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1. Write a letter to the Editor of a Newspaper about roads which are in need of repairs.

Chinkral Mohalla,
Srinagar - 190001,
April 14, 1993


The Editor,
The Srinagar Times,

Will you kindly insert the following few lines in the valuable columns your esteemed paper:
The condition of some of the roads and lanes in Ward No. 2 is simply deplorable. The surfacer is badly broken and pits have been created. The drains are in a ruined condition and the dirty stagnant water is visible at many places.
It has become very dangerous to walk through these roads and lanes on dark nights. The condition becomes still worse in rainy season.

It is regretable that the Municipal Authorities (Core Area) should show such indifference to the safety and convenience of the travelling public, and I trust that this request of mine will have its effect and that the roads and lanes will be put in thorough repair without further delay.

                                                  Yours truly,
                                                  Bashir Ahmad

2. Write a letter to Editor of a Newspaper about a stiff question paper.

Damhal Hanjipora,
The Editor,
12th October, 1993


The Editor
The Daily Aftab,
I shall feel highly obliged if you allow me to draw the attention of the J.K. Board authorities through the columns of your esteemed paper to the stiff question paper in English set in the Matriculation Examination 1990 (Annual).

The questions set were mostly difficult and beyond the comprehension of
a 10th class student. How could a boy of 10th class have enough vocabulary
at his command to write an essay on "Some Memories of My Childhood
The question regarding transformation of sentences was not at all casy. Most
of the idoms to be used in sentences were also difficult. Even the bright students
could not answer the paper to their satisfaction.
The authorities are requested to look into the matter and see that the boys do not suffer.

                                        Yours faithfully,
                                        P.K. Dhar
                                Headmaster Govt. High School.

3. Write a letter to the Editor of a Newspaper making an appeal for the flood stricken people of Sonawari.

Nala Mar Road, Bori Kadal,
September 17, 1993


The Editor,
The Kashmir Times,

Dear Sir,
I shall feel obliged if you publish the following lines in the columns of your daily paper.  Sonawari is a vast area of land. It is often subject to floods. Unfortunately in the month of July the whole area was flooded. The trees were uprooted. All the crops were washed away. Almost all the mud houses fell down. Even
water was a meter deep in Pucca houses located at elevated places. There were breaches in the embankments. The Government rushed to their help and carried people to safer places. The condition of the people was pitiable. All their
belongings were lost. They had no money to buy things and sustain their lives. The Goverment alone cannot cope with this task.

Keeping in view this sad state of people I appeal to all the people and charitable institutions to contribute generously to "Sonawari Relief Funds to mitigate the sufferings of the distressed people.

                                             Yours faithfully,

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