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Porus and His Elephant class 8th







Q:1. How did the elephant save the life of save the life of porus? 

Ans:- the elephant showed wisdom and saved the life of his master by keeping the Enemies at Bay when the animal saw the king was faint from his wonds ,he took the greatest care of him,he leaned over him and shielded him  from the bows and arrows of his Enemies finally he lifted his wounded master on his trunk and took him to the safe place.

2. What does the poet mean by
Ah! these dumb things that but cry and pant, they, too, can love, for God made them so. "

Ans:- By these lines, the poet means that though God has made animals dumb Yet they can express their emotions like humans  They can feel and reciprocate love though they can not give vent to their feelings'  through words . They can do anything in their love. They express their feelings of love by crying or gasping. 

Q:3.Write the story told in the poem in your own words. 

The poem Porus and his elephant" is a lyrical ballad that tells us the story of a faithful elephant who saved the life of his master at the cost of his own life. Long ago, Porus leading his army went to meet the challenges of his enemy Alexander, the great on the banks of river jehlum. A fierce battle took place between the two armies two that lasted for too long, Porus showed great resistance to the Alexander's forces by displaying his great skills of  war .However, he could not withstand for too long and was wounded finally. He fell of his elephant by fainting. He was so deeply wounded that he could not raise from the ground on his own When the elephant saw his master in such a state, he leaned over him and sheltered him from the enemy blows and arrows .He trumpeted loudly. So that the enemies could not approach him for further damage. The elephant showed his wisdom and faithfulness by lifting and taking him to a safer place. In this way, the elephant saved the life of his wounded master though he himself succumbed to his injuries . He set an example of loyalty to his master at the cost of his own life

Q:4.What is the rhyme scheme of the poem? 

Ans:- As a lyrical ballad the rhyme scheme of the poem is in the form of "abab" That means the sound of last word of the first line of the four lines lines stanza rhyme with the last word of the third line of the stanza and second line with fourth line of the stanza. 

Q5. The poem reflects the faithfulness of an elephant towards his master. Explain.

Ans: This poem tells us an amazing story of an extraordinary elephant that made a fine display of his loyalty and  faithfulness and saved the life of his master in a battlefield. In the famous battle between Porus and Alexander The great, Porus after showing admirable resistance against the mighty troops of Alexander suffered terrible injuries and fell off his elephant in virtual faint. He was so deeply wounded that he could not rise from the ground on his own. When the elephant found his master in sorry plight, he came forward and leaned over him and saved him from the arrows and blows of his enemies coming from all sides. The elephant shielded him from all sides. The elephant shrilled loudly to scare the enemies.

Q. 6. Tick the right answer

a. Porus met his enemy on the bank of 

a. The Nile b. The Jhelum c. The Ganges d. The Satluj .

Ans. b. The Jhelum

b. Alexander in the poem is referred to as 

a. Friend b. Foe c. Brother d. Statesman

Ans. b. Foe

c. Who was wounded? 

a. Alexander b. Porus c. Both d. None

Ans. b. Porus

d. The wounded Porus is lifted by 

a. His own soldiers b. Soldiers of Alexander 

c. The Elephant d. None

Ans. c. The elephant

e. Who saves Porus? 

a. His Elephant b. His soldiers’ c. Both d. Villagers

Ans. a. His Elephant


I. Use the following words, phrases, and expressions in your sentences:

Days gone by, fray, to hold at a bay, battle-pride, fought the more, gallant part, mighty trunk

Days gone by:- Days have gone by, since we met.

Fray: -Mehmood Gaznovi came to India for fray.

To hold at bay: Our brave soldiers hold at bay to our enemies.

Battle-pride: Participation in the war was considered as battle-pride in olden times.

Fought the more: Afghans fought the more against America .

Gallant part: The Havaldar  Ab Hamid  played a gallant part in the fight between China,and India  

Mighty trunk: The elephant up rooted big trees with his mighty trunk. 

II. Use the following words as nouns and verbs in your sentences: Record, Present, Object, Contest, Produce

 1:- Record:

(Noun) I keep the record of my all expenditures during my Mumbai trip

(Verb) In Gulmarg, the minimum temperature was recorded as -17ºC.


(Noun) Father gave me a present on my birthday.

(Verb) The thief presented himself before the police.


(Noun) I have found an object in the school bus.

(Verb) MLA was objected by the people of his Constuency on development issue. 


(Noun) A drawing contest was conducted at zonal level between all govt school students on Monday.

(Verb) He contested  in local bodies elections for Surpanch seat .


(Noun) This year kashmir produce 3000 metric tonnes of wet fruit especially apples .

(Verb) A large quantity of dry fruits are  produced in Kashmir.


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