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Miracles class 10 question answer


 POEM ----2

"MIRACLES"By Walt Whitman

Q1:-The usual view of a Miracle is that it seldom happens. What does Walt Whitman think about the miracles?

Ans:- To Whitman , a miracle is not a thing that happens unexpectedly and very rarely. To him each and every thing of the world is a miracle . To him the people and city life is a miracle. The creation and activities of honey bees ,animals fishes, waves, rocks ,sun and the moon are all miracles.

Q2:- When you read the poem ,you notice that some 'miracles' are from nature; others are connected with people and city life. Make lists of those . Notice how Whitman moves from one to another.

Ans:- a. Miracles from nature :

(i) Honey bees busy around the hive on a summer forenoon.

(ii) . Animals feeding in the fields. Wonderfulness of the sundown.

(iv) . Stars shining so quite and bright. Thin curve of the new moon in spring.

(vi) . Every hour of light and dark

(vii) . Every cubic inch of space.

(viii).Every square yard surface of the earth.

(ix) .  Every foot of the interior of the earth.

(x) . Sea, fishes, rocks ,motion of the wave, the ships with men.

 b. Miracles connected with people and life:

(i).Sky high buildings or multi-storied houses

(ii).Wading along the beach with naked feet.

(iii).Stand under the trees in the woods.

(iv).Talk by the day with any one we love.

(v).Sit at the table at dinner with the family members.

(vi).Look at strangers opposite in subway cars.

           Walt Whitman moves from one to another in a style that is his own. It is a (pical Whiteman style of a poem, well written ,well modified and explanatory in its own sense

03:- What do the lines about Manhattan and the subway car tell us about Whitman's feeling for people?

Ans:- The lines about Manhattan and subway car tells us that the poet is filled with astonishment at the attitude of the people who get excited about miracles or admire them greatly. The real miracles according to him are not only infront of us they are there for every one to experience and understand.

04:- Have you ever come across a miracle in your life ? If yes, write an account of it in 150 words.


Are you waiting for a miracle to happens in your life ? Write about your feelings in 150 words?

Ans:- One day I was watching young boys swimming in a river However ,some of the young boys were swimming in the mid stream. The water was very deep there. Currents of water flowed up and down. But they appeared to be enjoying themselves. Suddenly a boy was caught in the current He  began to cry for help . His companions got frightened. They began to Withdraw  from the scene However ,a dare man jumped into the waves . He brought him out with great difficultly. The boy was unconscious. His colour had also pale . His condition was critical. Everyone thought that he was We were shocked. But one of the person knew first-aid. He came running at the  scene. He laid the boy on the bank with his face downwards. He applied pressure on his back. A great quantity of water gushed out of his belly. After sometime the boy opened his eyes. It was really a miracle.

Q5:- What are the images used by the poet?

Ars:- The poet has used vivid and concrete images in this poem. They are.

i Roofs of the houses towards the sky.

ii. Wade with naked feet along the beach. 

iii. Stand under trees in the woods.

iv. Animals feeding in the fields.

V. Stars shining so bright and quiet.

vi. The curve of the new moon in spring.

vii. The ships with men in them.

06:- Is there any rhyme scheme in the poem?

Ans;- There is not any rhyme scheme in the poem. His poem is based on free verse.


The poem 'Miracles' is written by Walt Whitman In this poem, the poet expresses his great surprise and astonishment as to why people feel or get excited about miracles or greatly admire them. He has altogether a different point of view about miracles. He draws his miracles from everyday life. For him, walking down the streets Manhattan is a miracle. According to him some miracles are from nature ; others are connected with people and city life.

For him the roof tops of multi storied houses or the sky high buildings , walking through the water on the beach ,standing under tree in woods or talking with anyone we love ,dinner at a table with one's family, looking at the strangers opposite him riding in the car are all miracles.

Then he moves to the other miracles, watching honey bees in a híve in a summer forenoon, animals feeding in the field, watching the stars so quiet and bright and fine thin curve of the new moon in spring are all miracles. To him every hour of the light and dark is a miracle, every cubic inch of space ,every square yard of the earth and every foot of the interior of the earth is crowded with miracles. The fishes that swim the rocks, the motion of the waves, the ships with men in them are all miracles . The poet says that there could be no stranger miracles than these.


In this poem the poet expresses his great surprise and astonishment as to why people feel or get excited about miracles. He has altogether a different point of view about miracles He draws his miracles from everyday life. The people and city life are full of miracles . Nature itseif is an emblem of miracles . The creation and activities of honey bees ,animals fishes, waves rocks, sun and the moon are all miracles. The poet says that there could be no stranger miracles than these.

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