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Lesson 7


Points to Remember

• Weather changes from day to day and from week to week. 

•Humidity is measure of the moisture present in air, 

•Metrological department of the government collects data on temperature, wind etc. and makes weather predictions 

• Rainfall is measured by an instrument called rain gauge,

•Weather is day to day condition of the atmosphere at a place with respect to the temperature, humidity, rainfall and wind-speed etc.

•Weather varies over short period of time.

•Factors on which weather depends are also known as elements of the weather,

•Special maximum and minimum thermometer are designed to record temperature at a place.

• In the afternoons, the temperature is usually high and early in the morning the temperature is usually low.

•Sun is the cause of change in weather.

•Sun is a huge sphere of hot gases having a very high temperature.

•In winters, days are short and nights fall early.

•In summers, night falls late.

•The average weather pattern taken over a period of 20-25 years is called climate of the place.

•Climate of different place is different. It varies from hot and dry to hot and wet. Climate has a profound effect on all organisms.

•Animals adopt themselves to survive in the conditions, supplied by environment.

•Polar regions are regions along south and north pole.

•Polar regions include Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Alaska in U.S.A. and Siberian region of Russian

•Tropical rain forests are found in India, Malayasia, Indonesia, Brazil, Republic in Kenya, Uganda and Nigeria

•Polar regions have sun for six months and darkness for next 6 months  In polar regions during winter, the temperature falls to -37°c Penguins and polar bears live in polar regions. Polar regions are covered with snow.

•Polar bears have white fur to protect them from predators,

•Penguins are white so they merge well with their

• Besides polar bears and penguins many other animals are also found in Polar regions Musk, oxen, reindeers, foxes, seals, whales, birds and many types of fish are some of the animals found in polar regions.

•Birds often migrate to warmer regions during winter seasons.Fish can remain in cold water.

•India is a destination of many migratory birds.
Bharatpur in Rajasthan and Sultanpur in Haryana are popular places for migratory birds. Besides birds, mamals, many types of fish, insects are also known to migrate seasonally.

•Tropical regions are usually hot as they lie around equator. The temperature varies from 15°C to 40°C in the tropical regions.

•Places lying around equator have equal lengths of days and nights. Plenty rainfalls occur in the tropical regions. Tropical rain forests in India are found in Western Ghats and Assam.

• Wide variety of plants and animals are found in tropical regions because of warmth and rain.Monkoys, apes, leopards, gorillas, lions, tigers, elephants, lizards, snakes, birds, insects reside in rain forests, 

•The climatic conditions in rain-forests are highly suitable for survival of animals and plants, Red eyed frog have sticky pads. Monkeys have long tails to climb trees.

•Tropical animals are sensitive to hearing, sharp eyed, thick skinned and camouflage colours to adapt themselves in their climatic condition.


• Weather

The day to day condition of the atmosphere at a place with respect to the temperature, humidity, rainfall etc. is called weather of the place.

• Climate. 

The average weather pattern taken over a long period of 25 years is called climate of the place. 

• Adaptations

The change in structural or behavioural features of an organism to help it to adjust itself in the changed environment is called adaptation.

• Migration

The movement of animals from one place to another to escape harsh, cold conditions is called migration.


Q.1. Name the elements that determine the weather of a place.

Ans. Elements of Weather: Temperature, Humidity, Wind-speed, Rainfall.

Q. 2. When are the maximum and minimum temperature likely to occur during the day?

Ans. Maximum temperature of the day occurs generally in the afternoon while the minimum temperature occurs in the early morning

Q. 3. Fill in the blanks.

(i) The average weather taken over a long time in called. .... 

(ii) A place receives very little rainfall and the
temperature is high throughout the year; the climate of that place will be .............and.............

(iii) The two regions with extreme climatic and ..
conditions are .......... and............


(i) climate.
(ii) Hot, dry,
(iii) Polar and Tropical Rain forests.

Q. 4. Indicate the type of climate of the following areas

(a) Jammu and Kashmir

(c) Rajasthan

(d) North-east India

(b) Hot and wet.


(a) Moderately hot and moderately wet.

b)Hot And Wet

(c) Hot and dry.

(d) Wet.

Q. 5. Which of the two changes frequently-weather or climate ?

Ans. Weather.

Q. 6. Following are some of characteristics of animals 

(i) Diets heavy on fruits.
(ii) White fur.
(iii) Need to migrate
(iv) Loud voice.
(v) Sticky pads on feet.
(vi) Layer of fat under skin.
(vii) Wide and large paws.
(viii) Bright colours.
(ix) Strong tails.
(x) Long and large beak.
For each characteristic, indicate weather it is
adaptation for tropical rainforest or polar regions. Do you think that some of these characteristics can be adaptations for both the regions ?


