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the shepherds treasure class 6th


Short story 3



Q. 1. The shepherd had not been to school because:

(i) he was very poor.

(ii) there were very few schools in those days.

(iii) he wasn't interested in studies.

Choose the right answer.

Ans. There were very few schools in those days.

Q. 2. Who visited the shepherd one day, and why?

Ans. The king visited the shepherd one day. He wanted to test the truth of the stories about his wisdom

Q. 3. Why did the other governors grow jealous of the shepherd?

Ans. The fame of the shepherd as a fair and wise governor spread throughout the country. This made the other governors jealous of him.

Q. 4. Why was the new governor called to the palace ?

Ans. The king was fed up with the stories about the new governor's dishonesty. So he was called to the palace.

Q. 5. Why was everyone delighted to see the iron chest on the camel's back?

Ans. Everyone was delighted to see the iron chest on the camel's back because they thought the new governor was sure to be found out,

Q. 6. (i) What did the iron chest contain ?

(ii) Why did the shepherd always carry it ?**

(iii) Is it an example of the shepherd's humility or wisdom or both?

Ans. (i) The iron chest contained an old blanket,

(ii) The shepherd always carried it because it was his only treasure. It would protect him if his royal robes were taken away.

(iii) It is an example of the shepherd's humility and wisdom both.

Q. 7. How did the king reward the new governor.?

Ans. The king-made him the governor of a much bigger district.


Make sentences of the following words :

Treasure: The rich know how to guard their treasure

Complement: The music complement her voice perfectly.

Compliment : He paid him a compliment.

Mock: Do not mock at the poor..

Terrible: We are caught in a terrible storm.

Thunder: The master thundered at the lazy servant.

Write the opposite of the following words:

Kind                                                  unkind

Wise                                                 foolish

King.                                                Pauper

Honest                                              Dishonest 

Humble.                                           Arrogant 

Smile.                                               Frown

Reply.                                               Silence 

Delight.                                            Sorrow

Educated.                                         Uneducated


Change the narration :

1. The teacher says, "The sun rises in the east."

2. The teacher said, "The earth revolves around the sun."

3. My mother said, "Hard work always pays."

4. Shabir said,"I am going home on Saturday."

5. The shopkeeper said, "What can I do for you gentleman

6. The old man asked, "How much will you give me for this watch ?"

7. Ray said, "Have you come to pick up a clock or watch?"

8. The teacher said to the student, "May I help you solve the problem?"

9. Ravi said, "Shabir let's play."

10. The teacher said, "Maintain silence students."

Ans. 1. The teacher says that the sun rises in the east.

2. The teacher said that the earth revolves around the sun.

3. My mother said that hard work always pays.

4. Shabir said that he was going home on Saturday.

5. The shopkeeper asked the gentleman what he could do for him ?

6. The old man asked how much he would give him for that watch.

7. Ray asked if I had come to pick up a clock or watch.

8. The teacher asked the student if he might help him solve the problem.

9. Ravi suggested to Shabir that they should play.

10. The teacher ordered the students to maintain silence.

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