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The unthankful man class 8th solutions




1.What was Raman's wife fed up with?

Ans: Raman's wife was fed up with her  husband's extreme poverty.

2.What did Raman see when he peeped into the well?

Ans: When Raman peeped into the well, he saw a tiger, a monkey, a snake and a man left stranded there and looking for help.

3. Why was Romans scared of the snake?

Ans: Raman was scared of the snake because he thought that the snake might bite him if he would pull him out of the well.

4. What did the monkey do when Roman was hungry?

Ans: The monkey climbed the tree and collected picked) some sweet, juicy mangoes and presented them to Raman. He ate them and satisfied his hunger.

5. What did the tiger give him?

Ans: The tiger gave him an expensive necklace.

6. What did the goldsmith do when Raman showed him the necklace?

Ans: When Raman showed him the necklace, he told him to wait there and quickly rushed to the king to complain against Raman

7. How did Raman cure the queen?

Ans: Raman cured the queen by touching her forehead gently.

8. Why did the king send the goldsmith to jail? 

Ans: The king sent the goldsmith to prison because he had framed false charges against innocent Raman

Language Work

A:Who said the following and to whom?

(a) “Why don’t you go to the nearby town and seek some job?”

Ans. Raman’s wife to Raman

(b) “I live in Varanasi and I am a goldsmith by profession.”

Ans. Man in the well (goldsmith) to Raman

(c) “Once, I saved a prince’s life. In return, he gave me this necklace.”

Ans. Tiger to Raman

(d) “You have killed our prince and stolen his necklace.”

Ans. Guards of king to Raman

(e) “How did you land up in the prison?”

Ans. King to Raman

(f) “Go home and live happily.”

Ans. King to Raman

(b) Make sentences using the following phrasal verbs:

fed up with: He has become fed up with fast life in city . 

pass through: We have to pass through an examination before going to college. 

help out: He helped me out of my trouble.

pull out: He pulled out the polythene from the chocked  drain.

call out: He called out  him rudely

slither away: The snake slithered away into the water.

wait for: You take your time i will Wait for you. 

lock up: The criminal was put into the lock-up.

wake up:  Failures are wake-up calls for every wise men . 

peep into: The criminal  peeped out of his hide and seen by the police man.

take to: A wise man takes humiliation as a bitter medicine.

slip into: He slipped into slumber.


Look at the following examples:

The teacher said to the students, “let us read a poem today.”

The teacher proposed to the students that they should read a poem that day.

The teacher said, “let the boys go home.”

The teacher said that the boys might be allowed to go home.

Now report the following sentences in the same way:

1.“Let us push on a little further, “said Shabir.

Ans. Shabir proposed that they should push on a little further.

2. He said to me, “Let us wait for our friend.”

Ans. He suggested to me that we should wait for our friend.

3. Mubashir said, “Abuji, let us go to the Nishat Bagh.”

Ans. Mubashir proposed his father to go to the Nishat Bagh.

4.The boy said to the teacher, “Let me take my seat sir.”

Ans. The boy requested his teacher to let him take his seat.

5. Rashid said to Hamid, “Let me have a cup of tea.”

Ans. Rashid requested Hamid to let him have a cup of tea.

6. He said, “Let him run fast, he cannot catch the train.”

Ans. He said that however fast he might run he could not catch the train.

 Let’s write

It was a chilly morning and I started for school…… hurry, join, close, scream, escape, help, thankful, etc

Form a story using the above-given verbs.

It was a chilly morning, and I started for school. It was too late, and we had a Discussion in our school today as well. I hurried to school. I have been permitted to enter the school premises. But since I was a little late, I was not allowed to enter the Discussion Hall and join the discussion. There was another student, one of my classmates, who was also late. He too was not permitted to enter the discussion Hall either. We were left in the school compound to stand still for half an hour. My classmate started screaming, and now he was thinking to skip from school. But before he could run away, our form-teacher came to our rescue. He helped us out and we were invited to enter the Discussion Hall. We have been very thankful for our form-teacher.


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