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MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES Class 10th Geography lesson 6






1. Agglomeration Economies: - It is an economy which is developed wherever there is huge market with lower transportation costs which outweighs the cost of living in a city

2. Electrostatic precipitator:- It is a device used for removing fine solid particles from emitted smoke

3. Flocculation:- It means sticking of particles to each other in waste water

4. Fabric Filter:- An air pollution device that removes particulate matter from air by using woven fabric as a filter

5. Integrated steel plant:- This steel plant handles everything under one roof like steel making, rolling and shaping

6. Inertial separator:- A device that uses centrifugal force to separate waste particles

7. Screening - It is the method of trapping large solid objects from waste water

8. Scrubber:- It is a device which uses liquid spray to wash out particulate matter and neutralize gaseous pollutants


1. Multiple choice questions

I Which one of the following industries uses limestone as a raw material?

a) Aluminium

b) Cement

c) Sugar

d) Jute

Ans:- Cement

II Which one of the following agencies market steel for the public sector plants?





Ans:- SAIL

III Which one the following industries uses bauxite as a raw material?

a) Aluminum

b) Cement

c) Jute

d) Steel


IV Which one of the following industries manufacturer telephones, computer etc?

a) Steel

b) Aluminium

c) Electronics

d) Information Technology

Ans:- Electronics

2. Answer the following questions in not more than 30 words.

I What is manufacturing?

Ans:- It is the production of goods in large quantities after processing the raw material. It increases the value of raw material.

II Name three physical factors for the location of an industry?

Ans:- Three important physical factors for setting up of an industry 

• Raw material

• Availability of water

•Transport facility

III Name any three human factors for the location of industry?

Ans:- Three important human factors for setting up of an industry are:-

  • Skilled labour
  • Market
  • Capital

IV What are basic industries? Give an example.

Ans:- These are those industries which supply raw material to other industries for producing different goods.

V Name the raw material used in the manufacturing of cement?

Ans:- Limestone, Silica, Alumina and Gypsum are important raw materials used in cement industry.

3. Write the answers of the following questions in 120 words.

(I) How are integrated steel plants different from mini steel plants? What problems does the industry face? What recent developments have led to a rise in the production capacity?

Ans:- The main differences between integrated and Mini steel plants are


a) These are large in size and handle everything under one roof

b) From sorting of raw material to manufacturing steel everything is done in chain

c) At present there are ten major integrated steel plants


a) These are smaller in size

b) These steel plants have an electric furnace which are generally associated with one special task

c) At present there are more than 200 mini steel plants

Some major problems faced by this industry are as under:-

  • Poor infrastructure
  • Lack of skill among the workers 
  • Shortage coking coal
  • Lack of energy supply

In recent years, the policy Liberalization and FDI have provided boost to iron and steel industry. Rapid infrastructure development has increased the iron production in recent years. India is now capable of producing world class iron and steel which is in great demand in international market

II How does industries pollute environment?

Ans:- Large scale industrialization has led to large scale air, water, soil and land pollution. These are discussed as under:-

  • Land pollution is caused by dumping of non-biodegradable wastes from industries in cultivable lands
  • Industries cause air pollution by the emission of toxic gases particularly from chemical industries.
  • Water pollution is caused when industrial effluents are discharged into fresh water bodies without treatment. Common pollutants are fertilizers, pesticides, dyes and soaps.
  • Industries cause noise pollution by running generators, electric drills and thus disturb environment


III Discuss the steps to be taken to minimize environmental degradation by industry?

Ans:- Following measures can be helpful in minimizing environmental degradation caused by industries:

  • Industries should focus on reusing and recycling water constantly for processing purposes

  • Industries should focus on rainwater harvesting to fulfil the needs of water

  • Industries should focus on treatment of effluents before letting it flow into rivers and streams

  • Reducing release of particulate matter in air by fitting smakestacks of factories and industries with electrostatic precipitators, fabric filters etc,


Qnol. Differentiate between Public sector and Private sector Industry?

