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What is green class 6


Poem 2

What is Green


The grass is green. The leaves of trees are green. The smell of a rural area where wind blows is green. We get coolness in the shade of tall old trees in jungles. Moss is made in these jungles. In spring frost melts out of everything. Plants and flowers have a new life. People take a lot of interest in this season. There is excitement everywhere. Grasshopper is green. Jade is green. Hiding in shade is green. Olive and pickle are green. The flow of water in drops is green. The world looks green after rain. It is washed clean and beautiful. The field full of grass is green. Tiny shoots of new seedlings that come up after the melting of snow are green. Ivy creeper is green. The honey suckle shrub is beautiful. Everything around looks green, pleasant and soothing to the eyes.


Q. 1. Name a few green things around us mentioned in the poem.

Ans. Trees, leaves of trees, grasshopper, olive and pickle are some of the green things mentioned in the poem.

Q. 2. Name a few things that are not really green but have been called green by the poet.

Ans. These things are : Smell of a country in breeze, coolness in shade, flutter in spring, hiding a shade.

Q. 3. What does the word 'flutter' stand for?

Ans. It stands for an excited state.

Q. 4. Does the colour green have sound for the poet ? What is it?

Ans. Yes, it does have sound for the poet. It is a water trickle.

Q. 5. What does the world look like after the rain ?

Ans. It looks green after the rain. It is bathed and beautiful.

Q. 6. What does the word 'fuzz' refer to in the lines 'Green is the fuzz/That covers up/Where winter was' ?

Ans. They are the light fine particles of fibres. The word here means melts. the tiny shoots of new seedlings that push their way up after the snow melts

Q. 7. What do you think is the symbol of winter here?

Ans. Fuzz is the symbol of winter.

Q. 8. What do you think the word 'green' stands for in the poem?

Ans. It stands for greenery in the environment.

Q. 9. What do you think the poet is referring to when she says Green is yours/ Green is mine ?

Ans. The poet is referring to the greenery of her environment. She means to say that there is joy in living in an environment of greenery. She also means to say that her readers also like to live in an environment of greenery. The green environment is joyful for all.

Q. 10. Do you think this world of ours is as 'green' as we want it to be ?

Ans. This is not so. Much is left to be desired. Besides we have deserts and glaciers in certain parts of the world. We should have more of greenery.

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