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10th Class English (The Ghat Of The Only World)






"The Ghat of the only World"

Q1:- What were the common things between Ghosh and Shahid?

Ans. Many things were common between Ghosh and Shahid . Both had common friends in India, America and else where . Both of them loved Rogan Josh, a Kashmiri dish. Both loved Roshanara Begum and Kishore Kumar. Both had a great love and attachment for old Bombay  films. But they had no interest in cricket

Q2:- What are the things that Shahid loved?

Ans. Shahid loved many things in his life. He loved to make friends. He had friends in India America and elsewhere. He loved the spirit of festivity. There was never an evening when there wasn't  a party in his living room. There were always half dozen or more people gathered inside . They included poets students writers and relatives . He loved "Rogan Josh”, a Kashmiri dish. He loved Roshanara Begum and Kishore Kumar. He liked old Bombay films but had no interest in cricket. He also loved the music of Begum Akhter.

03:- How does shahid face death? Describe the hospital scene?

Ans. Shahid was suffering from brain tumor. He had realized the approaching death. He never scared of it. He took it calmly. He was even philosophical about it. He once told the writer that he loved to think that he would meet his mother in the after life. He had tremendous will to survive. Once, before his death, Shahid was in hospital for a surgical procedure. When it was time to leave, the hospital attendant came to him with wheel chair. Shahid waved him away. He said that he was strong enough to walk out of the  hospital on his own. The attendant went awar. But after a few steps his knees Buckled and he was in need of a wheel chair . The attendant was again called. When he came Shahid gave him a smile and asked him where he was from. The man said that he was from Spain. Shahid clapped his hands and said at the top of his voice, “I always wanted to learn Spanish to read Lorca (Garcia Lorca Spanish poet and dramatist).”

04:- Who is James Merill?

Ans. James Merill is a poet who radically changed Shahid's style of writing poetry. It was who influenced Shahid's poetry. It was later due to the influence of that he turned to metrical patterns and verse, forms

Q5:- Pick out the elements of humour from the lesson?

Ans. Shahid was a humorous fellow. He was a ready  wit. Once at Barcelona airport a lady security guard asked him what he was doing in spain. He said, "Writing poetry". When the same lady asked him if he had anything that could  be dangerous to the other passengers Shahid clapped his hand to his chest and cried, “only my heart.”Once , befor his death Shahid was in hospital for a surgical procedure. When it was time to leave, the hospital attendant came to him with wheel chair. Shahid waved him away. He said that he was strong enough to walk out of the hospital on his own. The attendant went away. But after a few steps his knees buckled and he was in need of a wheel chair . The attendant was again called. When he came shahid gave him a smile and asked him where he was from. The man said that he was from Spain. Shahid clapped his hands and said at the top of his voice, “I always wanted to learn Spanish to read Lorca.' 

Q6:- What facilitated Ghosh to fulfill his pledge? How did it help him?

Ans. Ghosh had pledged it to Shahid that he would write about him after his  death To fulfill this pledge, Ghosh started keeping a record of every moment  that he spent with Shahid . He also gathered all the information that he could about Shahid's life . All this helped him to fulfill his pledge.

07:- How was Shahid's reputation as a teacher among his students ?

Ans. Shahid was a brilliant teacher He had a series of jobs in colleges and universities. Due to his intelligence and art of teaching he had gained a good reputation among the students. The students of Manhattan's Baruch college. adored him. Moreover, they had printed a magazine and dedicated the issue to him.

08:- What does the ghat of the only world' means 

Ans. Ghat is a Hindi word which means the place at  a river bank from where boats sail off with passengers for the other bank Here 'the only world' is a symbol of man's life on this earth. The Ghat of only world means that after finishing one's Journey of life one feels standing at the last edge from where he will have to go to the other world i.e. the Held of death.

Writing work

Q:- Write a personality profile of Agra Shahid Ali or your role model for any of your favourite poet?

Ans.Shahid was a multi-dimensional personality. He suffered from an incurable disease the malignant cancer But even his dangerous disease he could not over shadow his liberal and Jovial personality. He was a fighter throughout his life. Being a Kashmiri, Kashmir remained the central subject of his poetry. He was thoroughly secular and open minded. He was social liked good food , good people , good music and of course , good poetry. Shahid knew that he was going to die. Therefore, he requested the narrator to write something about him. Shahid was a good poet. He was highly influenced by James Merril who radically altered the direction of his poetry. Shahid was famous for being social and his skill in the kitchen. There was never an evening when there wasn't a party in his living room. He could tell from the smell whether Rogan Josh was ready or not. He had a passion for the Kashmiri food.

Although Shahid was not a political poet, Kashmir was the central subject of his poetry. He hated violence and counter violence in the Valley. He was pained to see Kashmir in flames. He was a brilliant teacher and was sharp in repartee. Truly, he was a gifted multi- dimensional personality.

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