Ans:- The main differences between public sector industry and Private sector industry discussed as:


a) These industries are owned and managed by the government of the country.

b) All the capital is invested by the government

c) These industries are directly or indirectly managed by the government

d) Bhilai Steel Plant and Bharat Heavy Electricals limited are the examples of such industry


a) These industries are owned by individuals

b) All the capital is invested by the individuals

c) These are not managed by the government

d) Bajaj Auto and TISCO are the examples of such industry

Qno2. What are the Geographical and Geographical factors which influence the location of an industry?

Ans:- Location of industry is influenced by many Geographical and non-Geographical factors which are as under:-

Geographical Factors: -

Raw Material:-It is the most important Geographical factor and its significance in manufacturing is so fundamental that cannot be undermined. Heavy and bulky industries are generally located near the source of raw material. Light industries can be established anywhere and are sometimes called footloose industries

Power:- Uninterrupted power supply is very important for the establishment of an industry. Most of the industries tend to concentrate at the source of power like iron and steel industry. Generally heavy industries are located near the source of power

Labour: - Labour supply is very essential. The labour should be skilled and available at cheap rates. In our country, modern industries still requires a large number of workers in spite of increasing mechanization.

Transport: - Transport by land or water is necessary for the assembly of raw material and for marketing of the finished products.

Market:-Entire processed of manufacturing is useless until the finished products reach market. Nearness of market is essential for quick disposal of manufactured goods. It helps in reducing the transportation cost and enables the consumer to get things at cheaper rates,

Non Geographical Factors:

Capital:- Modern industries are capital intensive and require huge investments, Big cities of India are big industrial centres because the big capitalists live in the cities.

Banking Facilities: - Establishment of industries involve daily exchange of crores of rupees which is possible through banking facilities only. So areas with better banking facilities are better suited to the establishment of industries

Insurance: - There is a constant fear of damage to machinery and men in industries for
which insurance facilities are very much crucial.

 Highly Professional Management:- Skilled manpower is an important component in the fast
growing information technology and Ecommerce industry due to which it gets concentrated in certain favoured pockets of the country such as Bangalore, Hyderabad and Pune,

Qno3. Highlight the importance of iron steel industry in India. ?What are the factors influencing it's location? 

Ans:- Large amounts of iron and steel is required for construction of bridges rail tracts, railways, rolling stocks, vehicles, machines, power plants, airports etc As important industries like railway locomotives, ship buildings, heavy and light machines, constructions etc depend on
availability of iron and steel, the iron and steel industries accelerate industrialization and
therefore, called the backbone of all industries,

     As on 2013, with crude steel production of 81.2 million metric tons, India is ranked as the
fourth largest steel production country in the world. It is estimated that India would produce
more than 90 million metric tons of steel by 2018 In India iron and steel industry witnessed
rapid growth after independence India produced 16.9 lakh tones of pig iron in 1950-51. The
development of iron and steel industry was envisaged during the first five year plan but it was during the second five year plan, that the three integrated steel projects were started at
Bhilai, Rourkela and Durgapur.


Iron and steel industry uses large quantities of heavy and weight losing raw material and its
localization is primarily controlled by the availability of raw material.Coal and iron ore are the two basic raw materials used by iron and steel industry on the basis of minimum transportation cost most of the steel plants are located at the three distinct places víz.

  • Near coal fields 

  • Near iron ore mining centres and 

  • At the places between areas of coal and iron ore production

Most of iron and steel plants of India such as Jamshedpur, Burnpur, Durgapur, Rourkela, Bhilia and Bokaro are located in Jharkhand, West Bengal, Orissa and Chhattisgarh These states are very rich in coal and iron ore deposits and are important producer of these minerals.

Qno4. Discuss in detail the development, distribution and importance of textiles industry of India? 

