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A tale of two birds class 6th short story 1


Short story 1




Q. 1. How did the two baby birds get separated ?

Ans. A strong wind blew away the birds and landed them at different places. In this way, they got separated.

Q. 2. Where did each of them find a home?

Ans. One of the birds found a home near a cave of the robbers and the other landed outside a rishi's ashram.

Q. 3. What did the first bird say to the stranger ?

Ans. The first bird said nothing to the stranger. Rather he told the robbers about the stranger. It asked them to rob him of his jewels and horse quickly.

Q. 4. What did the second bird say to him?

Ans. The second bird welcomed the stranger to the ashram. He asked him to go inside, take cold water and make himself comfortable.

Q. 5. How did the rishi explain the different ways in which the birds behaved?

Ans. The rishi said that the bird living with the robbers behaves like them and talks about robbing people. But the bird outside the ashram has repeated what he has always heard. He welcomes the people to the ashram.

Q. 6. Which one of the following sums up the story best?

(i) A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

(ii) One is known by the company one keeps.

(iii) A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Ans. One is known by the company one keeps.


Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

landed ,amazed , hit, flew, surprises.

1. The strong wind..........the bird away deep in to the forest 

2. One of the birds..............outside a rishi's ashram.

3. The king seemed................to hear a similar voice again!

4. The heavy branch.............the nest and killed the birde

5. Life is full of............

Ans. 1. flew. 2. landed 3. amazed. 4. hit 5. surprises.

Write down the meanings of the following phrases:

1. blew away

2. rode after

3. rode away

4. look up

5. make friends


1. flew someone away by force

2. chased someone on horseback

3. rode the horse and went away

4. Looked above

5. to become friendly with someone.


1. Sup up the moral of the story in your own words.

Ans. A man is known by the company he keeps.

2. Write 100 to 200 words on 'A man is known by the company he keeps'.

Ans. Most of us become friendly with those who have similar natures and tastes. Birds of a feather flock together. One likes to keep company with those who have similar tastes and aptitudes. It is rather impossible to be friendly with anyone whose tastes and likes are different from ours. Scholarly people are friendly with scholars. Brave people will seek the company of other brave people. A friendship between a brave man and a coward is unthinkable. A drunkard will feel at home in the company of other drunkards. A thief is friendly with a thief. When we see a few persons, we can easily make out that they are people of similar tastes. opinions and preferences. You will find a good man often in the company of good men. Idlers will be friendly with idlers. The bad bird in the story with a rishi., was friendly with a gang of robbers. The good bird in the story was friendly with a rishi

It is correct to say that a man is known by the company he keeps.



When the exact words used by a speaker are reproduced within quotes or quote/unquote, it is called Direct Speech. (Please avoid using inverted commas begin and inverted commas closed).

e.g.: The teacher said to me, "You are a good boy." (Direct Speech

Reporting Verb (RV) Reported Speech (RS)

The exact words of the speaker which are put within quotes is called Reported Speech.

Who says and who says to whom.

The verb that introduces the Reported Speech is called Reporting Verb.

Basic Rules:

Rule 1: If the Reporting Verb is in the present or future tense, the tense of the Reported Speech remains unchanged though pronouns change.

Direct: The Principal says, "English teacher will teach narration on Monday."

Indirect: The Principal says that English teacher will teach narration on Monday.

Direct: Ravi will say, "I like films."

Indirect: Ravi will say that he likes films.

Direct: Sauna says, "Her father is at office."

Indirect: Sauna says that her father is at office.

Rule 2: If the reporting verb is in the past tense, the tenses in the Reported Speech are changed into corresponding Past Tenses.

(a) Simple present is changed into simple past:

Direct: Anu said, "She studies late in the night."

Indirect: Anu said that she studied late in the night.

Direct: Andleep said, "Sukini works very hard."

Indirect: Andleep said that Sukini worked very hard.

However, if the reported Speech conveys some universal truth or a habitual fact, the simple present tense in the reported speech remains unchanged.

Direct: The teacher said, "The sun rises in the east."

Indirect: The teacher said that the sun rises in the east.

Direct: Rahim said, "I get up early in the morning."

Indirect: Rahim said that he gets up early in the morning.

Change the narration of the following:

1. The teacher says, "Rahul will pass.

Ans. The teacher says that Rahul will pass.

2. The servant will say, "Dinner is ready."

Ans. The servant will say that dinner is ready.

3. Mona says, "Sauna will do her work on Tuesday.

Ans. Mona says that Sana will do her work on Tuesday.

4. Saba said, "I will join the college."

Ans. Saba said that she would join the college.

5. Rama says, "I will study at University."

Ans. Rama says that he will study at University.

6. Bashir said, "I will take up science subjects."

Ans. Bashir said that he would take up science subjects.

7. Raja will say, "I cannot study mathematics."

Ans. Raja will say that he cannot study mathematics.

8. Suhana will say, "My favourite actor is Shahrukh Khan."

Ans. Suhana will say that her favourite actor is Shahrukh Khan.

9. Ragini will say, "I want to become a painter.'

Ans. Ragini will say that I want to become a painter.

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