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The Merchant of Venice class 10






"The Merchant of Venice"


Q1.Why does Shylock hate Antonio?

Ans:- Shylock is a foil to Antonio in a number of ways. While Shylock is a Jew, Antonio is a Christian. Moreover, Shylock lends money to people (Christians) at a high rate of interest, but Antonio never extracts interest from the people for the loaned sum. What is more is that Antonio is in the good books of people but Shylock is abhorred and disliked by all good men Shylock was covetous but Antonio , generous. Besides , Antonio used  to chide Shylock for his inexorable and implacable attitude which the latter would not swallow but thanking to use it as an instrument to average him self up on him.

Q2.How does Antonio help Bostanio?

Ans:- Antonio is a Bosom's friend of Bostanio and ready to put his life at stake for his friend. Bostanio loved a belle of Belmont who had a number of wealthy suitors to win her. Bostanio needed rich appearance and background to win his love for which he thought it proper to refer to the merchant and friend, Antonio , who, owing to his invested money had no ready cash at the moment. He decided to barrow the needed amount of three thousand ducats from his revival merchant Shylock. This way he helped out Bostanio.

Q3.How does Shylock feel when Antonio asks for some money? Why is he interested to pay the required sum?

Ans:- Shylock feels very arrogant and ecstatic when he sees his age-old enemy begging for help. He thought it an opportunity to be exploited to its fill and thus  take revenge. He bursts business approach And how he used to look down upon his Jewish Origin. But to his surprise without losing his self-


04.What condition does Shylock put forth if the debt is not paid in time?

Ans:- Shylock , who harboured a grudge against Antonio, lend him three thousand decants on the condition that if Antonio got behind, he would have to lose his pound of flesh.

Q5.How does Bossanio marry Portia?

Ans:- Bossanio loved a belle of Belmont who had a number of wealthy suitors to win her. Bossanio needed rich appearance and background to win his love for which he tought it proper to refer to the merchany and friend (Antonio). With the money taken, Bossanio left for Belmont where He won his lady love at first sight Formally he chose the lead caskep which was symbolic of the love for Portia. Then the timing was proposed for the marriage.

06.Why is the case brought before the Duke of Venice?

Ans:- The bond between Antonio  and Shylock was signed in the Senate House of Venice before the duke, so it was natural for the case to be heard.

Q7. Who is disquised as the learned counselor (Doctor Balthasar)? Why has he come to the court of venice?

Ans. Portia disguises herself as Doctrine balthasar to plead Antonio's case in Venice. She hailed from Belmont to Venice where shylock had launched prosecution against Antonio to whom her husband owed the money which made possible for him to marry her.


Q8. How did the counselor start his argument and how was he able to get judgment in Antonio's favour?

Ans:- After the permission to plead the case for Antonio was granted the  counselor started by favoring Shylock. The claim for pound of flesh Antonio was legal right to Shylock but on the grounds of mercy and compassion the counselor asked shylock to forgive his opposite party. shylock denied any mercy rather he sharpened his knife to cut the pound of flesh from Antonio without any delay. The another offer that triple the sum borrowed will be paid to shylock in lieu of the pound of flesh is also negated. Then turning the tables the counselor sagaciously asked Shylock to take pound of fresh neither less nor more as per the bond. Further not a single drop of blood should drip as such is not part of the bond, it being impossible shylock is taken into account as per the Venetian law which means his death and half the property  to be given to the state and half to Antonio. This way the counselor gets the justinent in Antonio's flavor.

Q9. How does Portia get back her ring?

Ans. In the disguise of the counselor portia wins the case for Bossanio and as a reward asks for the ring which after hesitation and Antonio's insistence he gives away without knowing reality about the disguised counselor. Thus he gets back the rings she had given to her husband  (Bossanio) as a wedding gift.

Q10. Describe the themes of the play.

Ans. "The merchant of Venice" originally a tragicomedy has a multiple of themes like money and love, revenge justice and forgiveness and mercy in response to injustice. Applying the same themes to the story we can clearly see how these themes run and work their way through. While Antonio is the symbol of love who risks his dear life for his friend Shylock is so greedy that he can kill people for his monetary profit he wants the pound of flesh from Antonio. The way shylock seeks to take revenge for petty reasons like having been accused and abused for usury and injustice is put in contrast to the just and forgiving nature of Antonio who forgives Shylock despite Shylock's vengeful approach. Shylock is unjust both in his dealings and in his approach to Antonio but the latter responds with mercy on his turn. Antonio could claim half the money and  property of Shylock as per the law but he shows his generous nature by waving his right. This merciful tendency on his part in contrast to Shylock's injustice brings home the theme of the story effectively.

General questions

Q Antonio suffers because he was generous. Do you think he should have waited for the return for his ships and then helped his friend? Write your response in (150-200) words. Point    


Draw the character sketch of Antonio

Ans. Antonio is a paragon of loyalty  and an emblem of generosity as such delineated by Charles lamb. He is ready to lay down his life for the sake of his friend without any selfish tinge.The question whether he should have waited for the return of his ships and than  helped Bossanio had a definite negative answer because Delay has dangerous consequences. 

       Antonio's generosity is for all as he would not charge interest for the money he lent to the people in distress. He is loyal to his profession to his word and deed. being a wealthy merchant Bossanio comes to seek his help of three  thousand ducats to win his lady love. Antonio's ships not being there he seeks the help of his arch shylock for which he risks the pound of his flesh. he rightly does so because if Bossanio failed to present himself before Portia he would forfeit her love, keeping this paramount need of the hour in mind he once more displays his generous nature by helping his friend by putting his life in jeopardy. I strongly believe that in procrastinating he must have let Bossanio lost Portia.

Q:- write the character of Shylock

Ans. Shylock is the pivot of the story as such the original title of the play from which the story has been adapted was 'The Jew of Venice; Shylock is a foil to Antonio as the former is stingily and selfish and the latter generous and altruist. Shylock is a Jew of Venice a usurer by profession and owner of immense property and wealth. He is a man evil character who hated every good and moral person, he harbours a grudge and abhorrence against Antonio on the grounds that the latter used to lend money interest free. Shylock is mean by nature and vengeful by approach. He avenges himself upon those who ever insulted or opposed him. He is an opportunist and waits round the clock to exploit any chance that drops his way. He is not intelligent or shrewd to realize the spirit of the bound that latter turns the tables against him. In fact he is penny wise but pound foolish.

Q. Write brief paragraph (150-200 words) on friendship

Ans:-Man being social by nature has always been hankering after association and  friendships to open his heavy heart it is a means to vent ones innermost feeling and thoughts 

 Friend may be in the  form of an in animate object like a diary as was the case with Anne Frank or it may be an animal or human. But usually it is human relationship that we consider friendship is all about. In fact  friendship is a ship you are travelling in . To keep it afloat you have to burn the fuel of honesty dedication sympathy love and sacrifice, selfishness, cunningness greed insincerity dishonesty and the like negative tendencies will make this friendship capsized and it will sink along with love Therefore, friendship means help in need oneness of word and deed doing away with ego and greed to path of truth  and honesty always lead and dying for each other in need. This concept of friendship means making heaven for others out of hell. Thus the pain caused to  your friend in Palestine must be felt by you in Kashmir. So friendship should be time free status free, situation free and free from narrow horizons of selfishness. Only there and then will this ship sail ashore safe and sound and the journey will be sweet and enlightening.

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