Ans:- Textile is the board term which includes cotton, jute, wool, silk and synthetic fibres. The
textile sector occupies an important place in the terms of employment generation The sectors
like handloom, handicrafts, power loom and readymade garments are specially known as their employment potential. Textile industries contributes about 14 percent of the value addition in manufacturing sector, 4 percent to the GDP and provides direct and indirect employment to about 40 million people.


Indian monopoly in the manufacturing of cotton textile is very The first cotton textile mill,
however, was established in Mumbai in 1854. Today cotton textile is the largest industry of
India It gives employment to over 15 million persons which is about 20 percent of the industry
labour force of the country.
There are about 1600 cotton and human made fibre textile mills in the country. Of this 79 at
present are in private sector and the rest in the public and cooperative sectors. Apart from
these, there are several thousand factories
which have five to ten looms. Today 93%of the
cotton cloth is produced in decentralized sector that is other than mills.

JUTE TEXTILES:- Jute textile is the second important industry next to the cotton textile.
India ranks number one in the production of raw jute and jute goods It is number two after
Bangladesh in export of jute goods in the world.

DISTRIBUTION OF JUTE INDUSTRIES:- West Bengal has the largest concentration of jute
industry. This state has 56 jute mills and 41261 looms which respectively accounts for 76% and
80% of all India installation. Over 84% of jute goods production of India comes from west
Bengal with Andhra Pradesh as distant second producing only 10% of the India jute goods. Apart from Kolkata, the other important centres of jute textile industry are Titagarh(9 mills),
Jagatdal(8 mills), Budge(8 mills), Haora(5 mills) and Bhadreswara

WOOLEN TEXTILE INDUSTRY: -It is one of the oldest textile industries of the country. The main concentration of woollen textile industry is in Punjab, Maharashtra, U.P. Gujrat, Haryana
and Rajasthan


In Punjab, Dhariwal, Ludhiana and Amritsar re the major centres. 

  • In Maharashtra, Mumbai is the chief centre. 

  • In U.P. Kanpur, Shahjahanour, Agra and Mirzapur are the important centres. 

  • In Gujrat, Ahmedabad and Jamnagar are the main centres 

  • Panipat and Gurgaon are the centres of Haryana. 

  • Srinagar in J&K

  • Bangalore in Karnataka is an important woollen textile centre.

TRADE: - Good quality raw wool is imported from Australia, India exports woollen goods to the USA, RUSSIA, UK, CANADA and several European countries.


Bombyx mulberry, Tasar, Eri and Muga are the major silk verities which are produced in India,
There are 90 big silk mills besides large numbers of small silk mills, producing silk and silk goods
in the country. More than 90% of the India's silk production comes from Karnataka, west Bengal
and J&K. The Karnataka alone produces nearly half of the silk. India produces 8.5 lakh Kgs of
silk and silk goods annually.

DISTRIBUTION: -The silk textile industry in Indiais an important industry which provides 
employment to lakhs of people in a number of states. Main silk producing centres are:-

Bangalore and Mysore in Karnataka.

Murshidabad and Bunkura in West Bengal.

Anantnag, Baramullah and Srinagar in J&K.

Kanchinpuram and Thanjaanin Tamil Nadu

Qno5. Discuss in detail growth and importance of petroleum industry in India?

Ans:- The growth of Indian petroleum industry began on a very sorry note. The first oil deposits
in India were discovered in 1889 near the town of Digboi in Assam. The discovery was first
phase of petroleum extraction and a sign of industrial development. The industry started mainly in the north eastern parts of India especially in Assam. Until 1970's the petroleum production and exploration of new locations for extraction was restricted mainly to north eastern states. The Assam oil company was established in 1899 to use its production. However the important advancement in petroleum industry came with the passing of industrial policy resolution in 1956 which emphasized on the growth and promotion of industries. Another major incident was the discovery of Bombay High and now recently the discovery of oil fields in the deltas of Krishna and Godavari on the eastern coastal side which changed the scenario of Indian petroleum industry drastically. With the setting of new oil refineries in the country, the growing demand of petroleum and its products is met out to great extent. As per June 2011, there are 21 refineries with 17 in the public sector, 3 in private sector and the lone one in joint sector. The country is self-sufficient in refining capacity for its domestic consumption but also exports petroleum products substantially.

