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Manmade Disaster class 9


Lesson 2 Disaster Management

Class 9th

Manmade Disaster

Manmade Disaster: A disastrous event caused directly and principally by one or more identifiable deliberate or negligent human action is called a manmade disaster. These anthropogenic disasters are the consequences of technological or human hazards, e.g. stampedes fire accidents, oil spill and nuclear explosion.

Q.1) Write a short note on chemical disasters?

Ans) Chemical disasters are those disasters which are caused due to the use of chemicals on large scale but not safely, due to the human actions or errors. These chemicals prove very dangerous to the mankind has the world as seen in case of Bhopal gas tragedy 1984. After industrial revolution, the use of chemicals has increased many folds for increasing crop fields, water purification, painting of houses, washing of floor but we hardly realize that These chemicals which are helpful to mankind can be harmful to humans and environment, instance Bhopal Gas Tragedy and Acid attack are examples.

Q.2) Illustrate some events of natural fire in J&K.

Ans) Forest fires cause a great damage to our natural vegetation and their habitats, the ecosystem on whole In dry forests of J&K fires have taken place at many places.

Q.3) Enlist some of the causes of road accidents.

Ans) Some of the causes of road accident are as follows:

a) Increase in the number of vehicles

b) Negligent drying

c) Low visibility

d) Bad roads

e) Narrow roads

f) Improper driving knowledge

g) Slippery roads and unconsolidated roads

Long answer questions

Q.1) What is a forest fire? How can it be controlled?

Ans. For longer than recorded history fire has been a source of comfort and catastrophe for the human race. Fire is rapid self-sustaining oxidation process accompanied by the evolution of heat and light in varying intensities. Fire is believed to be based on three elements being present i.e. fuel, heat and oxidation

Forest fire is an uncontrolled fire in an area of combustible vegetation had occurs in the countryside or a wildness area. It is also called brush g, bush fire, wild fire and veld fire. It differs from other fires by its extensive size, the speed at which it can spread out from its original source, its potential  to change
direction unexpectedly and its ability to jump gaps such as roads rivers and fire gaps. These fires are very destructive as they cause extensive destruction of forest cover, wildlife, habitats, houses and property located in the wild land, urban interface. The forest fire can be controlled by the following ways:

a) Aerial firefighting controlled burn, firefighting foam, fire retardant, helicopter spraying, wild land fire engine, Smoke jumper.

b) By creating a fire line, it helps us to cut off the fuel source.

c) Use water and clay as a fire suppression tool

d). Take the help of natural barriers for fire fighting

Q.2) What do you understand by environmental degradation? What are the factors responsible for it?

Ans. Environmental degradation is the deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources such as air, water, soil etc, the destruction of ecosystem and the extinction of to the environment
ca and fauna. It is defined as any change or destruction perceived to be deleterious or undesirable. This degradation of environment is caused by a number of factors including over-increasing population, urbanization, industrialization, economic growth, unscientific use of resources etc

Causes of environmental degradation

Growing population: The growing population is a major contributing factor for environmental degradation by excessive utilization of resources, huge production of workers is observed. Loss of biodiversity, air pollution, water and soil pollution has increased many fold. There is pressure on arable land.

Urbanization: Due to migration of people to urban areas there is rapid increase, explosion of unplanned cities and pressure on infrastructural facilities, water, electricity, sewage, urban slums etc. The urbanization is responsible for depletion of forest wealth. 

Changing life styles: The increase in use of modern amenities like motor cars, release of harmful gases into the air. refrigerators, air conditioners etc. has caused environmental degradation due to release of harmful gases in to air

Industrialization: Due to rapid industrialization, there is depletion of natural resources like fossil fuels, mineral, timber, soil and contamination of water, air, soil and great damage to ecosystem. Besides this agricultural development, solid wastages, pollution, etc are some other causes of degradation

Q) How a chemical disaster can be prevented?

Ans. A chemical disaster is generally a brutal event caused by the negligence of man due to inappropriate knowledge possessed by him her about chemicals and caused by human their use. Its consequences are usually death and destruction. Most accidents are error like the involuntary use of products, the misinterpretation of a work procedure and having little knowledge about the chemicals, their toxicity or in flammability or reactivity. In order to prevent or to check the chemical disaster we must follow these steps:

a) All the scarcity equipment especially cooling and heating system, security and control instruments must be inpetention a regular base.

b) The products with high risk factor must be labelled, traced or replaced with less equivalent 

c) We should seek help  from the technical experts and organizations.

d) Appointing a team responsible for the emergency.

e) New, dynamic, modern and sophisticated security with eye on everything should be available.

f) Displacement of chemical industries away from the population hub

Q) Define disaster management.

Ans:-Disaster management is a discipline of dealing with and avoiding both natural and manmade disaster. It involves preparedness, repair and recognize in order to lessen the impact of disasters. It includes preparedness and training through awareness and mock drill.

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