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The Necklace' Class 10th English Short story 1st






Short Story - 1

'The Necklace'

Q1.- The course of the Loisel's life changes due to the necklace. Comment.

Ans. Matilda lost Madame Forester's necklace while she was dancing at the ball. She and her husband bought a chaplet of diamonds but had to borrow" eighteen thousand francs at very high rate of interesa to replace the lost necklace. It changed the entire course of the Loisel life they had to live a hard life of poverty. They changed their lodging They sent away the maid. Matilda had to do all the household work herself She had to live like a poor woman. Loisel did overtime for some merchants. This continued for ten long
years. Al last they cleared all their debts, Meltilda now looked an old woman of a poor family. Thus a tremendous change came in the life style of matilda after the incident.

Q2:- What was the cause 's ruin? How could she had avoided it?

Ans. Matilda belonged to a poor family. But she always longed to have things of luxury. That was the real cause of her ruin, She could have avoided it if she should have known that one should cutone's coat according to one's cloth.

Q3:- What would have happened to Maltilda if she had confessed to her friend that she had lost her necklace?

Ans. Maltilda would have been saved from ruin if she had confessed the loss. The lost necklace was worth only 500 Frances. She could have easily buy-another in its place. And perhaps, the rich friend might not have minded the loss altogether

04:- If you were caught in a situation like this, how would you have dealt with it?

Ans. If I were caught in a situation like this, I would go straight to Madam Frostier and relate plainly all that had happened. Thus everything could have been settled to her satisfaction and much of the trouble could have been saved.

Q5.- Draw a character sketch of Matilda.

Ans. Matilda was a pretty and young lady. But she was born in a poor family. She always desired to have things of luxury She wanted to be loved and admired. She wanted to move in rich society but she couldn't find any rich man to marry her. She had to marry a small Clerk. She was not happy with him. She always suffered poverty both at the homes of her husband and parents. She had  to live in a simple house. She to wear simple-clothes. She didn't have any costly  furniture or curtain She didn't have any Jewels to wear. All this troubled her always and she remained unhappy. In short, she was a short tempered lady. She was of showy nature and loved only delicacies and luxuries. She was not a considerate and contented character.

Language Work:

Q. 1. These are the notes about starting a new hobby club in Gestalt public school. Read them and complete the information below. (See text book page no. 123)

Ans. The school is planning to start a new hobby club. The main aim of the club will be to make students understand and enjoy nature and the activities will include fortnightly hiking trips or expeditions to neighbouring woods , hills ,country side. Membership of the new club will be open only to students of classes IX to XII. Preliminary discussion will be held in the common room. 

On August 20" at 2.30 p.m. Interested students are welcome to sign up for the discussion. The principal has granted permission for the new club.

02:- Make notes from the following news report:

In an unprecedented space tragedy,........ to be good for 100 flights. (See text book page no. 123)

Ans. Horrible space tragedy. .....1st feb., 2003.

US space shuttle Columbia .....broke apart inflames

Went up 16 Jan. 2003 from

Kennedy space centre

Streaking over Texas........heading towards landing place.

Indian-born American.........and six others killed

Kalpana chawla  Stayed in orbit for 16days..........conducted 80 experiments.

Columbias 20th space flight ...believed to be good                                                        for 100 flights.

Q.1.On the basis of notes given on page 123 of the text book , develop a parugruph of about  100-150 words. (see texibook page 123).

Ans. The Zoological name of the Bacterian camel found in Ladakh is camelus bactrianus
It is found in the grasslands, Valleys and  mountainous areas of Ladakh. It is herbivore. It likes to eat grass , leaves and shrubs. It also eats dry vegetation and salt bush ,avoided by other animals .Its life span is 40 years. It is 10 feet long and 7 feet in height. It weighs 1500 pounds. Its coat is light to dark brown. There are thin manes on its chin, shoulder, hind legs, and humps.
The summer coat is shorter than the winter coat. Snow shoe effect helps the animal to walk comfortably with out sinking in the sand . It has two humps that contain about 36kg's of fat, which is used by the animal when food is scarce.
The animal is a victim to poaching and being killed. The number of animals is decreasing and it is becoming an endangered specie

Q1:- What are the things that are important to you to make you happy in life?

Ans. Happiness is a state of mind. The attainment of this state depends upon different things for different reasons. Some derive happiness from money. Some get it from having more and more of land. Others get it from travel and adventure, and soon. But all these kinds of happiness depend upon some outer material object. They can last only as long as the outer objects last So they cannot be permanent in nature. My idea of a happy life is a continuous state of happiness. Such a state can never be achieved by running after material things. It can be achieved by limiting one's desires , rather than trying to satisfy them. A contented person is the happiest man on this earth. His desires are few, and
he is satisfied with whatever he has He knows how to do without a thing tha he doesn't have or can't have. He does not grumble over his fate , nor does he find fault with his circumstances. Such a person surely wins divine happines-
for himself.

Q2:- Write a short paragraph on 'we should be content with what life Gives us you may write for or against the given topic.

Ans. Contentment is a state of mind. It means being satisfied with what one has not wanting more. It is the surest way to happiness. When we have not what we like , we must like what we have. Such an attitude towards life drives away
all worriers and blesses us with permanent joy. Our happiness does not depend upon the number of material things we have . It depends upon our capacity to limit our desires. The fewer our desires are, the happies we should be. The
present day world is caught in an unending rat racs Every body is running feverishly after wealth. The result is untold mental tension. There is no peace of mind. The more we have , the less satisfied we We shall have to stop this
mad race if we want to lead a happy life com a contented life is a truly happy life In the words of Socrates: "Contentment is natural wealth ; luxury is  artificial prosperity."

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