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1. North south corridor:- An ongoing National Highways project from Srinagar to Kanyakumari. Once the project is completed this highway will be about 4000 kms in length

2. East west corridor: - An ongoing National Highways Project from Silchar to Porbandar. Once completed this highway will be about 3300 kms in length

3. NHAI:-It stands for National Highways Authority of India and responsible for managing the network of over 79000 kms of National Highways in India

4. National highway: -It is the highway of national importance maintained by NHAI

5. Slurry:-A thin mixture of semi solid with liquid especially water mixed with cement or mineral ore particles

6. Tidal port: - The water levels within such a port are subjected to change with the ocean tides

7. Natural harbour:-A landform where water is restricted from receding which help in anchoring ships

8. Riverine port:-A port on a river with facilities of loading and unloading

9. Hinterland:-Areas which are away from the coast or the banks of major rivers.


1. Multiple choice questions

I Which two of the following extreme locations are connected by the East-West Corridor?

a) Mumbai and Nagpur

b) Silchar and Porbandar

c) Mumbai and Kolkatta

d) Nagpur and Siligudi

Ans: Silchar and Porbandar

II Which mode of transportation reduces trans-shipment losses and delays?

a) Railways

b) Roadways

c) Pipelines

d) Waterways

Ans:- Pipelines

III Which one of the following states is not connected with the HVJ pipeline?

a) Madhya Pradesh

b) Maharashtra

c) Gujarat

d) Uttar Pradesh


protected port along

IV Which one of the following ports is the deepest land locked the east coast?

a) Chennai

b) Paradwip

c) Tuticorin

d) Visakhapatnam


V Which one of the following is the most important made of transportation in India?

a) Pipelines

b) Railways

c) Roadways

d) Airways


Vi which of the following terms is used to describe trade between two or more countries?

a) Internal trade

b) International trade

c) External trade

d) Local trade

Ans:- International Trade

2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words

I) State any three merits of roadways.

Ans:- Three important merits of roadways are as under:-

  • Roads provide us door to door access
  • It is cheaper to construct road as compared to railways

  • They are helpful in connecting other means of transportation

II Where and why is rail transport the most convenient means of transportation?

Ans:- Railways is the most convenient means of transportation in Northern plains of India because of following reasons..

  • Construction of railway lines is an easy task in plain areas rather than mountainous areas

  • The northern plains are densely populated which means large number of passengers to utilise this means of transport

III What is the significance of border roads?

Ans - Border roads are built along the border areas of country and have strategic importance.
These roads are very important for several reasons which are as under:-

  • These roads have improved the accessibility in difficult terrain border areas

  • These roads have helped in the economic development of the border areas

IV What is meant by trade? What is the main difference between national and international trade?

Ans - Trade refers to exchange of goods among people, states and countries. International trade is that trade which is carried between two or more than two countries, National trade on
the other hand means trade between two or more than two states within a country.

3. Answer the following questions in about 120 words.

I Why the means of transportation and communication are called the lifelines of a nation and its economy?

Ans:- The means of transportation and communication are called the lifelines of a nation and its economy because of several reasons which are as:-

  • Improved means of transportation is essential for proper utilisation of natural resources within the country

  • A well-developed means of transportation maintains the movement of goods and people in different parts of India

  • Developed means of transportation and communication help in sending and receiving messages, and thus help in running the economy of the country smoothly

II Write a note on the changing nature of the international trade in the last 15 years?

Ans:- International trade has undergone major changes during the last 15 years. Exchange of
goods and commodities has increased due rapid expansion of information and technology
industry in the world. This has improved the trade relations of India with the rest of the world. India has emerged as a software giant at the international level and is earning huge amount of foreign exchange through its export. India has trade relations with all the trade blocks of the world. Some of the major exports of India include Agricultural products, Gems and Jewellery, Engineering goods, chemicals and petroleum products while as important imports include Petroleum products, Gems and Jewellery, Chemicals, Machinery, Agricultural and allied products.


Qno1. Classify the roads of India according to their capacity?

Ans:- In India roads are classified into following six classes:-

Golden Quadrilateral Super Highway: - This highway links four metropolitan cities of
India, i.e. Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata, North-South and East-West corridor are
part of this highway project.

National Highways: - These highways are of national importance and link different parts
of India. They are maintained by Central Public Works Department.

State Roads:- These are the roads which connect state capital with the district
headquarters. These roads are maintained by State Public Works Departments.

District Roads: - These roads connect the district headquarter with other places of the
district. They are maintained by ZillaParishad.

Rural Roads:- These roads connect different villages with the district or nearby town.

Boarder Roads:- These roads are constructed along the international border by Border
Roads Organisation. These roads have strategic importance and play an important role in the development of border areas of the country.

Qno2. What are the various factors which have influenced the distribution of railways in India?

Ans:- There are several factors which have influenced the distribution of railways in India which

can be categorised into following two headings:-

Geographical factors: -

I Northern plains of India with levelled land, high population, rich agricultural resources
provided the more suitable conditions for the development of railways in this region

II In peninsular plateau region railway lines were laid through tunnels, mountain passes.

III In Himalayan region railway density is low because of difficult terrain and low traffic

IV It is very difficult to lay railway tracks in the sandy plain of Rajasthan thus making it low railway density area.

Economic factors:-

I State funding plays a vital role in the development of railways across India

II States with flexible laws have more widespread railway network

III States with high industrialisation tend to have wide spread railway network

Qno3. What are the various merits and demerits of air transport? Why it is more popular in North Eastern parts of India?

Ans:- Various merits of air transport are as under:-

  • It is the fastest and most comfortable means of transport

  • It can cover difficult terrain with ease
  • It can cover far flung and remote areas quickly
  • It provides easy access to offshore areas

Various demerits of air transport ore as under

  • It is costly means of transport
  • Places which have no airports or helipads cannot use this means of transport
  • It involves great risk

Air transport is more popular in North Eastern parts of India because of the following reasons:-

  • Large rivers flow through this area due to which make the construction of roads and railways difficult in this part of India

  • This area is covered by dense forests which make it difficult for the construction of roads and railways in this area

  • This area is much prone to floods which lead to the submergence of railway lines and roads in this region.

Qno4. What are the various problems faced by the road transport in India?

Ans:- Various problems faced by the road transport in India are as follows:-

Density of roads in India is low due to various reasons

  • About half of the roads are un-metalled

  • The roadways are highly congested in India

  • Most of the bridges are old

  • Violence of traffic rules

Qn05. Explain the importance of border roads in India?

Ans:- Border roads are very important for India because of their strategic importance for They have improved accessibility in areas of difficult terrain and helped in the economic development of the border areas of the country. These roads are constructed and maintained by Border Roods Organisation. This organisation was established in 1960.

Qno6. Explain how efficient means of transport and communication is important for the development of the country?

Ans:- Better and fast means of transport and communication are important for the economic development updated about market trends
of the country. Fast and efficient means of transport is required for trade and commerce.
Communications are vital for international trade. If communication fails at any time it will lead to the loss of crores of rupees. Transport is required for carrying raw materials to production centres and from manufacturing centres to markets. Modern communication facilities like internet allow commercial transactions over long distances including foreign transactions. Internet also keeps buyers and sellers


1. National Highway -1 is also called Sher- Shah Suri Marg connects Delhi with Amritsar

2. Kandla port was the first port to be developed soon after independence to ease the load on Mumbai por

3. There are 16 railway zones in India

4. Kerala has the highest road density in India

5. National Waterway-1 is navigable between Allahabad to Haldia

6. Haldia port was constructed to decongest Kolkata port

7. Border Roads Organisation was established in 1960


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