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For God’s Sake Hold Thy Tongue 8th English Questions and Answers


For God’s Sake Hold Thy Tongue 8th English Questions and Answers 

 Q1. What do the Quran and the traditions of Prophet (PBUH) tell us on backbiting 
and scandal mongering? 

Ans;- The Quran states that backbiting and scandal-mongering of any form are to be avoided. 
A person who backbite is like a man who has devoured the flesh of his deceased brother,
 according to the prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Q2. What do the Gita and the Bible tell us on backbiting? 

Ans;- According to the Gita, those who are born with god-like endowments are free from fear, 
have a pure heart, persevere in their (pursuit of) knowledge, are free from the habit of 
backbiting, have compassion for all beings, and are free from avarice. He who is born 
into demoniac endowments is prone to ostentation and vanity. According to the Bible, 
we all make many mistakes. And if somebody does not trip over his words, he is a 
flawless man who can control his entire body. 

Q3. What do the Granth sahib and Lord Buddha tell us on backbiting? 

Ans;- According to the Guru Granth Sahib, a person who slanders another bears a heavy 
load of sins without receiving compensation. According to Lord Buddha's Eightfold 
Path, one must live a life centred around speaking the truth.

Q4. Why did the servant of Rabbi Simeon bring tongues both the times? 

Ans;- Because the servant of Rabbi Simeon believed that the tongue might both speak evil 
and good, he brought tongues both times. Nothing is worse than a wicked tongue, and 
nothing is better than a good one. 

Q5. Why did Rabbi Simeon invite his disciples for a meal? 

Ans;- In an attempt to show his disciples the good and bad things that the tongue is capable of, Rabbi Simeon invited them to a lunch. 

Q6. What according to you is the moral of the lesson?

 Ans;- The lesson's lesson is that we should avoid backbiting and stoking controversy because
 tongue injuries are the most difficult to heal. We ought to approach people with grace 
and humility at all times. 

Q7. How does our tongue do good or bad to others? 

Ans;- Being courteous with our words can make people happy and put a smile on their cheeks. A tongue can bring joy to the depressed, but it can also have terrible effects. The other person may be so severely wounded by our inconsiderate words that he may never forget them. We leave an unsightly scar on people's hearts that prickles constantly when we speak poorly of and criticise them. It's been noted many times that the tongue has both healing and hurting powers. Thus, exercise caution when speaking since it may have an  impact on many lives, including your own.

Language work

Now add the correct ending to each of the following words and say what each person does or is connected with consultant dictionary if necessary

Governor             Governors          One who governs

Cater                    caterer                 one who provides food or drink for a social or business 

Translate             translator           one who translate one language in to another

Novel                    novelist               one who write novels

Tour                       tourist                 one who travels from one place to another

Politics                 politician            one who involves himself in  politics activities 

Decorate              decorator            one who decorates any place or building

 Art                        artist                    one who knows any art form

 Economic           economist            one who knows economics 

 Drama                Dramatist            One who writes or performs in a drama or plays

 Cricket               Cricketer              one who plays cricket

 Engine               Engineer              A professional who uses knowledge to design construct and maintain machines or buildings 

 History             historian               one who writes history

 Mountain         Mountaineer        one who climbs  Mountain's 

 Donate              Donation              One who donates money or eatables in poor and needy

 Grammar         Grammarian        One who knows the principles of grammar

 Auction            Actiniarian            One who checks accounts  in the offices

 Teach                Teacher                 One who teaches student's in classroom's 

 Electricity       Electrician             One who does electric work in houses or building's 

 Physics            Physician               One who has knowledge of medicines 

 Wright             Writer                     One who writes book's or article's on any subject 

 Speak               Speaker                   One who speaks in any function or debate

Win                  Winner                     One who wins any competition or a game 

Mathematics  Mathematician       One who has knowledge of mathematics 

Grammar work

 Now complete each sentence with an adverb the first letter of the adverb are given

1;-We didn't go out because it was raining heavily 

2;-Our team lost the game because we played very badly 

3;-I had little difficulty finding a place to live I found a flat easily 

4;-We had to wait for a long time but we didn't complain we waited patiently 

5;-Nobody knows Atif was coming to see us he arrived unexpectedly

6;-Zeeshan keeps spit by playing tennis regularly

7;-I dont speak Punjabi very well but I can understand it perfectly if spoken slowly and clearly

Put in the correct word

1 , Two people were seriously injured in an accident

2 , The car driver had serious injuries

3 , I think you behave very selfishly 

4 , Razia is terribly upset about losing her job

5 , There was a sudden change in the weather 

6 , Everybody at a marriage party was colourfully dressed 

7 , Aslam speaks English fluently 

8 , Ved Sarpyal and hurt himself quite badly 

9 , Hafiz didn't do well at school because he was taught badly

10 , Dont go up that ladder it doesn't look safe 

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