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Time you old gypsy man class 6th


Poem 7



The poet calls time an old gipsy man. A gipsy man is a member of a race found in parts of Europe and America. The gipsies travel from place to place in caravans. In the same way, time goes on travelling or passing. The poet requests time to halt his caravan just for a day. But this is not possible for time to do. The reason is that time and tide wait for none. The poet promises to provide all things to time if he agrees to be his guest. He will give him bells made of the best silver for his mare. He assures time that goldsmiths will beat for him a gold ring. Peacocks will bend before him respectfully. Little boys will sing songs to amuse him. He also assures him that sweet-looking girls will decorate him with the flowers of the hawthorn tree. He again questions time as to why it passes so quickly.


Q. 1. Why do you think the poet calls time the 'old gipsy man'?

Ans. Time like the old gipsy man keeps on travelling or passing. It does not stop anywhere. It has been doing so since very old times.

Q. 2. What request does the poet make to time ?

Ans. The poet tells the time to stop his caravan just for one day,

Q. 3. What will happen if time becomes the poet's guest ?

Ans. The poet will entertain time nicely. He will get bells made of the finest silver for his mare. He will get a nice golden ring for him.

Q. 4. The poet is not the only creature that will honour time. There are others also who would honour it. Who are they? What will they give to time? -

Ans. Peacocks will bend before time. Little boys will sing songs for him. Sweet and lovely girls will festoon him with many flowers.

Q. 5. Who will sing to time?

(a) Sweet girls

(b) Little boys

(c) Peacocks

Ans. (b).

Q. 6. What will goldsmiths make for time?

(a) a necklace.            (b) a ring

(d) a golden ring.       (c) a silver ring

Ans (b) a golden ring.

Q. 7. Festoon with may. Explain.

Ans. If you festoon something with decorations, lights or other things, you spread or hang these things over it in large numbers in order to decorate it. The poet plans to decorate time, the old gypsy man with a large number of flowers of the hawthorn tree.

The poet will decorate time the old gypsy man with a large number of may flowers or flowers of the hawthorn tree.


Match words in A with their meanings in B.

      A                             B 

Caravan                    a person who makes gold ornaments

Silver.                       a person staying or paying a visit to                

Bow                          a white shiny metal

Hasten                      wheeled vehicle for living or  travelling in, especially for. holidays                                                              Goldsmith      

 holidays                   bend forward in respect

Guest                       move quickly


Caravan      wheeled vehicle for living or travelling in, especially for holidays

Silver          a white shiny metal

Bow             bend forward in respect

Hasten        move quickly

Goldsmith  a person who makes gold ornaments

Guest          a person staying or paying a visit to someone


Q. 8. Choose a partner and discuss with him/her why you would/ would not like to be a gipsy.

Majid : Do you know who a gipsy is Abdul ?

Abdul : Yes, a gipsy is a person who goes on wandering from place to place.

Majid: Does a gipsy have any home?

Abdul : No, a gipsy does not have a home. He spends his night wherever night overtakes him.nhung

Majid : Do not you think it is a free life ?

Abdul : No, it is a life of insecurity. A gipsy or gypsy has no regular work to do. Nor does a gypsy have any regular means of living.

Majid: Would you like to lead the life of a gypsy ?

Abdul: No, I do not like to lead the life of a gypsy. It is no life at all. I would like to have some well-established business or a good job.

Majid : That is really fine. I too do not like the life of a gypsy.


Q.9. Those people who waste time never succeed in their lives. You believe in keeping time in whatever you do in life. Write a short paragraph about how you spend the day-from morning till evening.

Ans. We must make the best use of time if we want to achieve success in life. We must not postpone any work to a future date. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today is a golden rule. We should catch time by the forelock. I do not waste any of my time. I get up early in the morning. After toilet and bath, I put on my clothes. After breakfast I go to  school. I stay at school up to 2 p.m. I pay full attention to my teachers. I come back home at about 2-30 p.m. Then I have my lunch. I take rest for some time. Then I do my homework from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Then I go for playing in the company of my friends. Then I return home. I watch television for an hour. Then again I study for two hours. Then I have my dinner and go to sleep. This is the routine I follow everyday.

Q. 10. Your terminal examinations are very close. Make a timetable

for yourself allocating time for different subjects. Do not forget to keep some time to rest and play also.

Ans. For practice.

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