rebel soldier of India.
(As verb): - The rebelled forces of the revolt of 1857 were defeated.

Report: (As noun): - Give me report of your class within ten minutes.
(As verb): - Report in my office.

d) Find from the lesson words or phrases which mean the following:

01. Wait upon a person (and carry our his orders): Attend

02. To talk together about something consider (a question or problem)carefully: Conversation

03. A difficult question; a matter that needs a solution: Problem

04. Like (something) better: Prefer.

05. Say something more: Add

06. Because of: On account of

07. Coming from the outside, having to do with the outside: External

08. Separate into groups or parties, cut into parts: Divide into.

09.The back part of one's foot; (in the lesson) the part of one's shoes that touches the back part of one's foot: Heel

10. (A phrase) depending on: According to

11.Be a mark of difference; help to tell one thing from another: distinguish

12. Stand or fight against; be against: Oppose

13.One who belongs to a group or party: Member

14.(a phrase) on the side of; giving support to: Infavour of

15. An area; a part ( of the world): Region

16. A custom; the way a thing is generally done: principle

17. Make known to the public: Publish

18. Command (people) not to do something: Prohibit

19. Take part in other people's affairs and cause them difficult):Interfere

20. Say that a person has done wrong; accuse: Charge

21. Give courage or help: Encourage

22. Bring news; come and say: Report

23. Keep away from: Avoid

24. A truth or rule (for example, of relig Principle


Q. Explain how war broke between the empires of Blefuscu and Lilliput.

Ans: In Lilliput the Religious principle of breaking an egg was at the bigger end.
But the emperor of the Lilliput prohibited this practice. The people opposed it  bitterly and there were frequent rebellions. At least 11000 people suffered death. Some rebels escaped to the state of Belfuscu where its Emperor encouraged there rebels. He gave them his sympathy and plan to invade Lilliput which lead to the war between Lilliput and Blefuscu.


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