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Beauty poem class 6



Poem 1



This poem tells us that there is beauty all around us. We can see beauty. We can hear it. And, we can feel it. We can see beauty in the trees, the birds, farmers growing corn and dancing for their harvest. We can hear beauty in the sighing of the wind, falling of rain and chanting of a singer. We can see beauty in our good deeds and happy thoughts. They please us when they are repeated in our dream, our work and even in our rest.


1. The poet says, "Beauty is heard in..." 

Can you hear beauty ? Add a sound that you think is beautiful to the sounds the poet thinks are beautiful.

Ans. The warbling of birds, the sound of snow-falling, drizzling, the blowing of the sea-breeze, the rustling of leaves are some of the beautiful sounds that we hear.

The poet, John Keats, says:

Heard melodies are sweet,

But those unheard are sweeter.

Q. a.  What do you think this means? Have you ever 'heard' a song in your head long after the song was sung or played ?

Ans. The poet John Keats means to say that pleasures enjoyed with our eyes are surely sweet but those which we hear in our imagination are sweeter. Some songs are enjoyable. Certain songs which the hero and the heroine sing in a film are sometimes very sweet. We like to hum those songs a long time after we have stopped hearing them. Thus the pleasures of imagination are sweeter.

2. Read the first and second stanzas of the poem again. Note the following phrases:

corn growing, people working or dancing, wind sighing, rain falling, a singer chanting.

These could be written as

* corn that is growing

* people who are working or dancing.

Can you rewrite other phrases like this? Why do you think the poet uses shorter phrases ?


1.wind that is sighing

2.rain that is falling

3. a singer that is chanting

4. a beautiful woman who is smiling

5. a young damsel who is dancing.

The poet uses shorter phrases to provide rhythm to the poem.


The poet has used shorter phrases to enrich it with rhythm.

Q. 3. Find pictures of beautiful things you have seen or heard.

Ans. This exercise is to be done by students. You can think of pictures of beautiful actresses and beautiful lakes,  beautiful mountains, beautiful parks like the Tulip Garden of Srinagar and any other beautiful thing.

Q. 4. Write a paragraph about beauty. Use your own ideas along with the ideas of the poem (You may discuss with your partner).

Ans. A thing of beauty is a joy for ever. The quality of being pleasing to look at is beauty. Someone or something that gives pleasure by being looked at is beautiful. The sight of the rising sun, flowers in bloom, snow falling, the vastness of a water body are all beautiful things. A snake dancing to the flute of the snake-charmer, the juggler making a bear dance, the dancing of a peacock, a group of parrots flying together are quite pleasing to us because of their beauty. A body of a young girl is beautiful to look at. The blowing of a gentle breeze, the rustling of leaves in the wind, the tiny rain-drops falling from the sky are beauties that we can see as well as hear. The beauty of the falling snow and the blooming of flowers is also beautiful. Thieves fall upon beauty quicker than gold.

"Beauty provoketh thieves quicker than gold." (William Shakespeare)

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