Characteristic.                   Region Adaptations

(1) Diets heavy on fruits.         Tropical rain forest

(1) White fur.                       Polar Region

(it) Need to migrate.           Polar Region

(iv) Loud voice.                   Tropical Rain forest

(0) Sticky pads on feet.      Tropical Rain forest

(vi) Layer of fat under skin      Polar region

(vii) Wide and large paws.      Polar region.

(vii) Bright colours.           Tropical Rain forests

(ix) Strong tails.                 Tropical Rain forests

(x) Long and large beak          Tropical Rain forests.

Q. 7. The tropical rainforest has a large population of animals. Explain, why it is so ?

Ans. Tropical rainforest have hospitable climatic conditions, so it has a large population of animals. The climate in this region is hot and humid. It lies around the equator and has minimum temperature a little higher than 15°C, length of days and night are generally equal and these places recieve a lot of rainfall. So all these conditions are preferable for a large number of population.

Q. 8. Explain, with examples, why we find animals of certain kind living in particular climatic conditions.

Ans. Animals are adapted to the conditions in which they live.

The polar region and tropical rainforests are region with severe climatic conditions.

Animals living in these places have adapted themselves according to their needs.

Polar regions are cold throughout. So polar bears and penguins have furs and fat under their skin protect them from cold.

Migratory birds migrate to other regions to escape harsh cold condition.

Tropical rainforests have hot and humid temperature which enable a lot of variety of animals to live there.

Q. 9. How do elephant living in the tropical rain forest adapt itself.

Ans. The adaptations of an elephant are :

(i) A nose with a strong sense of smell.

(ii) Tusks for tearing the bark of trees.

(iii) Large ears for hearing and fanning to keep its body

Q. 10. Choose the correct option which answers the A carnivore with stripes on its body moves very fast while catching its prey. It is likely to be found in

(1) polar regions 

(ii) deserts 

(iii) oceans 

(iv) tropical


(iv) tropical rain forests.

Q. 11. Which features adapt polar bears to live in

(1) A white fur, fat below skin, keen sense of smell.

(ii) Thin skin, large eyes, white fur.

(i) A long tail, strong claws, white large paws.

(iv) White body, paws for swimming, gills for respiration.

Ans. (i) A white fur, fat below skin, keen sense of smell.

Q. 12. Which option best describes a tropical region ?

(i) hot and humid.

(ii) moderate temperature, heavy rainfall.

(ii) cold and humid.

(iv) hot and dry.

Ans. (i) Hot and humid.


Q 1.What is Rain gauge ?

Ans:-Rain gauge is an instrument used to measure rainfall. It consists of a measuring cylinder and a funnel on the top to collect rainwater 

Q 2. Define Weather?

Ans:-. The day to day condition of atmosphere at a place with respect to temperature, humidity, wind speed etc, is called weather

08 Define climate,

Ans :-/Climate. The average weather pattern taken over a long time, say 25 years is called climate of the plece. 

Q. 4. Name the countries found in polar regions.

Ans:- Finland, Alaska in U.S.A. and Siberian region of Russia. Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden,

Q. 5. Where do tropic rainforests found 

Ans. Tropic rainforests are found in India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brazil, Republic of Congo, Kenya, Uganda and Nigeria

Q. 6. How are ploar bears adapted to their environment 

Ans. Adaptation of a Polar bear :

(i) White fur.

(ii) Two layered fur.

(ii) Layer of fat under the skin.

(iv) Wide and large paws.

(v) Strong sense of smell.

Q. 7. Give some adaptation of Penguins.

Ans. Adaptation of a Penguin.

(i) White colour.

(ii) Thick skin and fat.

(iii) Streamlined body.

(iv) Webbed feet.

(v) Habit of huddling together.

Q. 8. How do migratory birds find their way?


(i) Migratory birds use many methods to find their way such as. Migratory birds have built in sense of direction.

(ii) Some use landmarks to guide them. Some use magnetic field of earth to find direction.

(iii) Some find guidance by sun during day time and stars during night-time.

Q. 9. Name animals found in rainforests.

Ans:-Animals of rainforest. 

Monkeys, Apes, Leopards,Gorillas, Lizards, Lions, Tigers, Elephants, Snakes, Birds and insects

Q. 10. Give some adaptation of animals living in the tropical rainforests.

Ans. Adaptations of animals living in tropical rain forests:

(1) Living on Trees,
(D) Development of strong tails.
Gil) Loud voice.
(iv) Sharp patterns.
(v) Long and large beaks,
(vi) Bright colours.
(vi) Diet of fruits.
(ii) Sharp eye sight.
(ix) Sensitive hearing.
(x) Thick skin.
(xi) Power to camouflaging.


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