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A Shadow Class 7th English,







 Answer these questions:

Q. 1 Sambu was eager but his mother very reluctant to see the film. Why?

Ans. Because the film showed her husband who had died recently.

Q. 2. Who wrote the story and how much was he paid for it?

Ans. Sambu's father wrote the story. He was paid ten thousand rupees for it and for acting in the film.

Q.3. What was the story about?

Ans. It was about a young girl who refused to marry at the age of fourteen. She wanted to pursue university education and then earn an independent livelihood Her father discarded her but later forgave her.

Q 4 . When the film ended the first day, what did Sambu realized

Ans:-He realised that the world was a poorer place without father.

Q5 : When Sambu's mother asked her son if he would like to go and see the picture again the next day, what was Sambu's response?

Ans. He said that he would love to see the picture every day as long as it was shown

Q6. How long did Sambu live in his father's company?

Ans. It was for a week, three hours in the day.

Q7 Did Sambu's mother agree to see the picture? When?

Ans. Yes, She agreed to see the picture on the last day.

Q.8: What was the unbearable scene for Sambu's mother?

Ans. It was when her husband was shown reclined in a chair and reading a newspaper.

Q.9. How did Sambu help his mother to take her home and what did he feel?

Ans. He fetched a jutka and helped her into it. He felt depressed at his mother's breakdown and he thought that it was the final parting from his father.

Q. 10. Why is the story titled as “A Shadow? ?

Ans. This title conveys the whole theme of the story. The story tells us that even a shadow of reality can affect us deeply. Then how deeply can reality itself affect us!

(B) Write True or False in the box provided against each statement :

(i) Sambu's father, a writer and actor was dead.

(ii) Sambu's friend hated Tamil pictures but still saw the picture.

(iii) Kumari' though the name of the picture, was Sambu's sister.

(iv) Sambu lived in his father's company, three hours a day as picture was on screen.

(v) Sambu's mother was reluctant in the beginning to see the picture but Sambu persuaded her to see the last show.

(vi) The newspaper scene was unbearable for Sambu's mother.

(vii) The lights were put on in women's class, when Sambu's mother fainted there during the show.

(viii) Sambu's mother did not see the picture after she fainted and was taken home by Sambu

(ix) Sambu was affected both by his mother's breakdown and by the parting from his father, in the end.


(i) True 

(ii) False 

(iii) False 

(iv) True 


(vi) True 

(vii) True

(viii) True 

(ix) True.


Match the phrases from 'A' with their meanings in 'least.   

1. To put out         (a) here and there.

 2. for a while.             (b) away from someone

3.at least.                      (c) to keep the light off

4.a sort of.                    (d)a kind of

5. whole of.                 (e)to play the role

6. to act.                       (f) remain for a long time

7. to take off.              (g) all

8.to jump out.            (h). minimum

9. to last long.             (i) for sometime

10. to screw up.          (j) when an aircraft leaves the ground

11. hither and thither.(k) anything that moves from one direction to another

12. parting from.         (I) to gather one's courage


1. (c); 

2: (i); 

3. (h); 

4. (d); 

5. (g): 

6. (e); 

7. (j); 

8. (k);

9. (f); 

10. (1); 

11. (a); 

12. (b).


Narration :

If the reporting verb is in the present or future tense, the verb in the reporting speech remains unchanged, as :

He says, "I am quite well."

He says that he is quite well.

He says, "He was quite well."

He says that he was quite well.

Rule 2: If the reporting verb is in the past tense, the tense of the reported speech is changed into corresponding past tense

(i) Present indefinite becomes past indefinite.

He said, "I cat an apple."

He said that he ate an apple.

(ii) Present continuous becomes past continuous, as

He said, "I am eating an apple."

He said that he was eating an apple.

(iii) Present perfect becomes past perfect, as :

He said, "I have eaten an apple."

He said that he had eaten an apple.

(iv) Present perfect continuous becomes past perfect continuous, as ;

He said, "I have been eating an apple."

He said that he had been eating an apple.

(v) Simple past becomes past perfect, as :

He said, "I ate an apple.

He said that he had eaten an apple.

(vi) Past continuous becomes past perfect continuous, as :

He said, "I was eating an apple."

He said that he had been eating an apple.


1. She asked (me) where I was going.

2. I asked Birjis when his college would reopen.

3. The teacher asked us if we could tell him why girls outshine boys.

4. The teacher asked Aslam why he was not present at that place the previous day.

5. The teacher asked (the boys) why they were making a noise.

6. I said to him, "Where are you going?"

7. The teacher said to the newcomer, "Which school did you attend last?"

8. You said to her, "Can you play carrom?"

9. I said to them, "Do you know him?"

10. She said to you, "Why are you late?"

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