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Where do all the teachers go class 6


Poem 2




A child thinks that his teacher is special. He does not think him to be an ordinary person. He wants to know where the teachers go after the school is over at 4 o' clock. He wonders if the teachers live in ordinary houses and wash their own clothes. He is keen to know if the teachers wear pyjamas and watch television. He wonders if the teachers also pick their noses just as little children do. He wishes to know if they live with their families and if they have their mothers and fathers. He is keen to know if they ever had been bad children. He is anxious to know if they ever made mistakes in spellings or were punished for making mischiefs or for stealing. He fails to understand if they ever lost their song books. He is unable to understand if they had ever made meaningless marks on the desks or wore dirty clothes. He decides to follow one of the teachers when he goes back home to find out what they do. Then he would put it in a poem for them to read to their students.

Answer these questions:

Q. 1. What does the poet want to know where the teachers go at four o' clock?

Ans. It is out of curiosity that the poet wants to know where the teachers go at four o' clock.

Q. 2. What are the things normal people do that the poet talks about?

Ans. Normal people live in families. They wash their clothes. In the evening they wear pyjamas and relax. Usually they watch T.V.

Q. 3. What does he imagine about

(a) where teachers live ?

(b) what they do at home?

(c) the people with whom they live ?

(d) their activities when they were children in school?


(a) He imagines that the teachers live in grand houses.

(b) They watch T.V. at home.

(c) They live with their parents.

(d) They made mischiefs. They made meaningless marks on the desks.

Q. 4. Why does the poet wonder if teachers also do things that other people do ?

Ans. The poet wonders because in that case the teacher will not remain special for him. He will be an ordinary person.

Q. 5. How does the poet plan to find out ? What will he do once he finds out?

Ans. The poet plans to find out by following the teacher to his home. Once he finds out he will give it the shape of a poem.

Q. 6. What do you think these phrases from the poem mean?

1. punished in the corner

2. leave their greens.


1. They were made to stand in a corner as a punishment.

2. They left their cooked vegetables such as spinach and cabbage on the desk. In other words they littered the desk with leavings of food in the form of cooked spinach or cabbage.

Q. 7. Write a short paragraph on the Principal of your school.

Ans. For self-attempt.

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