Significance - The petroleum industry has most significant role to play in changing the Indian
economy from an Agrarian economy to an industrial one. It contributed heavily to the
manufacturing industry by providing power generating products like petroleum and diesel. It also provides the most lubricating agents and raw material for various petrochemical products like paint, varnishes and mobile oil. The petroleum industry shares 8% in the GDP of the country.

Qno6. What do you mean by footloose industry?

Ans:- Some of the industries, like watch and electronics industries use very wide range of light raw materials and the attractive influence of each separate material diminishes. The result is that such industries are often located with no reference to raw materials and are sometimes
referred to as "footloose industries" because a wide range of locations is possible within an area
of sufficient population density.

Qno7. Write difference between large scale and small scale industries?



a) These industries employ large number of workers

b) Large quantities of finished products are manufactured in these industries

c) In these industries quantity of raw material and capital investment is very large

d) Women workers are not generally employed in these industries

e) Cotton and jute textile industry is an example of such industry


a) These industries employ small number of workers

b) Small quantity required

c) In these industries quantity of raw material and capital investment is very small

d) workers are employed large in number

e) Soap making, bidi making, match stick making industries are example of such industries

Qno8. What are the problems faced by Indian jute industry?

Ans - Indian jute industry is facing some very serious problems. Some of these are briefly described as under:

  • Most of the jute producing areas went to Bangladesh resulting in acute shortage of rawjute. Although successful efforts have been made to increase the supply of raw jute since independence it still falls short of our current requirements.

  • Most of our customers could not get our jute products during World War II as a result of which several countries developed many substitutes of jute.

  • The newly established mills and improved machines in Bangladesh are able to produce better quality goods and have an edge over the Indian jute products in the international market.

  • The overali demand for jute products is gradually decreasing in the international market. The input cost for jute product in India is quite high.

Qno9. Why Aluminium industry is called war born industry in India?

Ans: Manufacturing of aluminium metal commenced and fabrication of utensils from importedmetal started in 1929 Indian Aluminium Company started its production in 1938. But soon after the start of World War II, Indian Aluminium industry started the production of virgin Aluminium from the indigenous bauxite ore and it made a good progress because the conditions to import ore at that time were not favourable, So World War II indirectly helped in the growth and development of this industry. That is why it is called war born industry

Qno10. What is manufacturing and what is the importance of manufacturing?

Ans:- Manufacturing means production of goods in large quantities by processing of raw material to obtain more valuable products. Manufacturing is very important for several reasons like ;

  • Manufacturing helps in the development of agriculture

  • It reduces the heavy dependence of people on agriculture while providing the jobs in secondary and tertiary sectors.

  • It reduces regional disparities by setting up of industries ribal and backward areas.

  • It brings much needed foreign exchange to the country exporting manufactured goods to different countries of the world.

  • Countries like India will become prosperous only increasing and expanding the manufacturing sector

Qno11. What is NTPC? What are its various functions related to preservation of environment?

Ans:- NTPC stands for National Thermal Power Corporation. It was established in 1975. Some important functions of NTPC related to preservation of environment are as under:-

  • Utilising the latest techniques and upgrading the existing equipment to minimising the pollution

  • Establishing the green belts and forests to maintain the ecological balance

  • Setting up ash pond management, ash water recycling and liquid waste management to reduce environmental degradation

  • Monitoring, reviewing and managing the data base online for all the power plants


1. Manufacturing sector is considered as the backbone of economic development of a country

2. Industrial sector contributes about 17% to the GDP of India

3. The first successful textile mill was established in Mumbai in 1854

4. The first jute  mill was set up near Kolkata in 1855

5. NTPC stands for National Thermal Power Corporation


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