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Macbath Class 7th English Lesson 5




 Text Book Questions

Q. 1. Who was Macbeth ?

Ans.He was the general of King Duncan. 

Q. 2. What did the witches tell Macbeth ?

Ans. They told him that he would be the king of Duncan. 

Q. 3. How did Lady Macbeth come to know about the strange procession of events?

Ans. She came to know about the strange events through a letter from her husband.

Q.4. How did she help Macbeth in murdering King Duncan?

Ans. She suggeted that they could shift the blame to the king's grooms smearing them with the king's blood.

Q. 5. Who were the only possible witnesses of the murder?

Ans. The king's grooms were the only possible witnesses of kings murder. 

Q. 6. Why did the two princes escape from Scotland ?

Ans. They feared that Macbeth could kill them also , so they escape from Scotland .

Q.7. Why did Macbeth seek out the witches and what did he learn from them?

Ans. He seeks out the witches to learn about his fate in the future. They tell him that he should be aware of Macduff(Thane of fifi) and that none born of woman can harm him. They also said that he can't be defeated until Birnam Wood comes against him.

Q. 8. What happened to Lady Macbeth ?

Ans.Because of guilt and remorse  she jumps off the castle tower and killed herself

Q. 9. Why did Macbeth feel himself safe though his army was defeated ?

Ans. Because he had been told by the witches that none born of woman could harm him untill Burnam Wood come against him.


Look at these sentences :

1. He has a lot of land and many servants.

2. He has some land and some servants.

In the first sentence, a lot of is used with uncountable noun, i.e., land and used with countable noun, i.e., servants while in the second sentence some is used with both uncountable and countable nouns, i.e., land and servants.

Now use a lot of, many or some in the following sentences :

1. She received. ............... money.

2. The farmer had............ clothes.

3. My brother purchased.............. books.

4. The thieves stole......................... furniture.

5. Shakespeare wrote................... plays.

6. They ate.................. meat.

7. I wish I had........ .......... wealth!

8. She read.................... stories during winter vacation.

9. They bought.................. carpets.

10. You need.................... courage to do this work.

Answer :
1. a lot of 
2. many 
3. some 
4. a lot of 
5. many 
6. a lot of 
7. a lot of
8. many 
9. some 
10. a lot of.


Look at this sentence:

The patient had been crying all night, but no one came to help him. In the above sentence, the underlined words are in the past perfect continuous tense. We use this tense to indicate an action that began in the past and was completed in the past, but the emphasis is on the continuity of the action and time.

Now use the past perfect continuous tense of the verbs in brackets in the following sentences :

1. When I joined this office, she.............. here for ten months. (work)

2. The dogs................ all night, but we didn't care.

3. They................... there before you came.(live)

4. I................... all day, so I was tired in theevening.(work)

5. The baby................ all night, so the mother was awake. (weep)

6. The machine........... continuously, but nothing happened to it.(Work) 

7. She............... since / from morning, so she slept in the afternoon.(cook)

8. The children.................. all night, still they didn't sleep during the day. (read)

9. The couple..................... since / from evening, so they went to bed without food (quarrel)

10. The football teams...,........... for three hours, but no one won the match (play)

Answers :

1. had been working 

2. had been barking 

3. had been living 

4. had been working

5. had been weeping 

6. had been working 

7. had been cooking 

8. had been reading 

9. had been quarrelling 

10.had been playing.


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